parallel cfd with mpi & cuda

Hello everyone,

I have some questions regarding parallelizing a cfd solver, and I am hoping experts here

can help me with my problems.

a) I would like to mix computation on CPU and GPUs.

For this I would like to avoid use of barriers (MPI_Barrier()) at every iteration of the solver.

My code right now has an MPI_IProbe() at every iteration of the solver (Jacobi or Conjugate gradients).

So a processor checks for a message from its neighbors and exchanges its ghost cells.

If it doesn’t get any message, it keeps on doing another iteration of the solver. I believe this method improves

load balancing between processors. I think using barriers to force communication will introduce a lot of idle time.

(confirmed also with my “test”). I also would like to have the option of using different solvers (Jacobi & CG) on different domains.

So for my case one of the processors can do 8 iterations the other 1 iteration before they exchange ghost cells. Is this bad ?

My doubt is that if I skip updating of the ghost cells, the processor will assume “dirichlet like boundary” at the ghost cells

because it didn’t get updated ?

b) I started programming cuda only a few weaks ago using the CUDA programming in C book as a guide.

I did a one to one translation of my CPU solver code (except for the part described in (a)).

The code is attached which I am sure you will find very newbish. Needless to say I am not getting

50x or so speed ups as reported in some literature. Please give me suggestions to improve it. I am using

an unstructured mesh which I convert to CSR format before feeding to the CUDA solver. My SpMV

on cuda is a straightforward implementation. I also use the same SpMV needed for biconjugate gradient by storing

the coefficients of the transpose.

I really appreciate any help.

Thank you


  • I am a Civil eng’g student trying to complete a project in CFD since about 4 months ago.

I have a working GPU and CPU code now but writing a conference paper out of it

has been a challenge with no help from my professor.

#include <cuda.h>

#include "solve.h"

/*number of threads in a block*/

static const Int nThreads = 128;

/*Matrix vector multiply*/

template <class T>


void cudaMul(const Int* const rows,

			 const Int* const cols,

			 const Scalar* const an,

			 const Int N,

			 const T* const x, 

			 T* y

			 ) {

	Int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

	if (i < N)  {

		const Int start = rows[i];

		const Int end = rows[i + 1];

		T res = an[start] * x[cols[start]];

		for (Int j = start + 1; j < end; j++)

			res -= an[j] * x[cols[j]];

		y[i] = res;



/*jacobi solver*/

template<class T>


void cudaJacobi(const Int* const rows,

				 const Int* const cols,

				 const Scalar* const an,

				 T* const cF,

				 const T* const Su,

				 T* r,

				 const Int N, 

				 Scalar omega

				 ) {

	Int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

	if (i < N)  {

		const Int start = rows[i];

		const Int end = rows[i + 1];

		T res = Su[i], val = cF[i];

		for (Int j = start + 1; j < end; j++)

			res += an[j] * cF[cols[j]];

		res /= an[start];

		r[i] = -val;

		val *= (1 - omega);

		val += res * (omega);

		cF[i] = val;

		r[i] += val;




template<class T,class T1>


void cudaTaxpy(const Int N,

			   const T1 alpha,

			   const T* const x,

			   const T* const y,

			   T* const z

		  	   ) {

	Int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

	if (i < N)  {

		T temp;

		temp = x[i];

		temp *= alpha;

		temp += y[i];

		z[i] = temp;




template<class T,class T1>


void cudaTxmy(const Int N,

			  const T* const x,

			  const T1* const y,

			  T* const z

		  	  ) {

	Int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

	if (i < N)  {

		T temp;

		temp = x[i];

		temp *= y[i];

		z[i] = temp;




template <class T>


void Tdot(const T* const a, 

		  const T* const b, 

		  T* const c, 

		  const Int N

		  ) {

    __shared__ T cache[nThreads];

    Int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;

    Int cacheIndex = threadIdx.x;

