NVIDIA Webinars — Hello AI World and Learn with JetBot


Looks like the path for the jetbot/apps/stats.py on the system is:


Did you end up changing Adafruit_SSD1306.SSD1306_128_32 to match your OLED or did it just work?

Editing that works directly but because it’s a system python path, I wouldn’t recommend editing that. Instead, (fork and) clone the gitbot source, edit stats.py there, and re-install the package with setup.py as in the ‘from scratch’ instructions. Sorry, I’m on mobile and the ux is unusable so you’ll have to Google for it or look in my posts above.

Fwiw I installed to a virtual environment. I want this image to be multi purpose (is is a SNES on wheels), it’s easier if I keep systemwide modifications to a minimum to avoid conflicts in dependencies and the like. Gotta get me some RetroArch.

It just worked but I suspect it’s cropping, interleaving, scaling, or some combination of that. I have no idea what it’s supposed to look like.

I have edited “128_64” (it’s in the library) in a new stats.py but haven’t installed it yet. I’m making other modifications as well (more real estate, I want to display more). I will post a jetbot fork when I finish writing tests.

So all went well with the display. I changed to 128x64 mode and it looks better now. I will post the modifications in a bit.

I’m mostly happy with it, so I cut the wires, spliced in a third onto each, and connected those to the flutter board. I started it up, the stats daemon starts and the display comes up, i ssh into the nano, I start the juypyter daemon. That works.

The only problem I have now is: when I tried to make a motor run in jupyter (robot.left(speed=0.3) ) I got nothing but a buzzing noise. I couldn’t identify whether it was coming from the nano or the flutter board. No magic smoke and the display is still working but it sounded unhealthy. Could it be the motor maybe? It wasn’t moving the wheel.

I tried pressing the reset button on the flutter board but it did nothing. I hope my it’s fine. My question now is: Can I test the flutter board independently by connecting it directly to the nano directly? Suggestions as to how?

So I connected the driver board directly but the issue is the same. If I try to drive a motor I get beeping. It’s either coming from the nano or the motors themselves. I would have to remove the nano to tell which (that will probably be my next step). The Nano seems to be communicating fine with the driver board. If I try to make a motor go, i get beeping, if i stop the motor, the beeping stops. I’m really a software person, so can anybody tell me if this looks right or not?


You should connect to the 3.3v on the Nano P41 header and not the 5v connection for the Motor Board. Refer back to the Wiki.

Thanks. I will try that tomorrow!

Same thing :/ I still get beeping when trying to use it. I’m going to test the board with a Pi and see if I can get it to work.

I found you always make a Webinars,but i can’t see live.
have you all video records about every Webinars?
it best have related data too.

Thanks 434379124, yes, all of our webinars are available for streaming on-demand at a time that suits you.

If you register through the webinar links in this post, you can view the recordings.

How can I get sildes of ‘AI for Makers - Learn with JetBot’?

Hi 2333go,

“AI for Makers - Learn with JetBot” is actually screencast, so unfortunately there aren’t slides.

You should be able to access the recording by registering for the webinar.

Please let me know if you have any questions!
