Problem in parellel sum

I write a function to generate a 6x6 matrix in every thread and I want to sum up them in the function, then I find that the result will be influenced by the amount of syncthread(),here is my code

 __shared__ float dim_shared1[256];
        int tx = threadIdx.x , ty = threadIdx.y  ,tid = tx*16+ty;
        int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
    	int y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
        int u = x * downsample;
        int v = y * downsample;

        bool is_valid = true;
        Matrix6f new_H;
        Matrix6x1f new_b;
        is_valid = computeAHSemanticTrack(u,v,voxelData,voxelIndex,huber_constant,label,depth,transform,sensor_rows,
            sensor_cols, downsample, sceneIntrinsics, sceneParams, gaussian_weight, kernel_size,
            residuals_threshold,new_H,new_b);        // function to generate matrix


        for(int ii = 0 ; ii < 6 ; ii ++) for(int jj = 0 ; jj < 6 ; jj ++){
                dim_shared1[tid] = new_H(ii,jj);
                for(int s = 128;s>0;s>>=1){
                    if(tid < s){
                        dim_shared1[tid] += dim_shared1[tid+s];
                    // __syncthreads(); 
                    // __syncthreads();                 
                    // __syncthreads(); 
                    // __syncthreads(); 
                    // __syncthreads();                 
                    // __syncthreads(); 
                    // __syncthreads(); 
                    // __syncthreads(); 
                    // __syncthreads(); here if all the __syncthreads() run,the answer is right
                // __syncthreads(); 
                // __syncthreads(); 
                if(tid == 0){

if there is only one __syncthreads() the result will be totally wrong.
By the way , If I use atomicAdd to sum up all matrix ,the answer is right, so matrix generation function is right.
What’s the problem? My GPU is Titan Xp and CUDA version is 10.0.