OpenACC: Inlining of device subroutine leads to nvlink error

I was able to isolate the error to one function call inside a kernel. Manually inlining the subroutine lets the program run correctly. I’ve tried to construct a minimal example (with an device subroutine that gets 1D-arrays passed in and uses some module array data as well - this got inlined correctly and wouldn’t provoke the error. Since I’ve pretty much tested all the code features with that example (let me know if you still want it), my guess is that there is a bug with the inliner in relation to register spilling or something else that needs to be allocated on global memory, which wouldn’t show up in smaller examples. It seems like some component in the toolchain would create host code (cudaMalloc/cudaFree) in a place where it shouldn’t go. I cannot post the whole code here since it’s not OSS, but if you require something else please let me know.

My workaround will be to define the device subroutine code in a Macro (my Hybrid Fortran toolchain already supports multiline-macros, so that’s not a big problem).

The problematic kernel goes as follows (please see comments):

subroutine pbl_run_kernels_tend_mom( tend_mom_z_v_l, tend_rqke_v )

  use prm, only : nx, ny, nz, nz_w
  use dvar, only : vel_z
  use const, only : one_third
  use fvar, only : id_qke
  use dvar, only : qa, dens_ptb
  use ref, only : dens_ref_f
  use metrics, only : rjd_ph, dzidz_pf, dzidz_ph, dz_ph, dz_pf
  use timeset_vars, only : dt
  implicit none

  real(rp), intent(inout) :: tend_mom_z_v_l(nz_w, nx, ny)
  real(rp), intent(in) :: tend_rqke_v(nz, nx, ny)
  real(rp) :: l(nx, ny, 2:nz)
  real(rp) :: d(nx, ny, 1:nz)
  real(rp) :: u(nx, ny, 1:nz-1)
  real(rp) :: tend_z(nx, ny, nz_w)
  real(rp) :: a1, a2
  real(rp) :: e1, e2
  real(rp) :: r, nu1, nu2
  integer(4) :: k

  integer(4) :: i, j
  integer(4) :: hf_symbols_are_device_present

!$acc data present(tend_mom_z_v_l, tend_rqke_v, l, d, u, tend_z, vel_z, qa, dens_ptb, dens_ref_f, rjd_ph, dzidz_pf, dzidz_ph, eddykm, l_mix, qa, dz_pf, dz_ph)

!$acc kernels if(hf_symbols_are_device_present)
!$acc loop independent vector(16)
  do j=1,ny
!$acc loop independent vector(16)
   do i=1,nx
      ! scalar variables (rqke_v)
      !Michel Mueller: The following subroutine call will provoke the linker error.
!     call make_matrix_tke( i, j, l(i, j, :), d(i, j, :), u(i, j, :) )

      !Michel Mueller: This is the manually inlined version of the subroutine.
    r = dz_pf(1,i,j) / dz_ph(1,i,j)
    nu1 = dzidz_ph(1,i,j) * ( ( 2.0_rp - r ) * eddykm(1, i, j)+ r * eddykm(2, i, j))
    d(1, i, j) = 1.0_rp + dt * ( nu1 * dzidz_pf(1,i,j) &
    & + c_e_deardorff * sqrt(0.5_rp * qa(1,i,j,id_qke)) / l_mix(1, i, j))
    u(1, i, j) = - dt * nu1 * dzidz_pf(2,i,j)
    do k = 2, nz-1
     r = dz_pf(k-1,i,j) / dz_ph(k-1,i,j)
     nu2 = dzidz_ph(k,i,j) * ( ( 2.0_rp - r ) * eddykm(k, i, j)+ r * eddykm(k+1, i, j))
     l(k, i, j) = -dt * nu1 * dzidz_pf(k-1,i,j)
     d(k, i, j) = 1.0_rp &
     & + dt * ( ( nu1 + nu2 ) * dzidz_pf(k ,i,j) &
     & + c_e_deardorff * sqrt(0.5_rp * qa(k,i,j,id_qke)) / l_mix(k, i, j))
     u(k, i, j) = -dt * nu2 * dzidz_pf(k+1,i,j)
    end do
    l(nz, i, j) = - dt * nu2 * dzidz_pf(nz-1,i,j)
    d(nz, i, j) = 1.0_rp + dt * ( nu2 * dzidz_pf(nz ,i,j) &
    & + c_e_deardorff * sqrt(0.5_rp * qa(nz,i,j,id_qke)) / l_mix(nz, i, j))
   !Michel Mueller: This is the end of the manually inlined version. 

