problem with custom plugin following topk layer

I’m trying to implement a network with the C++ API. In a particular section of the red, I need to link a topk layer (specifically the index output) to a custom plugin that I implemented;

the engine fails to build with the error that follows

./builder/cudnnBuilder2.cpp:1743: virtual std::vector<nvinfer1::query::RequirementsCombination> nvinfer1::builder::EngineTacticSupply::getSupportedFormats(const nvinfer1::builder::Node&): Assertion `!formats.empty()' failed.

to me this seems to be produced by the fact that the index output (second output) of topk comes in int32; yet my plugin is written to handle int32 and expects its input to be of that type; is there any reason why a custom IPluginExt should not work with a int32 input?

I use TensorRT, with cuda 10.1.

I also attach the implementation of my plugin

void cudaCastInt32ToFloat_device(const int32_t *d_data_in, float *d_data_out, const int num_elements, cudaStream_t stream);

CastInt32ToFloatLayer::CastInt32ToFloatLayer(int c, int h, int w) 
    numChannels = c;
    height = h;
    width = w;

CastInt32ToFloatLayer::CastInt32ToFloatLayer(const void*buf, size_t size)
    assert(size == 3 * sizeof(int));
    const int *bufferSizeT = static_cast<const int*>(buf);
    numChannels = static_cast<const int>(bufferSizeT[0]);
    height = static_cast<const int>(bufferSizeT[1]);
    width = static_cast<const int>(bufferSizeT[2]);

IPluginExt* CastInt32ToFloatLayer::clone()
    return new CastInt32ToFloatLayer(numChannels, height, width);

bool CastInt32ToFloatLayer::supportsFormat(DataType type, PluginFormat format) const
    return format == PluginFormat::kNCHW;

void CastInt32ToFloatLayer::configureWithFormat(const Dims* inputDims, int nbInputs, const Dims* outputDims, int nbOutputs, DataType type, PluginFormat format, int maxBatchSize)
    assert(format == PluginFormat::kNCHW);
    mDataType = type;

Dims CastInt32ToFloatLayer::getOutputDimensions(int index, const Dims* inputs, int nbInputDims)
    assert(nbInputDims == 1);
    assert(inputs[0].nbDims == 3);

    return DimsCHW(numChannels, height, width);

int CastInt32ToFloatLayer::enqueue(int batch_size, const void*const *inputs, void** outputs, void*, cudaStream_t stream)
    int32_t *data_in = (int32_t*)inputs[0];
    float *data_out = (float*)outputs[0];    

    cudaCastInt32ToFloat_device(data_in, data_out, batch_size * numChannels * height * width, stream);

    return 0;

size_t CastInt32ToFloatLayer::getSerializationSize() 
    return 3 * sizeof(int);

void CastInt32ToFloatLayer::serialize(void* buffer)
    int *bufferSizeT = static_cast<int*>(buffer);
    bufferSizeT[0] = numChannels;
    bufferSizeT[1] = height;
    bufferSizeT[2] = width;

the enqueue ends up calling the cuda kernel that follows

__global__ void castInt32ToFloatKernel(const int32_t *data_in, float *data_out)
    int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    data_out[index] = static_cast<float>( data_in[index] ) ;

Is there a way to work around this?

Thanks in advance,


Could you please let us know if you are still facing this issue?


I had to workaround the issue cause apparently the int32 output of topk cannot be used as an input tensor for any other tensor, which is a bit limitating