T   temp = T(0),val;

    while (tid < N) {

		val = a[tid];

		val *= b[tid];

        temp += val;

        tid += blockDim.x * gridDim.x;


    cache[cacheIndex] = temp;


Int i = blockDim.x / 2;

    while (i != 0) {

        if (cacheIndex < i)

            cache[cacheIndex] += cache[cacheIndex + i];


        i /= 2;


if (cacheIndex == 0)

        c[blockIdx.x] = cache[0];


template<class T>


T cudaTdot(T* x,

		   T* y,

		   T* d_sum,

		   T* sum,

		   const Int nBlocks32,

		   const Int N

		   ) {

    Tdot <<< nBlocks32, nThreads >>> (x,y,d_sum,N);

	cudaMemcpy(sum,d_sum,nBlocks32 * sizeof(T),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

	T c = T(0);

    for (Int i = 0; i < nBlocks32; i++)

        c += sum[i];

	return c;



 * Template class to solve equations on GPU


template<class T>


void SolveT(const MeshMatrix<T>& M) {

	const Int N = Mesh::gBCellsStart;

	const Int Nall = M.ap.size();

	const Int nBlocks = (N + nThreads - 1) / nThreads;

	const Int nBlocks32 = ((nBlocks > 32) ? 32 : nBlocks);


	if(M.flags & M.SYMMETRIC)

		MP::printH("Symmetric  : ");


		MP::printH("Asymmetric : ");

	if(Controls::Solver == Controls::SOR)

		MP::print("SOR :");


		MP::print("PCG :");


	 *  variables on host & device


	Int*   d_rows;

	Int*   d_cols;

	Scalar*  d_an;

	Scalar*  d_anT;

	Scalar*  d_pC;

	T*       d_cF;

	T*       d_Su;


	T*       d_r,*d_r1;

	T*       d_p,*d_p1,*d_AP,*d_AP1;

	T        alpha,beta,o_rr,oo_rr;

	T        local_res[2];


	T*       sum,*d_sum;


	 * allocate memory on device



		CSRMatrix<T> A(M);	

		cudaMalloc((void**) &d_rows,A.rows.size() * sizeof(Int));

		cudaMalloc((void**) &d_cols,A.cols.size() * sizeof(Int));

		cudaMalloc((void**) &d_an, * sizeof(Scalar));

		cudaMalloc((void**) &d_cF,  A.cF.size() * sizeof(T));

		cudaMalloc((void**) &d_Su,  A.Su.size() * sizeof(T));

		cudaMemcpy(d_rows ,&A.rows[0] ,A.rows.size() * sizeof(Int),  cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

		cudaMemcpy(d_cols ,&A.cols[0] ,A.cols.size() * sizeof(Int),  cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

		cudaMemcpy(d_an   ,&[0]   , * sizeof(Scalar), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

		cudaMemcpy(d_cF   ,&A.cF[0]   ,A.cF.size() *   sizeof(T),    cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

		cudaMemcpy(d_Su   ,&A.Su[0]   ,A.Su.size() *   sizeof(T),    cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

		cudaMalloc((void**) &d_r, Nall * sizeof(T));

		cudaMalloc((void**) &d_sum, nBlocks32 * sizeof(T));

		sum = (T*) malloc(nBlocks32 * sizeof(T));

		if(Controls::Solver == Controls::PCG) {

			cudaMalloc((void**) &d_p,   Nall * sizeof(T));

			cudaMalloc((void**) &d_AP,  Nall * sizeof(T));