!     call tridiag_lu_decompose( l(i, j, :), d(i, j, :), u(i, j, :), &
!     & tend_rqke_v(1, i, j), nz )
!     call tridiag_solve( l(i, j, :), d(i, j, :), tend_rqke_v(1, i, j), nz )
!      momentum z
    a1 = ( dens_ref_f(1, i, j)+ dens_ptb(1, i, j)) * eddykm(1, i, j)* &
    & dzidz_pf(1, i, j)
    a2 = ( dens_ref_f(2, i, j)+ dens_ptb(2, i, j)) * eddykm(2, i, j)* &
    & dzidz_pf(2, i, j)
    e1 = ( dens_ref_f(1, i, j)+ dens_ptb(1, i, j)) * qa(1, i, j, id_qke)* one_third
    e2 = ( dens_ref_f(2, i, j)+ dens_ptb(2, i, j)) * qa(2, i, j, id_qke)* one_third
!$acc loop seq
    do k = 1, nz_w-1
     tend_z(i, j, k)= ( a2 * ( vel_z(k+1, i, j)- vel_z(k, i, j)) - e2 &
     & - a1 * ( vel_z(k, i, j)- vel_z(k-1, i, j)) + e1 ) &
     & * dzidz_ph(k, i, j)
     a1 = a2
     a2 = ( dens_ref_f(k+1, i, j)+ dens_ptb(k+1, i, j)) * eddykm(k+1, i, j)* &
     & dzidz_pf(k+1, i, j)
     e1 = e2
     e2 = ( dens_ref_f(k+1, i, j)+ dens_ptb(k+1, i, j)) * qa(k+1, i, j, id_qke)* &
     & one_third
    end do

    tend_z(i, j, nz_w)= 0.0_rp
!     call make_matrix_w( i, j, l(i, j, :), d(i, j, :), u(i, j, :) )
!     call tridiag_lu_decompose( l(i, j, :), d(i, j, :), u(i, j, :), &
!     & tend_z(i, j, :), nz_w )
!     call tridiag_solve( l(i, j, :), d(i, j, :), tend_z(i, j, :), nz_w )
!$acc loop seq
    do k = 1, nz_w
     tend_mom_z_v_l(k, i, j)= tend_mom_z_v_l(k, i, j)+ tend_z(i, j, k)&
     & * ( 0.5_rp * ( dens_ref_f(k, i, j)+ dens_ref_f(k+1, i, j)) &
     & + 0.5_rp * ( dens_ptb(k, i, j)+ dens_ptb(k+1, i, j)) ) &
     & * rjd_ph(k, i, j)
    end do
   end do
  end do
!$acc end kernels
!$acc end data
end subroutine pbl_run_kernels_tend_mom

The subroutine:

 subroutine make_matrix_tke( i, j, l, d, u )

  use prm, only : nz
  use fvar, only : id_qke
  use dvar, only : qa
  use metrics, only : dz_pf, dz_ph, dzidz_pf, dzidz_ph
  use timeset_vars, only : dt
  implicit none

  integer(4), intent(in) :: i
  integer(4), intent(in) :: j
  real(rp), intent(out) :: l(2:nz)
  real(rp), intent(out) :: d(1:nz)
  real(rp), intent(out) :: u(1:nz-1)
  real(rp) :: r, nu1, nu2
  integer(4) :: k

