I am using the nvjpeg samples (https://github.com/NVIDIA/cuda-samples/blob/master/Samples/nvJPEG/nvJPEG.cpp) with CUDA 10.0 ubuntu 16.04, GTX1080Ti.
Some images can be correctly decoded into BMP files. But for some images the decoded image looks like a grayscale image.
Here is a example image tmp_storage/test.jpg at master · vesor/tmp_storage · GitHub
Processing: /media/data/test_images/tmp/test.jpg
Image is 3 channels.
Channel #0 size: 960 x 604
Channel #1 size: 960 x 604
Channel #2 size: 960 x 604
YUV 4:4:4 chroma subsampling
Done writing decoded image to file: ./test.bmp
Processing: /media/data/test_images/tmp/1000x750.jpg
Image is 3 channels.
Channel #0 size: 1000 x 750
Channel #1 size: 500 x 375
Channel #2 size: 500 x 375
YUV 4:2:0 chroma subsampling
Done writing decoded image to file: ./1000x750.bmp