				ScalarCellField pC = 1./M.ap;

				cudaMalloc((void**) &d_pC,N * sizeof(Scalar));

				cudaMemcpy(d_pC,&pC[0],N * sizeof(Scalar),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);


			if(!(M.flags & M.SYMMETRIC)) {

				cudaMalloc((void**) &d_r1,   Nall * sizeof(T));

				cudaMalloc((void**) &d_p1,   Nall * sizeof(T));

				cudaMalloc((void**) &d_AP1,  Nall * sizeof(T));

				cudaMalloc((void**) &d_anT,A.anT.size() * sizeof(Scalar));

				cudaMemcpy(d_anT,&A.anT[0],A.anT.size() * sizeof(Scalar), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);





	if(Controls::Solver == Controls::PCG) {

		cudaMemset(d_r,0,Nall * sizeof(T));

		cudaMemset(d_p,0,Nall * sizeof(T));

		cudaMul   <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (d_rows,d_cols,d_an,N,d_cF,d_AP);

		cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,Scalar(-1),d_AP,d_Su,d_r);

		cudaTxmy  <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,d_r,d_pC,d_p);

		o_rr = cudaTdot(d_r,d_p,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);



	if(!(M.flags & M.SYMMETRIC) && (Controls::Solver == Controls::PCG)) {

		cudaMemcpy(d_r1,d_r,Nall * sizeof(T), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);

		cudaMemcpy(d_p1,d_p,Nall * sizeof(T), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);


	//iterate until convergence

	Scalar res = 0,resp = 0;

	Int iterations = 0,rel_count = 0;

	/* **************************

	 * Iterative solvers

	 * *************************/

	while(iterations < Controls::max_iterations) {



		/*select solver*/

		if(Controls::Solver == Controls::SOR) {

			/*not so accurate jacobi iterator*/

			cudaJacobi <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (d_rows,d_cols,d_an,d_cF,d_Su,d_r,N,Controls::SOR_omega);

		} else if(M.flags & M.SYMMETRIC) {

			/*conjugate gradient   : from wiki*/

			cudaMul <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (d_rows,d_cols,d_an,N,d_p,d_AP);

			oo_rr = cudaTdot(d_p,d_AP,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);

			alpha = sdiv(o_rr , oo_rr);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,alpha,d_p,d_cF,d_cF);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,-alpha,d_AP,d_r,d_r);

			oo_rr = o_rr;

			cudaTxmy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,d_r,d_pC,d_AP);

			o_rr = cudaTdot(d_r,d_AP,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);

			beta = sdiv(o_rr , oo_rr);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,beta,d_p,d_AP,d_p);


		} else {

			/* biconjugate gradient : from wiki */

			cudaMul <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (d_rows,d_cols,d_an,N,d_p,d_AP);

			cudaMul <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (d_rows,d_cols,d_anT,N,d_p1,d_AP1);

			oo_rr = cudaTdot(d_p1,d_AP,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);

			alpha = sdiv(o_rr , oo_rr);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,alpha,d_p,d_cF,d_cF);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,-alpha,d_AP,d_r,d_r);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,-alpha,d_AP1,d_r1,d_r1);

			oo_rr = o_rr;

			cudaTxmy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,d_r,d_pC,d_AP);

			cudaTxmy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,d_r1,d_pC,d_AP1);

			o_rr = cudaTdot(d_r1,d_AP,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);

			beta = sdiv(o_rr , oo_rr);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,beta,d_p,d_AP,d_p);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,beta,d_p1,d_AP1,d_p1);


		/* *********************************************

		* calculate norm of residual & check convergence

		* **********************************************/

		local_res[0] = cudaTdot(d_r,d_r,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);

		local_res[1] = cudaTdot(d_cF,d_cF,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);

		res = sqrt(mag(local_res[0]) / mag(local_res[1]));

		/*check convergence*/

		if(res <= Controls::tolerance)                //absolute 	


		if(mag(resp - res) <= Controls::tolerance) {  //relative


			if(rel_count >= 3)


		} else {

			rel_count = 0;


		/*save residual*/

		resp = res;



	 *  Copy result back to cpu


    //copy result

	cudaMemcpy(&((*M.cF)[0]), d_cF, N * sizeof(T), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

	//update boundary conditons



	MP::print("Iterations %d Residue: abs %.5e rel %.5e\n",

		       iterations,res,mag(resp - res));