  integer(4) :: hf_symbols_are_device_present
  r = dz_pf(1,i,j) / dz_ph(1,i,j)
  nu1 = dzidz_ph(1,i,j) * ( ( 2.0_rp - r ) * eddykm(1, i, j)+ r * eddykm(2, i, j))
  d(1) = 1.0_rp + dt * ( nu1 * dzidz_pf(1,i,j) &
  & + c_e_deardorff * sqrt(0.5_rp * qa(1,i,j,id_qke)) / l_mix(1, i, j))
  u(1) = - dt * nu1 * dzidz_pf(2,i,j)
  do k = 2, nz-1
   r = dz_pf(k-1,i,j) / dz_ph(k-1,i,j)
   nu2 = dzidz_ph(k,i,j) * ( ( 2.0_rp - r ) * eddykm(k, i, j)+ r * eddykm(k+1, i, j))
   l(k) = -dt * nu1 * dzidz_pf(k-1,i,j)
   d(k) = 1.0_rp &
   & + dt * ( ( nu1 + nu2 ) * dzidz_pf(k ,i,j) &
   & + c_e_deardorff * sqrt(0.5_rp * qa(k,i,j,id_qke)) / l_mix(k, i, j))
   u(k) = -dt * nu2 * dzidz_pf(k+1,i,j)
  end do
  l(nz) = - dt * nu2 * dzidz_pf(nz-1,i,j)
  d(nz) = 1.0_rp + dt * ( nu2 * dzidz_pf(nz ,i,j) &
  & + c_e_deardorff * sqrt(0.5_rp * qa(nz,i,j,id_qke)) / l_mix(nz, i, j))

end subroutine make_matrix_tke

Compiler call pbl_shared.f90:

pgf90 -DGPU -I /home/michel/asuca/hybrid/Nusdas13/src -I //home/michel/lib/netcdf3/include -Mcuda=cc3x,6.5 -ta=tesla:loadcache:L1,cc3x -Minline=levels:5,reshape -Mipa=inline,reshape -Minfo=accel,inline,ipa -Mneginfo -Minform=inform -byteswapio -Mmpi=mpich -DGPU -c pbl_shared.f90 -o pbl_shared.o
129, Generating update device(h_pbl(:,:))
130, Generating update device(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
131, Generating update device(l_mix(:,:,:))
132, Generating update device(eddykm(:,:,:))
133, Generating update device(eddykh(:,:,:))
134, Generating copyin(dx_pf(nx_mn:nx_mx-1,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1),dx_uf(nx_mn:nx_mx-1,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1),dsdyi(1:nz,nx_mn:nx_mx,ny_mn:ny_mx-1),dsdzi(0:nz,nx_mn:nx_mx,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1),dzidx_uf(1:nz,nx_mn:nx_mx-1,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1),dyidx_uf(1:nz,nx_mn:nx_mx-1,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1),dsdxi(1:nz,nx_mn:nx_mx-1,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1),dxidx_uf(1:nz,nx_mn:nx_mx-1,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1))
Generating copyout(dsdx(1:nz,nx_mn:nx_mx-1,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1))
136, Loop is parallelizable
138, Loop is parallelizable
140, Loop is parallelizable
Accelerator kernel generated
136, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%y threadidx%y
138, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%x threadidx%x
155, Generating update host(h_pbl(:,:))
156, Generating update host(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
157, Generating update host(l_mix(:,:,:))
158, Generating update host(eddykm(:,:,:))
159, Generating update host(eddykh(:,:,:))
162, Generating update device(h_pbl(:,:))
163, Generating update device(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
164, Generating update device(l_mix(:,:,:))
165, Generating update device(eddykm(:,:,:))
166, Generating update device(eddykh(:,:,:))
167, Generating copyin(dy_pf(nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn:ny_mx-1),dy_vf(nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn:ny_mx-1),dsdxi(1:nz,nx_mn:nx_mx-1,ny_mn:ny_mx),dsdzi(0:nz,nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn:ny_mx),dzidy_vf(1:nz,nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn:ny_mx-1),dsdyi(1:nz,nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn:ny_mx-1),dyidy_vf(1:nz,nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn:ny_mx-1),dxidy_vf(1:nz,nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn:ny_mx-1))
Generating copyout(dsdy(1:nz,nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn:ny_mx-1))
169, Loop is parallelizable
171, Loop is parallelizable
173, Loop is parallelizable
Accelerator kernel generated
169, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%y threadidx%y
171, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%x threadidx%x
188, Generating update host(h_pbl(:,:))
189, Generating update host(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
190, Generating update host(l_mix(:,:,:))
191, Generating update host(eddykm(:,:,:))
192, Generating update host(eddykh(:,:,:))
195, Generating update device(h_pbl(:,:))
196, Generating update device(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
197, Generating update device(l_mix(:,:,:))
198, Generating update device(eddykm(:,:,:))
199, Generating update device(eddykh(:,:,:))
200, Generating copyin(dz_pf(1:nz-1,nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1),dz_ph(1:nz-1,nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1),dsdxi(1:nz,nx_mn:nx_mx-1,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1),dsdyi(1:nz,nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn:ny_mx-1),dsdzi(1:nz-1,nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1),dzidz_ph(1:nz-1,nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1),dyidz_ph(1:nz-1,nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1),dxidz_ph(1:nz-1,nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1))
Generating copyout(dsdz(0:nz,nx_mn+1:nx_mx-1,ny_mn+1:ny_mx-1))
202, Loop is parallelizable
204, Loop is parallelizable
Accelerator kernel generated
202, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%y threadidx%y
204, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%x threadidx%x
206, Loop is parallelizable
223, Generating update host(h_pbl(:,:))
224, Generating update host(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
225, Generating update host(l_mix(:,:,:))
226, Generating update host(eddykm(:,:,:))
227, Generating update host(eddykh(:,:,:))
313, Generating update device(h_pbl(:,:))
314, Generating update device(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
315, Generating update device(l_mix(:,:,:))
316, Generating update device(eddykm(:,:,:))
317, Generating update device(eddykh(:,:,:))
