Pluging deepStream Sdk 3.0


I dowloaded the DeepStream 3.0 SDK from here(DeepStream SDK | NVIDIA Developer).
I am watching inside of it (the tar archive is the following : DeepStream_SDK_on_Jetson_1.5_pre-release.tbz2) but i dont found any of the new pluging that are describe here, like :

  1. gst-nvvideocodecs
  2. gst-nvstreammux
  3. etc..

There are additional dowloand, to acquired these pluging? or its are give by jetpack 3.2?


Hi francesco1990,

No, the current DeepStream SDK version for Jetson is v1.5, that’s why can’t find those new plugins.
The DeepStream SDK 3.0 is for Tesla dGPU only.


ok thanks.