	 * free device memory











		if(Controls::Solver == Controls::PCG) {




			if(!(M.flags & M.SYMMETRIC)) {









	 *    END




 * Explicit instantiations


__host__ void Solve(const MeshMatrix<Scalar>& A) {



__host__ void Solve(const MeshMatrix<Vector>& A) {



__host__ void Solve(const MeshMatrix<STensor>& A) {



__host__ void Solve(const MeshMatrix<Tensor>& A) {



/* ********************

 *        End

 * ********************/

Hello everyone,

I have some questions regarding parallelizing a cfd solver, and I am hoping experts here

can help me with my problems.

a) I would like to mix computation on CPU and GPUs.

For this I would like to avoid use of barriers (MPI_Barrier()) at every iteration of the solver.

My code right now has an MPI_IProbe() at every iteration of the solver (Jacobi or Conjugate gradients).

So a processor checks for a message from its neighbors and exchanges its ghost cells.

If it doesn’t get any message, it keeps on doing another iteration of the solver. I believe this method improves

load balancing between processors. I think using barriers to force communication will introduce a lot of idle time.

(confirmed also with my “test”). I also would like to have the option of using different solvers (Jacobi & CG) on different domains.

So for my case one of the processors can do 8 iterations the other 1 iteration before they exchange ghost cells. Is this bad ?

My doubt is that if I skip updating of the ghost cells, the processor will assume “dirichlet like boundary” at the ghost cells

because it didn’t get updated ?

b) I started programming cuda only a few weaks ago using the CUDA programming in C book as a guide.

I did a one to one translation of my CPU solver code (except for the part described in (a)).

The code is attached which I am sure you will find very newbish. Needless to say I am not getting

50x or so speed ups as reported in some literature. Please give me suggestions to improve it. I am using

an unstructured mesh which I convert to CSR format before feeding to the CUDA solver. My SpMV

on cuda is a straightforward implementation. I also use the same SpMV needed for biconjugate gradient by storing

the coefficients of the transpose.

I really appreciate any help.

Thank you


  • I am a Civil eng’g student trying to complete a project in CFD since about 4 months ago.

I have a working GPU and CPU code now but writing a conference paper out of it

has been a challenge with no help from my professor.

#include <cuda.h>

#include "solve.h"

/*number of threads in a block*/

static const Int nThreads = 128;

/*Matrix vector multiply*/

template <class T>


void cudaMul(const Int* const rows,

			 const Int* const cols,

			 const Scalar* const an,

			 const Int N,

			 const T* const x, 

			 T* y

			 ) {

	Int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

	if (i < N)  {

		const Int start = rows[i];

		const Int end = rows[i + 1];

		T res = an[start] * x[cols[start]];

		for (Int j = start + 1; j < end; j++)

			res -= an[j] * x[cols[j]];

		y[i] = res;



/*jacobi solver*/

template<class T>


void cudaJacobi(const Int* const rows,

				 const Int* const cols,

				 const Scalar* const an,

				 T* const cF,

				 const T* const Su,

				 T* r,

				 const Int N, 

				 Scalar omega

				 ) {

	Int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

	if (i < N)  {

		const Int start = rows[i];

		const Int end = rows[i + 1];

		T res = Su[i], val = cF[i];

		for (Int j = start + 1; j < end; j++)

			res += an[j] * cF[cols[j]];

		res /= an[start];

		r[i] = -val;

		val *= (1 - omega);

		val += res * (omega);

		cF[i] = val;

		r[i] += val;




template<class T,class T1>


void cudaTaxpy(const Int N,

			   const T1 alpha,

			   const T* const x,

			   const T* const y,

			   T* const z

		  	   ) {

	Int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

	if (i < N)  {

		T temp;

		temp = x[i];

		temp *= alpha;

		temp += y[i];

		z[i] = temp;




template<class T,class T1>


void cudaTxmy(const Int N,

			  const T* const x,

			  const T1* const y,

			  T* const z

		  	  ) {

	Int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

	if (i < N)  {

		T temp;

		temp = x[i];

		temp *= y[i];

		z[i] = temp;




template <class T>


void Tdot(const T* const a, 

		  const T* const b, 

		  T* const c, 

		  const Int N

		  ) {

    __shared__ T cache[nThreads];

    Int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;

