OptiX Error: 'Failed to load OptiX library

Hi Keith,

Thank you for your answer. I used the run script and I am sure that I blacklist other drivers. It may not be the issue I think. I used another machine with 1080Ti GPU and 450 driver, it works well.

Were you able to reproduce my error with RTX3080 and the driver 455.28? Thank you very much!

I was not able to reproduce it.

Did you mean that you can run it successfully with cuda 10.2, driver 455.28, and RTX 3080 GPU?

yes, except i did not try the cuda version. the local cuda SDK version does not have any affect on creation of an optix context

Great, thank you! I will try the method you recommend. Just to make sure, the configuration that you tried:

cuda 11.1, driver 455.28, and RTX 3080 GPU, Ubuntu 18’04 and Optix 6.0 or 6.5.

And you can run it without any errors.

What exactly the Optix version did you tried please?

Thank you!

well, it happened to be cuda 11.0 and optix 6.5

Thank you! Is there any instructions to check out? Sorry I am not familiar with this. Want to ensure every step is correct

Hi, I reinstall the driver, and it still doesn’t work. I cannot even run optixHello now (got same error).

Hi. Are there any updates on the topic?

I experience a similar error in the rtpModelUpdate(…) function from OptiX Prime (Optix 6.0 and 6.5) with a RTX 2060 and driver 455.38 .

Please specify what error you have exactly.

If the display driver components are not installed correctly, please follow the Linux driver installation guide linked in this comment above:

Using OptiX Prime on RTX boards is not recommended.
OptiX Prime does not make use of the raytracing hardware acceleration for BVH traversal and ray-triangle intersection inside the RTX boards. That API has been discontinued with OptiX 7.

There are examples named optixRaycasting inside multiple OptiX SDKs which show how to do ray-triangle intersection testing only, similar to what OptiX Prime offered, but allowing all flexibility of the full OptiX API, like RTX hardware support, triangle, curve and custom primitives, motion blur, custom output results, more flexible scene hierarchy, etc.

Hello, I meet the similar problems as above, and the configuration is:
RTX 2080
Ubuntu 16.04 (I run program in our lab’s server so I’m not sure whether can I update the ubuntu environment)
Driver Version: 460.91.03
CUDA version: 11.2
Optix: 6.5.0 (I found that Optix 7+ don’t have the liboptixu.so, thus I can not use Optix 7.4.0 to make with optix_advanced_example)

After executing executable file, I get error information:

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘optix::Exception’
what(): Failed to load OptiX library
Aborted (core dumped)

How can I solve this problem?

Thank you!