hello everyone,
I’m using v4l2 command to capture image…
But It doesn’t work.
Also, many people talk about the error, Just like reference
[ 148.670724] tegra-camrtc-capture-vi tegra-capture-vi: uncorr_err: request timed out after 2500 ms
[ 148.670989] tegra-camrtc-capture-vi tegra-capture-vi: err_rec: attempting to reset the capture channel
[ 148.672084] (NULL device *): vi_capture_control_message: NULL VI channel received
[ 148.672294] t194-nvcsi 13e40000.host1x:nvcsi@15a00000: csi5_stream_close: Error in closing stream_id=4, csi_port=4
[ 148.672588] (NULL device *): vi_capture_control_message: NULL VI channel received
[ 148.672797] t194-nvcsi 13e40000.host1x:nvcsi@15a00000: csi5_stream_open: VI channel not found for stream- 4 vc- 0
[ 148.673259] tegra-camrtc-capture-vi tegra-capture-vi: err_rec: successfully reset the capture channel
I changed pix_clk_hz
value, just like attachment
But It doesn’t work
tegra234-p3701-0000-p3737-0000.dtb (253.5 KB)
What’s the version?
Please get trace log to check.
hello Shane,
It’s 64GB Orin
JetPack version : 5.0.1DP
kernel version : 34.1.1
trace.txt (6.9 KB)
What’s the pix_clk_hz?
Check if output data rate >=1.5Gbps calculate from pix_clk_hz/serdes_pix_clk_hz
Skew calibration is required if sensor or deserializer is using DPHY, and the output data rate is > 1.5Gbps.
An initiation deskew signal should be sent by sensor or deserializer to perform the skew calibration. If the deskew signals is not sent, the receiver will stall, and the capture will time out.
You can calculate the output data rate with the following equation:
hello Shane,
pix_clk_hz = "750000000";
output data rate is 2.5Gbps
image information is DPHY 1920x1080 10bit 60fps
hello @ShaneCCC
I can use gstreamer to show image.
When I use v4l2 to capture is failed…
v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --set-fmt-video=width=1920,height=1080,pixelformat=RG10 --set-ctrl bypass_mode=0 --stream-mmap --stream-count=1 --stream-to=test.raw
The attachment is log, and you can see it
tegra-camrtc-capture-vi tegra-capture-vi: corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 0, err_data 512
0816_v4l2.txt (93.1 KB)
August 31, 2022, 1:02am
Sorry for the late response, is this still an issue to support? Thanks
Hi @kayccc ,
Yes, the problem is still bothering me…
Does the trace log the same? If yes then looks like NVCSI/VI didn’t receive any validate data from sensor.
Hi @ShaneCCC ,
There’s question is Gstreamer Application can work, but V4L2 Application can’t.
I find some document link
Both of them are call to VI, doesn’t it?
Yes the same HW but driver is different. And the sensor driver configure is different for the nvarguscamerasrc and v4l2 APP.
Hi @ShaneCCC ,
So VI can receive data from sensor.
But v4l2 driver configure maybe lose setting?
Could you point v4l2 driver configure block?
The NVCSI/VI kernel driver are located in …/kernel/nvidia/driver/media/platform/tegra/camera/*
September 21, 2022, 5:21am
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