    Int cacheIndex = threadIdx.x;

T   temp = T(0),val;

    while (tid < N) {

		val = a[tid];

		val *= b[tid];

        temp += val;

        tid += blockDim.x * gridDim.x;


    cache[cacheIndex] = temp;


Int i = blockDim.x / 2;

    while (i != 0) {

        if (cacheIndex < i)

            cache[cacheIndex] += cache[cacheIndex + i];


        i /= 2;


if (cacheIndex == 0)

        c[blockIdx.x] = cache[0];


template<class T>


T cudaTdot(T* x,

		   T* y,

		   T* d_sum,

		   T* sum,

		   const Int nBlocks32,

		   const Int N

		   ) {

    Tdot <<< nBlocks32, nThreads >>> (x,y,d_sum,N);

	cudaMemcpy(sum,d_sum,nBlocks32 * sizeof(T),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

	T c = T(0);

    for (Int i = 0; i < nBlocks32; i++)

        c += sum[i];

	return c;



 * Template class to solve equations on GPU


template<class T>


void SolveT(const MeshMatrix<T>& M) {

	const Int N = Mesh::gBCellsStart;

	const Int Nall = M.ap.size();

	const Int nBlocks = (N + nThreads - 1) / nThreads;

	const Int nBlocks32 = ((nBlocks > 32) ? 32 : nBlocks);


	if(M.flags & M.SYMMETRIC)

		MP::printH("Symmetric  : ");


		MP::printH("Asymmetric : ");

	if(Controls::Solver == Controls::SOR)

		MP::print("SOR :");


		MP::print("PCG :");


	 *  variables on host & device


	Int*   d_rows;

	Int*   d_cols;

	Scalar*  d_an;

	Scalar*  d_anT;

	Scalar*  d_pC;

	T*       d_cF;

	T*       d_Su;


	T*       d_r,*d_r1;

	T*       d_p,*d_p1,*d_AP,*d_AP1;

	T        alpha,beta,o_rr,oo_rr;

	T        local_res[2];


	T*       sum,*d_sum;


	 * allocate memory on device



		CSRMatrix<T> A(M);	

		cudaMalloc((void**) &d_rows,A.rows.size() * sizeof(Int));

		cudaMalloc((void**) &d_cols,A.cols.size() * sizeof(Int));

		cudaMalloc((void**) &d_an, * sizeof(Scalar));

		cudaMalloc((void**) &d_cF,  A.cF.size() * sizeof(T));

		cudaMalloc((void**) &d_Su,  A.Su.size() * sizeof(T));

		cudaMemcpy(d_rows ,&A.rows[0] ,A.rows.size() * sizeof(Int),  cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

		cudaMemcpy(d_cols ,&A.cols[0] ,A.cols.size() * sizeof(Int),  cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

		cudaMemcpy(d_an   ,&[0]   , * sizeof(Scalar), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

		cudaMemcpy(d_cF   ,&A.cF[0]   ,A.cF.size() *   sizeof(T),    cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

		cudaMemcpy(d_Su   ,&A.Su[0]   ,A.Su.size() *   sizeof(T),    cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

		cudaMalloc((void**) &d_r, Nall * sizeof(T));

		cudaMalloc((void**) &d_sum, nBlocks32 * sizeof(T));

		sum = (T*) malloc(nBlocks32 * sizeof(T));

		if(Controls::Solver == Controls::PCG) {

			cudaMalloc((void**) &d_p,   Nall * sizeof(T));

			cudaMalloc((void**) &d_AP,  Nall * sizeof(T));


