Problem with reading nvdsanalytics output via Kafka

Hi, I still didn’t solve when I used NVDS_PAYLOAD_DEEPSTREAM as payload-type.
However, as I explained above I used NVDS_PAYLOAD_CUSTOM, and in nvmsgconv.cpp I modified the related part as below:

NvDsEventMsgMeta *meta = events[i].metadata;
    ss <<  meta->trackingId << "| " << meta->bbox.left << "| " <<  meta->
        << "|"  << meta->bbox.left + meta->bbox.width << "|" <<  meta-> + meta->bbox.height
        << "| "  << meta->lccum_cnt_entry << "| " << meta->lccum_cnt_exit << "|" 
        << "| " << object_enum_to_str (meta->objType, meta->objectId);

I managed to obtain entry and exit counts in this way.