NVIDIA® Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition 2024.1 is now available

NVIDIA® Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition 2024.1 is now available for download in the NVIDIA Registered Developer Program.

Updates in 2024.1.1

Updates in 2024.1.0

    • Supports CUDA Toolkit CUDA Toolkit 12.4.
    • Support for Windows Server 2019, deprecated since Nsight VSE 2023.3.0 and CTK 12.3.0, has been dropped as of 2024.1.0 and CTK 12.4.0.

For a complete overview of all NVIDIA® Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition features and access to resources, please visit the main Nsight Visual Studio Edition Overview page.

Version 2024.1.1 Overview | New Features | Download | Documentation