				ScalarCellField pC = 1./M.ap;

				cudaMalloc((void**) &d_pC,N * sizeof(Scalar));

				cudaMemcpy(d_pC,&pC[0],N * sizeof(Scalar),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);


			if(!(M.flags & M.SYMMETRIC)) {

				cudaMalloc((void**) &d_r1,   Nall * sizeof(T));

				cudaMalloc((void**) &d_p1,   Nall * sizeof(T));

				cudaMalloc((void**) &d_AP1,  Nall * sizeof(T));

				cudaMalloc((void**) &d_anT,A.anT.size() * sizeof(Scalar));

				cudaMemcpy(d_anT,&A.anT[0],A.anT.size() * sizeof(Scalar), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);





	if(Controls::Solver == Controls::PCG) {

		cudaMemset(d_r,0,Nall * sizeof(T));

		cudaMemset(d_p,0,Nall * sizeof(T));

		cudaMul   <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (d_rows,d_cols,d_an,N,d_cF,d_AP);

		cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,Scalar(-1),d_AP,d_Su,d_r);

		cudaTxmy  <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,d_r,d_pC,d_p);

		o_rr = cudaTdot(d_r,d_p,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);



	if(!(M.flags & M.SYMMETRIC) && (Controls::Solver == Controls::PCG)) {

		cudaMemcpy(d_r1,d_r,Nall * sizeof(T), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);

		cudaMemcpy(d_p1,d_p,Nall * sizeof(T), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);


	//iterate until convergence

	Scalar res = 0,resp = 0;

	Int iterations = 0,rel_count = 0;

	/* **************************

	 * Iterative solvers

	 * *************************/

	while(iterations < Controls::max_iterations) {



		/*select solver*/

		if(Controls::Solver == Controls::SOR) {

			/*not so accurate jacobi iterator*/

			cudaJacobi <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (d_rows,d_cols,d_an,d_cF,d_Su,d_r,N,Controls::SOR_omega);

		} else if(M.flags & M.SYMMETRIC) {

			/*conjugate gradient   : from wiki*/

			cudaMul <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (d_rows,d_cols,d_an,N,d_p,d_AP);

			oo_rr = cudaTdot(d_p,d_AP,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);

			alpha = sdiv(o_rr , oo_rr);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,alpha,d_p,d_cF,d_cF);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,-alpha,d_AP,d_r,d_r);

			oo_rr = o_rr;

			cudaTxmy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,d_r,d_pC,d_AP);

			o_rr = cudaTdot(d_r,d_AP,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);

			beta = sdiv(o_rr , oo_rr);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,beta,d_p,d_AP,d_p);


		} else {

			/* biconjugate gradient : from wiki */

			cudaMul <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (d_rows,d_cols,d_an,N,d_p,d_AP);

			cudaMul <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (d_rows,d_cols,d_anT,N,d_p1,d_AP1);

			oo_rr = cudaTdot(d_p1,d_AP,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);

			alpha = sdiv(o_rr , oo_rr);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,alpha,d_p,d_cF,d_cF);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,-alpha,d_AP,d_r,d_r);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,-alpha,d_AP1,d_r1,d_r1);

			oo_rr = o_rr;

			cudaTxmy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,d_r,d_pC,d_AP);

			cudaTxmy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,d_r1,d_pC,d_AP1);

			o_rr = cudaTdot(d_r1,d_AP,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);

			beta = sdiv(o_rr , oo_rr);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,beta,d_p,d_AP,d_p);

			cudaTaxpy <<< nBlocks, nThreads >>> (N,beta,d_p1,d_AP1,d_p1);


		/* *********************************************

		* calculate norm of residual & check convergence

		* **********************************************/

		local_res[0] = cudaTdot(d_r,d_r,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);

		local_res[1] = cudaTdot(d_cF,d_cF,d_sum,sum,nBlocks32,N);

		res = sqrt(mag(local_res[0]) / mag(local_res[1]));