318, Generating copyin(dx_pf(0:nx,1:ny+1),dx_uf(0:nx,1:ny+1),factor(:nz,:nx+1,1:ny+1),dsdy(1:nz,0:nx+1,0:ny+1),dsdz(0:nz,0:nx+1,1:ny+1),dxidz_uf(1:nz,0:nx,1:ny+1),dxidy_uf(1:nz,0:nx,1:ny+1),dsdx(1:nz,0:nx,1:ny+1),dxidx_uf(1:nz,0:nx,1:ny+1),rjd_uf(1:nz,0:nx,1:ny+1))
Generating copyout(dsdxi(1:nz,0:nx,1:ny+1))
320, Loop is parallelizable
322, Loop is parallelizable
324, Loop is parallelizable
Accelerator kernel generated
320, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%y threadidx%y
322, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%x threadidx%x
341, Generating update host(h_pbl(:,:))
342, Generating update host(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
343, Generating update host(l_mix(:,:,:))
344, Generating update host(eddykm(:,:,:))
345, Generating update host(eddykh(:,:,:))
348, Generating update device(h_pbl(:,:))
349, Generating update device(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
350, Generating update device(l_mix(:,:,:))
351, Generating update device(eddykm(:,:,:))
352, Generating update device(eddykh(:,:,:))
353, Generating copyin(dy_pf(0:nx+1,1:ny),dy_vf(0:nx+1,1:ny),factor(:nz,:nx+1,1:ny+1),dsdx(1:nz,-1:nx+1,1:ny+1),dsdz(0:nz,0:nx+1,1:ny+1),dyidz_vf(1:nz,0:nx+1,1:ny),dsdy(1:nz,0:nx+1,1:ny),dyidy_vf(1:nz,0:nx+1,1:ny),dyidx_vf(1:nz,0:nx+1,1:ny),rjd_vf(1:nz,0:nx+1,1:ny))
Generating copyout(dsdyi(1:nz,0:nx+1,1:ny))
355, Loop is parallelizable
357, Loop is parallelizable
359, Loop is parallelizable
Accelerator kernel generated
355, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%y threadidx%y
357, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%x threadidx%x
376, Generating update host(h_pbl(:,:))
377, Generating update host(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
378, Generating update host(l_mix(:,:,:))
379, Generating update host(eddykm(:,:,:))
380, Generating update host(eddykh(:,:,:))
383, Generating update device(h_pbl(:,:))
384, Generating update device(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
385, Generating update device(l_mix(:,:,:))
386, Generating update device(eddykm(:,:,:))
387, Generating update device(eddykh(:,:,:))
388, Generating copyin(dz_pf(1:nz-1,1:nx+1,1:ny+1),dz_ph(1:nz-1,1:nx+1,1:ny+1),factor(:nz,1:nx+1,1:ny+1),dsdx(1:nz,0:nx+1,1:ny+1),dsdy(1:nz,1:nx+1,0:ny+1),dsdz(1:nz-1,1:nx+1,1:ny+1),dzidz_ph(1:nz-1,1:nx+1,1:ny+1),dzidy_ph(1:nz-1,1:nx+1,1:ny+1),dzidx_ph(1:nz-1,1:nx+1,1:ny+1),rjd_ph(1:nz-1,1:nx+1,1:ny+1))
Generating copyout(dsdzi(0:nz,1:nx+1,1:ny+1))
390, Loop is parallelizable
392, Loop is parallelizable
Accelerator kernel generated
390, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%y threadidx%y
392, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%x threadidx%x
394, Loop is parallelizable
413, Generating update host(h_pbl(:,:))
414, Generating update host(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
415, Generating update host(l_mix(:,:,:))
416, Generating update host(eddykm(:,:,:))
417, Generating update host(eddykh(:,:,:))
1535, Generating update device(h_pbl(:,:))
1536, Generating update device(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
1537, Generating update device(l_mix(:,:,:))
1538, Generating update device(eddykm(:,:,:))
1539, Generating update device(eddykh(:,:,:))
1540, Generating copyin(qa(nz_mn:nz_mx,nx_mn:nx_mx,ny_mn:nx_mx,id_qke),dens_ptb(nz_mn:nz_mx,nx_mn:nx_mx,ny_mn:nx_mx),dens_ref_f(nz_mn:nz_mx,nx_mn:nx_mx,ny_mn:nx_mx))
Generating copyout(rqke(nz_mn:nz_mx,nx_mn:nx_mx,ny_mn:nx_mx))
1542, Loop is parallelizable
1544, Loop is parallelizable
1546, Loop is parallelizable
Accelerator kernel generated
1542, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%y threadidx%y
1544, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%x threadidx%x
1553, Generating update host(h_pbl(:,:))
1554, Generating update host(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
1555, Generating update host(l_mix(:,:,:))
1556, Generating update host(eddykm(:,:,:))
1557, Generating update host(eddykh(:,:,:))
1559, Generating update device(h_pbl(:,:))
1560, Generating update device(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
1561, Generating update device(l_mix(:,:,:))
1562, Generating update device(eddykm(:,:,:))
1563, Generating update device(eddykh(:,:,:))
1564, Generating copyout(tend_rqke_v(:nz,:nx,:ny))
1566, Loop is parallelizable
1568, Loop is parallelizable
1570, Loop is parallelizable
Accelerator kernel generated
1566, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%y threadidx%y
1568, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%x threadidx%x
1570, Memory zero idiom, loop replaced by call to __c_mzero8
1576, Generating update host(h_pbl(:,:))
1577, Generating update host(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
1578, Generating update host(l_mix(:,:,:))
1579, Generating update host(eddykm(:,:,:))
1580, Generating update host(eddykh(:,:,:))
1598, Generating update device(h_pbl(:,:))
