NVidia SDK Manager Not Flashing: Failed to bind partitions

@NikolayChernuha I found the log snippet in your driveinstaller.log.

[2022-10-25 06:36:23,501 root DEBUG inforom_data_handler.py 109 6483] response on /dev/ttyACM1 = [b’version\r\n’, b’\r\n’, b’Unknown command: \xfe\xe6\xe6\x80\xfe\xe6\xe6\x80\xfe\xe6\xe6\x80~\r\n’, b’Shell>\r\n’, b’Shell>']
[2022-10-25 06:36:23,502 root INFO runner.py 37 6483] Failed to bind partitions!
[2022-10-25 06:36:23,502 root DEBUG runner.py 39 6483] Error on line 910
[2022-10-25 06:36:23,502 root DEBUG runner.py 40 6483] Exception info: Exception Type <class ‘module.errors.FailedToBindPartitionsError’>, Traceback <traceback object at 0x7fa38b9888c8>
[2022-10-25 06:36:23,502 root INFO runner.py 45 6483] driveinstaller cannot continue! Check the log file for details: /home/nikolaychernuha/.nvsdkm/driveinstaller.log
[2022-10-25 06:36:23,503 root DEBUG runner.py 62 6483] Cleaning up…
[2022-10-25 06:36:23,504 root DEBUG utilities.py 137 6483] Deleting temporary directories…
[2022-10-25 06:36:23,504 root DEBUG runner.py 64 6483] Closing the log file.
[2022-10-25 06:55:52,410 root DEBUG log_setup.py 68 8766] Logging to file: /home/nikolaychernuha/.nvsdkm/driveinstaller.log

It’s similar to Flashing Failed - Drive OS. Please see if either post of the topic below helps on your side.
Flashing Failed - Drive OS - #12 by VickNV
Flashing Failed - Drive OS - #14 by JaxSpar