Hello everyone,
I have some questions regarding parallelizing a cfd solver, and I am hoping experts here
can help me with my problems.
a) I would like to mix computation on CPU and GPUs.
For this I would like to avoid use of barriers (MPI_Barrier()) at every iteration of the solver.
My code right now has an MPI_IProbe() at every iteration of the solver (Jacobi or Conjugate gradients).
So a processor checks for a message from its neighbors and exchanges its ghost cells.
If it doesn’t get any message, it keeps on doing another iteration of the solver. I believe this method improves
load balancing between processors. I think using barriers to force communication will introduce a lot of idle time.
(confirmed also with my “test”). I also would like to have the option of using different solvers (Jacobi & CG) on different domains.
So for my case one of the processors can do 8 iterations the other 1 iteration before they exchange ghost cells. Is this bad ?
My doubt is that if I skip updating of the ghost cells, the processor will assume “dirichlet like boundary” at the ghost cells
because it didn’t get updated ?
b) I started programming cuda only a few weaks ago using the CUDA programming in C book as a guide.
I did a one to one translation of my CPU solver code (except for the part described in (a)).
The code is attached which I am sure you will find very newbish. Needless to say I am not getting
50x or so speed ups as reported in some literature. Please give me suggestions to improve it. I am using
an unstructured mesh which I convert to CSR format before feeding to the CUDA solver. My SpMV
on cuda is a straightforward implementation. I also use the same SpMV needed for biconjugate gradient by storing
the coefficients of the transpose.
I really appreciate any help.
Thank you
- I am a Civil eng’g student trying to complete a project in CFD since about 4 months ago.
I have a working GPU and CPU code now but writing a conference paper out of it
has been a challenge with no help from my professor.
#include <cuda.h>
#include "solve.h"
/*number of threads in a block*/
static const Int nThreads = 128;
/*Matrix vector multiply*/
template <class T>
void cudaMul(const Int* const rows,
const Int* const cols,
const Scalar* const an,
const Int N,
const T* const x,
T* y
) {
Int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (i < N) {
const Int start = rows[i];
const Int end = rows[i + 1];
T res = an[start] * x[cols[start]];
for (Int j = start + 1; j < end; j++)
res -= an[j] * x[cols[j]];
y[i] = res;
/*jacobi solver*/
template<class T>
void cudaJacobi(const Int* const rows,
const Int* const cols,
const Scalar* const an,
T* const cF,
const T* const Su,
T* r,
const Int N,
Scalar omega
) {
Int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (i < N) {
const Int start = rows[i];
const Int end = rows[i + 1];
T res = Su[i], val = cF[i];
for (Int j = start + 1; j < end; j++)
res += an[j] * cF[cols[j]];
res /= an[start];
r[i] = -val;
val *= (1 - omega);
val += res * (omega);
cF[i] = val;
r[i] += val;
template<class T,class T1>
void cudaTaxpy(const Int N,
const T1 alpha,
const T* const x,
const T* const y,
T* const z
) {
Int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (i < N) {
T temp;
temp = x[i];
temp *= alpha;
temp += y[i];
z[i] = temp;
template<class T,class T1>
void cudaTxmy(const Int N,
const T* const x,
const T1* const y,
T* const z
) {
Int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (i < N) {
T temp;
temp = x[i];
temp *= y[i];
z[i] = temp;
template <class T>
void Tdot(const T* const a,
const T* const b,
T* const c,
const Int N
) {
__shared__ T cache[nThreads];
Int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
Int cacheIndex = threadIdx.x;
T temp = T(0),val;
while (tid < N) {
val = a[tid];
val *= b[tid];
temp += val;
tid += blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
cache[cacheIndex] = temp;
Int i = blockDim.x / 2;
while (i != 0) {
if (cacheIndex < i)
cache[cacheIndex] += cache[cacheIndex + i];
i /= 2;
if (cacheIndex == 0)
c[blockIdx.x] = cache[0];
template<class T>
T cudaTdot(T* x,
T* y,
T* d_sum,
T* sum,
const Int nBlocks32,
const Int N
) {
Tdot <<< nBlocks32, nThreads >>> (x,y,d_sum,N);
cudaMemcpy(sum,d_sum,nBlocks32 * sizeof(T),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
T c = T(0);
for (Int i = 0; i < nBlocks32; i++)
c += sum[i];
return c;
* Template class to solve equations on GPU
template<class T>
void SolveT(const MeshMatrix<T>& M) {
const Int N = Mesh::gBCellsStart;
const Int Nall = M.ap.size();
const Int nBlocks = (N + nThreads - 1) / nThreads;
const Int nBlocks32 = ((nBlocks > 32) ? 32 : nBlocks);
if(M.flags & M.SYMMETRIC)
MP::printH("Symmetric : ");
MP::printH("Asymmetric : ");
if(Controls::Solver == Controls::SOR)
MP::print("SOR :");
MP::print("PCG :");
* variables on host & device
Int* d_rows;
Int* d_cols;
Scalar* d_an;
Scalar* d_anT;
Scalar* d_pC;
T* d_cF;
T* d_Su;
T* d_r,*d_r1;
T* d_p,*d_p1,*d_AP,*d_AP1;
T alpha,beta,o_rr,oo_rr;
T local_res[2];
T* sum,*d_sum;
* allocate memory on device
CSRMatrix<T> A(M);
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_rows,A.rows.size() * sizeof(Int));
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_cols,A.cols.size() * sizeof(Int));
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_an, A.an.size() * sizeof(Scalar));
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_cF, A.cF.size() * sizeof(T));
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_Su, A.Su.size() * sizeof(T));