1599, Generating update device(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
1600, Generating update device(l_mix(:,:,:))
1601, Generating update device(eddykm(:,:,:))
1602, Generating update device(eddykh(:,:,:))
1603, Generating copyin(rjd_pf(1:nz,1:nx,1:ny))
Generating copy(tend_rqke_v(:nz,:nx,:ny))
1605, Loop is parallelizable
1607, Loop is parallelizable
1609, Loop is parallelizable
Accelerator kernel generated
1605, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%y threadidx%y
1607, !$acc loop gang, vector(16) ! blockidx%x threadidx%x
1615, Generating update host(h_pbl(:,:))
1616, Generating update host(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
1617, Generating update host(l_mix(:,:,:))
1618, Generating update host(eddykm(:,:,:))
1619, Generating update host(eddykh(:,:,:))
1646, Generating enter data create(u(:,:,:),l(:,:,:),d(:,:,:),tend_z(:,:,:))
1650, Generating update device(tend_z(:,:,:))
1651, Generating update device(h_pbl(:,:))
1652, Generating update device(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
1653, Generating update device(d(:,:,:))
1654, Generating update device(l_mix(:,:,:))
1655, Generating update device(l(:,:,:))
1656, Generating update device(eddykm(:,:,:))
1657, Generating update device(u(:,:,:))
1658, Generating update device(eddykh(:,:,:))
1659, Generating copy(tend_mom_z_v_l(:,:,:))
Generating copyin(rjd_ph(:,:,:))
Generating copy(tmp$r965)
Generating copyin(…inline(:,:,:))
Generating copy(tmp$r945,tmp$r942(:),d(:,:,:),tmp$r)
Generating copy(.g0193)
Generating copy(l(:,:,:z_e_305-1+1),tmp$r(:),tmp$r942,u(:,:,:),tmp$r945(:))
Generating copyin(…inline(:,:,:,:))
Generating copy(tend_rqke_v(:,:,:))
Generating copyin(dzidz_pf(:,:,:),eddykm(:,:,:),dens_ptb(:,:,:),dens_ref_f(:,:,:),qa(:,:,:,:))
Generating copy(tend_z(:,:,:))
Generating copyin(vel_z(:,:,:),dzidz_ph(:,:,:))
Generating copy(tmp$r965(:))
1663, Accelerator kernel generated
1665, !$acc loop vector(128) ! threadidx%x
1666, !$acc loop vector(128) ! threadidx%x
1668, !$acc loop vector(128) ! threadidx%x
1689, !$acc loop vector(128) ! threadidx%x
1690, !$acc loop vector(128) ! threadidx%x
1692, !$acc loop vector(128) ! threadidx%x
1665, Copy in and copy out of l in call to make_matrix_tke
Copy in and copy out of d in call to make_matrix_tke
Copy in and copy out of u in call to make_matrix_tke
make_matrix_tke inlined, size=44, file pbl_shared.f90 (1432)
1665, Scalar last value needed after loop for …inline at line 1665
1665, Loop is parallelizable
1666, Copy in of l in call to tridiag_lu_decompose
Copy in and copy out of d in call to tridiag_lu_decompose
Copy in of u in call to tridiag_lu_decompose
tridiag_lu_decompose inlined, size=12, file pbl_shared.f90 (1324)
1666, Complex loop carried dependence of …inline prevents parallelization
Loop carried dependence due to exposed use of …inline(:) prevents parallelization
1666, Loop is parallelizable
1668, Copy in of l in call to tridiag_solve
Copy in and copy out of d in call to tridiag_solve
tridiag_solve inlined, size=9, file pbl_shared.f90 (1345)
1668, Loop carried dependence of …inline prevents parallelization
Loop carried backward dependence of …inline prevents vectorization
1668, Loop is parallelizable
1677, Loop carried scalar dependence for a1,a2,a2,e1,e2,e2 at line 1678
1689, Copy in and copy out of l in call to make_matrix_w
Copy in and copy out of d in call to make_matrix_w
Copy in and copy out of u in call to make_matrix_w
make_matrix_w inlined, size=44, file pbl_shared.f90 (1471)
1689, Loop carried scalar dependence for …inline at line 1689
1689, Loop is parallelizable
1690, Copy in of l in call to tridiag_lu_decompose
Copy in and copy out of d in call to tridiag_lu_decompose
Copy in of u in call to tridiag_lu_decompose
Copy in and copy out of tend_z in call to tridiag_lu_decompose
tridiag_lu_decompose inlined, size=12, file pbl_shared.f90 (1324)
1690, Complex loop carried dependence of …inline prevents parallelization
Loop carried dependence due to exposed use of …inline(:) prevents parallelization
1690, Loop is parallelizable
1692, Copy in of l in call to tridiag_solve
Copy in and copy out of d in call to tridiag_solve
Copy in and copy out of tend_z in call to tridiag_solve
tridiag_solve inlined, size=9, file pbl_shared.f90 (1345)
1692, Loop carried dependence of …inline prevents parallelization
Loop carried backward dependence of …inline prevents vectorization
1692, Loop is parallelizable
1694, Loop is parallelizable
1703, Generating update host(tend_z(:,:,:))
1704, Generating update host(h_pbl(:,:))
1705, Generating update host(prandtl_t(:,:,:))
1706, Generating update host(d(:,:,:))
1707, Generating update host(l_mix(:,:,:))
1708, Generating update host(l(:,:,:))
1709, Generating update host(eddykm(:,:,:))
1710, Generating update host(u(:,:,:))
1711, Generating update host(eddykh(:,:,:))
1712, Generating exit data delete(u(:,:,:),l(:,:,:),d(:,:,:),tend_z(:,:,:))

