Providing external rtsp source on Jetson Platform Services

When I tried both zero shot detection and VLM services, I was only able to provide RTSP source for videos I uploaded in the NVstreamer.

For external RTSP URLs, I found the following errors,

What about providing external RTSP stream URLs to the JPS?

Can you share codec information of your RTSP?

Does something need to be done with the gstEncoder?
[gstreamer] gstEncoder -- codec not specified, defaulting to H.264


Is it possible to access your RTSP in public network? So I can have a check in my side.

No, I don’t think. But I am now able to provide the streams by local RTSP links.

So, thank you!

Do you mean zero shot detection and VLM services works fine with your external RTSP now? How you fix above error?

No, I was able to provide internal rtsp URLs of cameras which are connected to the board under same network