Question about the speed of using PCIE with DMA


I am trying to use the PCIe to communicate two Xavier boards. I thought the maximum speed I can get is around 15.76GB/s with PCIe x8. But I found in NVIDIA doc,

It shows that with DMA, I can only get 150Mbps speed as shown below.

I was wondering whether there is a way to have 15.67GB/s speed with the use of PCIe.


We are working on improving speed. Currently, we are able to get around 5 Gbps. Some more performance improvement tasks are in the queue. We can share patches to get 5 Gbps if you are ok with that to start with.


I’m working with Ruiying.
Could you share the patched to get 5 Gbps?
If you improve more performance, please let us know we can apply more.

Jetson AGX Xavier
tag: tegra-l4t-r32.3.1
kernel version: 4.9.140-tegra

Thank you.

Please apply the attached patches (18.6 KB)

Hi Vidyas,

Thank you for your reply.
I’ll try to apply the patches and check.

Thank you.

Hi vidyas,

I want to try the patches but I don’t know how to do this.

Please, can you give me the steps for applying these patches?


Kernel build & flash details are provided at

Marking comment #4 as the answer.