NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER strange fans behaviour


Actually, I give a cuda compute load and observe the following: all 3 fans of my gpu work, nvidia-smi shows that fans speed is around 34%, temperature is around 40 C. After 1-2 min one of the fans stops and other 2 fans start to work with 100% speed, which sounds very very noisy.

However, when this happens, nvidia-smi shows fan speed 0%

$ nvidia-smi -q | grep fan -i
Fan Speed : 0 %

The current temperature is 47 C

$ nvidia-smi -q | grep “Current Temp” -i
GPU Current Temp : 47 C
Memory Current Temp : N/A

Looks like there is something wrong with the fan control. Why only 2 fans work? Why they are on 100% RPM , while temp is 47 C? Even when I shutdown my cuda program, this fan apocalypse last 10 mins or more after, and GPU temp temp drops below 30 C. Can anybody help me with this? I use ubuntu 18.04

drivers version:

ii nvidia-driver-470 470.63.01-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 amd64 NVIDIA driver metapackage

The fan curve is set by the manufacturer in VBIOS, often accompanied by a vendor-specific fan control. Which brand/model is the card? Please check first if both fan groups are controlled by the driver:

nvidia-settings -q [fan:0]/GPUCurrentFanSpeed
nvidia-settings -q [fan:1]/GPUCurrentFanSpeed

Hello, thank you for helping.

Which brand/model is the card?


The fan curve is set by the manufacturer in VBIOS, often accompanied by a vendor-specific fan control.

Ok, regarding this I can state, that i have done nothing with VBIOS, the card came as is from the store. Which exact vendor-specific fan control tools i can use?

Please check first if both fan groups are controlled by the driver:

$ nvidia-settings -q [fan:0]/GPUCurrentFanSpeed
Attribute ‘GPUCurrentFanSpeed’ (alexhoppus-B450-GAMING-X:0[fan:0]): 0.
The valid values for ‘GPUCurrentFanSpeed’ are in the range 0 - 100 (inclusive).
‘GPUCurrentFanSpeed’ is a read-only attribute.
‘GPUCurrentFanSpeed’ can use the following target types: Fan.

$ nvidia-settings -q [fan:1]/GPUCurrentFanSpeed
ERROR: Error resolving target specification ‘fan:1’ (No targets match target specification), specified in query

Also, another piece of information, which might be useful, is that I didn’t mentioned this noise earlier. It only appears after a year of card usage. Even under any kind of gpu load. Looks like i didn’t changed anything, so it looks strange to me.

Just checked, the same fan behaviour is achieved running glmark2. Just after starting glmark2 the fans are going crazy.

I can’t really make heads or tails of it. The nvidia-settings output points to only one fan being nvidia standard, the two misbehaving vendor-specific. So I wouldn’t expect a driver update being able to change their behaviour but at the same time this issue spontaneously appeared. I could even imagine this being a hardware issue (maybe broken temperature sensor).
Vendor-specific fans are only controllable through NVAPI, which is Windows-only.
So i’d rather recommend checking the fan behaviour in Windows to rule out a hw issue.

i’d rather recommend checking the fan behaviour in Windows to rule out a hw issue

On windows, I got the same behaviour playing witcher 3 for 5 mins. (same pc)

I could even imagine this being a hardware issue (maybe broken temperature sensor).

If this is f.e. broken sensor, than it should report wrong temperature, but it reports 30-40 C, which looks correct.

Sometimes it is possible to manual control the fans using

$ nvidia-settings -a ‘[gpu:0]/GPUFanControlState=1’ -a ‘[fan:0]/GPUTargetFanSpeed=X

in this way fan0 looks like controls all 3 fans of the card. However, something interferes this manual control and speed ups fans to huge rate. At this point i can’t control their speed.

My guess, is that auto-fan control logic embedded somewhere in the vbios speed-ups fans so badly because of old thermo paste, which gives bad cooling. Will check that.


Actually, I have tried the following:

  1. Changed thermopaste and thermopads. This helped a little and noise is not so loud now.
  2. Tried all software i have found on windows like AOURUS engine, EVGa precision and many others. More over, the aourus engine is a software, which was downloaded from offical gigabyte official web site. However, it looks like nothing gives any effect. I have tried to set TEmp curve, manual temp, disable/enable 3d active fan. Nothing is working the card behaves same as before. Before that I have tried to do same with nvidia-smi on linux. Problem occurs both on linux and windows.

I will remind what is the exact problem i try to solve:

On gpu/compute (cuda) load the fans are LOUD. F.e. now i see that temp of my card under load is 48 C (while target temp is 84 C). I want less noise and higher temp for my card as a trade. No matter what I did, it works like this: dead silence before 60 C, after that the fans are starting and they spins with a high rate even when temp falls down to 48 C. I can’t say even the exact RPM, because software on windows or linux shows 0 RPM for fan speed.

If anyone know how to solve this, please let me know.


Thank you.

This really sounds like the fan tachometer on the gpu board is broken.

Is is possible to switch the two misbehaving fans?