The linker command with the error message. Please note that nm pbl_shared.o doesn’t show references to cudaMalloc/cudaFree.:

pgf90 -Mcuda=cc3x,6.5 -ta=nvidia,cc3x,time -Mipa=inline,reshape -Minfo=accel,inline -Mneginfo -byteswapio -Mmpi=mpich -o ideal_make_grid -L/home/michel/lib/nusdas/lib -L/home/michel/lib/netcdf3/lib -L/home/michel/asuca/hybrid/asuca-kij/build/gpu/Framework/…/HybridSources ideal_make_grid.o prepsub.o parameter_control.o restart_vars.o vertical.o checktool_vars.o sf_parameters.o -lasuca -lnusdas -lnwp -lnetcdf
IPA inhibited: no main routine
nvlink error : Undefined reference to ‘cudaMalloc’ in ‘/home/michel/asuca/hybrid/asuca-kij/build/gpu/Framework/…/HybridSources/libasuca.a:pbl_shared.o’
nvlink error : Undefined reference to ‘cudaFree’ in ‘/home/michel/asuca/hybrid/asuca-kij/build/gpu/Framework/…/HybridSources/libasuca.a:pbl_shared.o’
pgacclnk: child process exit status 2: /opt/pgi/linux86-64/15.1/bin/pgnvd
child process exit status 2: /opt/pgi/linux86-64/15.1/bin/pgacclnk