		/*check convergence*/

		if(res <= Controls::tolerance)                //absolute 	


		if(mag(resp - res) <= Controls::tolerance) {  //relative


			if(rel_count >= 3)


		} else {

			rel_count = 0;


		/*save residual*/

		resp = res;



	 *  Copy result back to cpu


    //copy result

	cudaMemcpy(&((*M.cF)[0]), d_cF, N * sizeof(T), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

	//update boundary conditons



	MP::print("Iterations %d Residue: abs %.5e rel %.5e\n",

		       iterations,res,mag(resp - res));


	 * free device memory











		if(Controls::Solver == Controls::PCG) {




			if(!(M.flags & M.SYMMETRIC)) {









	 *    END




 * Explicit instantiations


__host__ void Solve(const MeshMatrix<Scalar>& A) {



__host__ void Solve(const MeshMatrix<Vector>& A) {



__host__ void Solve(const MeshMatrix<STensor>& A) {



__host__ void Solve(const MeshMatrix<Tensor>& A) {



/* ********************

 *        End

 * ********************/

I believe it is not a good idea to introduce approximations that depend on timing. In my code, I even avoid atomic floating point adds, because I want results that are reproducible, bit for bit. An important part of the work, which usually is more difficult than writing the program in the first place, is convincing yourself of the correctness of the code. Part of this is checking how different parameters (like grid spacing etc.) influence the end results, which becomes a whole lot more complicated if your results fluctuate even with identical parameters.

Another reason is that I tend to first write a simple, but slow version of the code, which is easier to check, and then start optimizing it step by step, checking at each step that results do not change. It helps a lot if you can just do a binary diff, without having to judge what deviations would still be acceptable.

I believe it is not a good idea to introduce approximations that depend on timing. In my code, I even avoid atomic floating point adds, because I want results that are reproducible, bit for bit. An important part of the work, which usually is more difficult than writing the program in the first place, is convincing yourself of the correctness of the code. Part of this is checking how different parameters (like grid spacing etc.) influence the end results, which becomes a whole lot more complicated if your results fluctuate even with identical parameters.

Another reason is that I tend to first write a simple, but slow version of the code, which is easier to check, and then start optimizing it step by step, checking at each step that results do not change. It helps a lot if you can just do a binary diff, without having to judge what deviations would still be acceptable.

First of all,thanks for your reply and advice.

I am sure there is a reason why barriers are used to force communcation at each iteration.

My guess is that some solvers like multigrid or conjugate gradient needs to communicate other

information other than the variable being solved, for maximum efficiency.

What tempted me to try and avoid them, was the 25% idle time I observed on a quad.

With non-blocking, all cpus are 100% busy.

The result I got for simulations of the lid-driven cavity flow decomposing it upto 9 sub-domains

looks ok. The only problem I observed is sometimes CG solvers have convergence issues with that

method. The SOR seems to “correct itself” and never diverges in my tests, even with out using

red black ordering (as shown in the cuda code I posted.). I don’t even know if that will work

as most of the papers I found use a structured grid with red-black ordering for GS.


First of all,thanks for your reply and advice.

I am sure there is a reason why barriers are used to force communcation at each iteration.

My guess is that some solvers like multigrid or conjugate gradient needs to communicate other

information other than the variable being solved, for maximum efficiency.

What tempted me to try and avoid them, was the 25% idle time I observed on a quad.

With non-blocking, all cpus are 100% busy.

The result I got for simulations of the lid-driven cavity flow decomposing it upto 9 sub-domains

looks ok. The only problem I observed is sometimes CG solvers have convergence issues with that

method. The SOR seems to “correct itself” and never diverges in my tests, even with out using

red black ordering (as shown in the cuda code I posted.). I don’t even know if that will work

as most of the papers I found use a structured grid with red-black ordering for GS.