cudaMemcpy(d_rows ,&A.rows[0] ,A.rows.size() * sizeof(Int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_cols ,&A.cols[0] ,A.cols.size() * sizeof(Int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_an ,&A.an[0] ,A.an.size() * sizeof(Scalar), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_cF ,&A.cF[0] ,A.cF.size() * sizeof(T), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_Su ,&A.Su[0] ,A.Su.size() * sizeof(T), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_r, Nall * sizeof(T));
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_sum, nBlocks32 * sizeof(T));
sum = (T*) malloc(nBlocks32 * sizeof(T));
if(Controls::Solver == Controls::PCG) {
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_p, Nall * sizeof(T));
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_AP, Nall * sizeof(T));
ScalarCellField pC = 1./M.ap;
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_pC,N * sizeof(Scalar));
cudaMemcpy(d_pC,&pC[0],N * sizeof(Scalar),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if(!(M.flags & M.SYMMETRIC)) {
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_r1, Nall * sizeof(T));
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_p1, Nall * sizeof(T));
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_AP1, Nall * sizeof(T));
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_anT,A.anT.size() * sizeof(Scalar));
cudaMemcpy(d_anT,&A.anT[0],A.anT.size() * sizeof(Scalar), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if(Controls::Solver == Controls::PCG) {
cudaMemset(d_r,0,Nall * sizeof(T));
cudaMemset(d_p,0,Nall * sizeof(T));
cudaMul <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (d_rows,d_cols,d_an,N,d_cF,d_AP);
cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,Scalar(-1),d_AP,d_Su,d_r);
cudaTxmy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,d_r,d_pC,d_p);
o_rr = cudaTdot(d_r,d_p,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);
if(!(M.flags & M.SYMMETRIC) && (Controls::Solver == Controls::PCG)) {
cudaMemcpy(d_r1,d_r,Nall * sizeof(T), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_p1,d_p,Nall * sizeof(T), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
//iterate until convergence
Scalar res = 0,resp = 0;
Int iterations = 0,rel_count = 0;
/* **************************
* Iterative solvers
* *************************/
while(iterations < Controls::max_iterations) {
/*select solver*/
if(Controls::Solver == Controls::SOR) {
/*not so accurate jacobi iterator*/
cudaJacobi <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (d_rows,d_cols,d_an,d_cF,d_Su,d_r,N,Controls::SOR_omega);
} else if(M.flags & M.SYMMETRIC) {
/*conjugate gradient : from wiki*/
cudaMul <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (d_rows,d_cols,d_an,N,d_p,d_AP);
oo_rr = cudaTdot(d_p,d_AP,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);
alpha = sdiv(o_rr , oo_rr);
cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,alpha,d_p,d_cF,d_cF);
cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,-alpha,d_AP,d_r,d_r);
oo_rr = o_rr;
cudaTxmy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,d_r,d_pC,d_AP);
o_rr = cudaTdot(d_r,d_AP,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);
beta = sdiv(o_rr , oo_rr);
cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,beta,d_p,d_AP,d_p);
} else {
/* biconjugate gradient : from wiki */
cudaMul <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (d_rows,d_cols,d_an,N,d_p,d_AP);
cudaMul <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (d_rows,d_cols,d_anT,N,d_p1,d_AP1);
oo_rr = cudaTdot(d_p1,d_AP,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);
alpha = sdiv(o_rr , oo_rr);
cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,alpha,d_p,d_cF,d_cF);
cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,-alpha,d_AP,d_r,d_r);
cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,-alpha,d_AP1,d_r1,d_r1);
oo_rr = o_rr;
cudaTxmy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,d_r,d_pC,d_AP);
cudaTxmy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,d_r1,d_pC,d_AP1);
o_rr = cudaTdot(d_r1,d_AP,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);
beta = sdiv(o_rr , oo_rr);
cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,beta,d_p,d_AP,d_p);
cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,beta,d_p1,d_AP1,d_p1);
/* *********************************************
* calculate norm of residual & check convergence
* **********************************************/
local_res[0] = cudaTdot(d_r,d_r,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);
local_res[1] = cudaTdot(d_cF,d_cF,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);
res = sqrt(mag(local_res[0]) / mag(local_res[1]));
/*check convergence*/
if(res <= Controls::tolerance) //absolute
if(mag(resp - res) <= Controls::tolerance) { //relative
if(rel_count >= 3)
} else {
rel_count = 0;
/*save residual*/
resp = res;
* Copy result back to cpu
//copy result
cudaMemcpy(&((*M.cF)[0]), d_cF, N * sizeof(T), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
//update boundary conditons
MP::print("Iterations %d Residue: abs %.5e rel %.5e\n",
iterations,res,mag(resp - res));
* free device memory
if(Controls::Solver == Controls::PCG) {
if(!(M.flags & M.SYMMETRIC)) {
* Explicit instantiations
__host__ void Solve(const MeshMatrix<Scalar>& A) {
__host__ void Solve(const MeshMatrix<Vector>& A) {
__host__ void Solve(const MeshMatrix<STensor>& A) {
__host__ void Solve(const MeshMatrix<Tensor>& A) {
/* ********************
* End
* ********************/