Hi Michel,

My best guess is that we’re creating a 1-D temp array to pass in the sub-arrays and that’s where the cudaMalloc/cudaFree are coming from.

Some things to try are adding the F2008 “contiguous” attribute to the declarations of the “l”, “d”, and “u” arguments or not inlining and instead decorate “make_matrix_tke” with the OpenACC 2.0 “routine” directive.

I’ve also asked one of our compiler engineers to take a look at your post to get additional ideas.

  • Mat

Hey Mat. Thanks for the suggestions. I didn’t go with the ‘routine’ directive because I’d have to pass in all the module variables, including the scalars, as parameters. Instead I opted for inlining it through Macros. I wasn’t really looking for help, instead I just wanted to let you know about my findings, since I suspect there might be something strange going on with the inliner or some place else.

Ok Michel. Please send us a reproducer if you think we’re doing something wrong or there’s an area we can improve.

Support for Automatic arrays in OpenACC “routine” is new in 15.1 so it could be a compiler bug. Also, passing sub-arrays in a OpenACC compute regions is one of the few remaining Fortran issues we’re trying to work out. Another is the use of module variables in “routine”.


I don’t know how closely related our problems are, but we are also experiencing the nvlink error:

nvlink error : Undefined reference to ‘cudaMalloc’ in ‘mo_gas_optics_specification.o’
nvlink error : Undefined reference to ‘cudaFree’ in ‘mo_gas_optics_specification.o’

In our case this comes from trying to pass array sections to a (hopefully) inlined subroutine, i.e., if __CCE_BUG_2 is activated:

#if defined( __CCE_BUG_2 )
! __CCE_BUG_2: Inlining interpolate3D causes an INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR
pfrac(igpt,ilay,icol) = &
interpolate3D((/1._wp,1._wp/), fmajor(:,:,:,iflav,ilay), this_pfracin(igpt,:,:,:), &
jeta(:,iflav,ilay), jtemp(ilay),jpress(ilay)+itropo)
! interpolation in temperature, pressure, and eta
pfrac(igpt,ilay,icol) = ( &
(fmajor(1,1,1,iflav,ilay) * this_pfracin(igpt, jeta(1,iflav,ilay) , jtemp(ilay), jpress(ilay)+itropo-1) + &
fmajor(2,1,1,iflav,ilay) * this_pfracin(igpt, jeta(1,iflav,ilay)+1, jtemp(ilay), jpress(ilay)+itropo-1) + &
fmajor(1,2,1,iflav,ilay) * this_pfracin(igpt, jeta(1,iflav,ilay) , jtemp(ilay), jpress(ilay)+itropo ) + &
fmajor(2,2,1,iflav,ilay) * this_pfracin(igpt, jeta(1,iflav,ilay)+1, jtemp(ilay), jpress(ilay)+itropo )) &
) +&
( &
(fmajor(1,1,2,iflav,ilay) * this_pfracin(igpt, jeta(2,iflav,ilay) , jtemp(ilay)+1, jpress(ilay)+itropo-1) + &
fmajor(2,1,2,iflav,ilay) * this_pfracin(igpt, jeta(2,iflav,ilay)+1, jtemp(ilay)+1, jpress(ilay)+itropo-1) + &
fmajor(1,2,2,iflav,ilay) * this_pfracin(igpt, jeta(2,iflav,ilay) , jtemp(ilay)+1, jpress(ilay)+itropo ) + &
fmajor(2,2,2,iflav,ilay) * this_pfracin(igpt, jeta(2,iflav,ilay)+1, jtemp(ilay)+1, jpress(ilay)+itropo )) &

I’m using 15.9.0 with cuda7.0. Needless to say PGI is not the only compiler which has problems with the array sections.

If __CCE_BUG_2 is not turned on the code compiles and links fine. I’ll make a more complete bug report subsequently.

Cheers, --Will

Hi Will,

Try adding “-Mcuda” to the compile and link options.

What’s occurring is that either an automatic array or in this case a temp array is being created on the device so the device cudaMalloc is being called.

If you start seeing Illegal Address errors after this, let me know. A problem that I’m seeing is by default the device heap size is only 8MB. Hence with larger automatic and temp arrays, the program can easily run out of heap. This can be worked around by calling the CUDA routine “cudaDeviceSetLimit” to increase the heap. Though, I’m still working through an example as well as working with the compiler folks on automatically setting this with an environment variable.

  • Mat

  • Mat