Question about vector access performance

Hi all.

I am new to CUDA development so I apologise if my questions sound dumb.

In the past I have been working in some algorithms that are calculated using CPU based distributed computing. This computing, to sum up, involves performing some kind of more or less complex graph evolution. Looking for an improvement in the performances I’m now working on modifying these algorithms to run in a GPU.

However, my first preliminary tests are giving me unexpected results. I’ve arranged a over-simplified version of the algorithm consisting on performing accesses to a vector, and storing in another vector the sum of the values accessed. I have two versions of the algorithm, one for CPU and another for GPU

#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <helper_cuda.h>
#include <conio.h>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

__host__ void procesaGrafo(

	double *h_vector,
	double *h_resultado,
	int size)
	for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
		h_resultado[x] = 0;
		for (int y = x - 100; y < x + 100; y++)
			if (y >= 0 && y < size)
				h_resultado[x] += h_vector[y];

__global__ void procesaGrafoKernel(
	double *d_vector,
	double *d_resultado,
	int   size)

  int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  int stride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
  if (index == 0)

    printf("Bloque %d, hilo %d, dimension rejilla %d, dimension bloque %d, indice %d, stride %d\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x, gridDim.x, blockDim.x, index, stride);

	for (int x = index; x < size; x+=stride)
		d_resultado[x] = 0;
		for (int y = x - 100; y < x + 100; y++)
			if (y >= 0 && y < size)
				d_resultado[x] += d_vector[y];

Then I allocate memory for both local and device arrays, fill up the data vector with some data, execute both and measure the time required to perform this by the CPU, and then by the GPU:

#define VECSIZE 100000

cudaDeviceProp verifica()

	int devicesCount;
	//devicesCount has the number of GPUs

    cudaDeviceProp device_prop;
    int dev_id = findCudaDevice(0, 0);
    checkCudaErrors(cudaGetDeviceProperties(&device_prop, dev_id));

    if (!device_prop.managedMemory) { 
        fprintf(stderr, "Unified Memory not supported on this device\n");

    if (device_prop.computeMode == cudaComputeModeExclusive || device_prop.computeMode == cudaComputeModeProhibited)
        fprintf(stderr, "This sample requires a device in either default or process exclusive mode\n");
	return device_prop;

int main(void)
	double *d_vector;
	double *d_resultado;
	double *h_vector;
	double *h_resultado;

	cudaDeviceProp dispositivo = verifica();

	cudaError_t e1 = cudaMallocManaged(&d_vector, VECSIZE*sizeof(double));
	cudaError_t e2 = cudaMallocManaged(&d_resultado, VECSIZE*sizeof(double));
	h_vector = new double [VECSIZE];
	h_resultado = new double [VECSIZE];

	if (e1 || e2)
		cout << "ERROR cudaMallocManaged";
	for (int x = 0; x < VECSIZE; x++)
		d_vector[x] = x;
		d_resultado[x] = 0;
		h_vector[x] = x;
		h_resultado[x] = 0;
	cudaError_t result;
	cudaEvent_t start1, stop1, start2, stop2;
	float time1 = -1, time2 = -1;
	result = cudaEventCreate(&start1);
	result = cudaEventCreate(&stop1);
	result = cudaEventRecord(start1, 0);

	result = cudaEventRecord(stop1, 0);
	result = cudaEventSynchronize(stop1);
	result = cudaEventElapsedTime(&time1, start1, stop1);
	result = cudaEventCreate(&start2);
	result = cudaEventCreate(&stop2);
	result = cudaEventRecord(start2, 0);


	result = cudaDeviceSynchronize();

	result = cudaEventRecord(stop2, 0);
	result = cudaEventSynchronize(stop2);
	result = cudaEventElapsedTime(&time2, start2, stop2);
	bool iguales = true;	
	for (int x = 0; x < VECSIZE && iguales == true; x++)
		if (d_resultado[x] != h_resultado[x])
			iguales = false;
	cout << "Tiempo en host:" << time1 << " ms. Tiempo en GPU:" << time2 << " ms. Resultado equivalente: " << iguales << ". Ultimo estado = " << result << endl;
	delete h_resultado;
	delete h_vector;
    return 0;

Processing time starting values, for sake of comparison, are, for a vector size of 100000 elements, less than 1 ms for CPU Xeon X5650 @ 2.67 Ghz, and 30 seconds using a single block with just one thread in a GTX 670. Now, as I increase the number of blocks and threads I can see how the performances are improved as follows:

<<<1,1>>> 30 s
<<<512,1>> 1400 ms
<<<512,512>> 66 ms
<<<512,1024>> 89 ms

With this values in front of me, the first question is, how could it be that the CPU is overperforming the GPU even when I use 512x512 threads to process the array values in parallel? And the second question is, why when I even increase the block size I get worse values? I guess that the answer to the second question is overhead, but still, would expect quite better values.

I would thank any advice or feedback to this topic.


A quick improvement should be to declare the pointer arguments to your kernel as “const restrict”, which would allow the kernel to load data through the read-only cache.

GPUs sometimes require a different programming style to achieve their potential.

In your case, you need to explicitly program for data read from memory to be reused. You cannot rely on large caches to do this for you behind the scenes as on CPUs, as on GPUs a similar (or even smaller) amount of cache is shared between thousands of threads, so each individual thread only has a few bytes of cache at it’s service.

Google for “1D convolution”. Most of the advice you will find will be to perform the convolution in Fourier space (which might even be the appropriate solution for you), but you may also find some implementations in real space.

I have implemented a similar convolution in the past, and achieved good speedups >~ 10x.

  • Naive use of managed memory can slow things down. If you’re concerned with performance, and you’re not aware of how to achieve good performance in a managed memory scenario, I wouldn’t use managed memory.
  • If you are on windows (it appears you are based on use of conio.h), make sure you are building and measuring a release project, not a debug project.
  • Don’t put a printf statement in your kernel code, if you are concerned about performance.
  • You shouldn’t use cudaEvent based timing to time purely host code, especially not on windows (WDDM model). I don’t believe your claimed score of less than 1 millisecond for the code you have shown on a CPU Xeon X5650 @ 2.67 Ghz, I am pretty sure that is an incorrect measurement. Use a host-based timing technique.

When I modify your code on linux to address the above concerns, I get an execution time of less than 2 milliseconds on the GPU, and over 60 milliseconds on the CPU. (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2667 0 @ 2.90GHz) My CPU is Sandy Bridge; yours is Westmere.

I was vaguely aware of the differences between the CPU and GPU memory caching system. I tried the restric modificator but got no noticeable improvement. Will check the 1D convolution you mention for additional information.

Yes, I’m working with Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010.

You are absolutely right when using the “naive” word. Now that I re-read the documentation realise things are not so simple as I thought at the beginning, but that is the point of starting with small examples and see what happens.

  1. The cudaEvent value for host code was (as you indicated) making me completely missing the point here. I have used a simple timeGetTime() call and now get a host time of about 20 ms for Release code.

  2. Using raw cuda memory allocation made the CUDA code jump from 46 ms (Release code) to a whooping 2 ms with <<<512, 1024>> block configuration. This is quite more in line with my expectations.

I really thank you both for your feedback. Will focus now in the conversion of the real algorithm and see what I get. Will return to you with the results.


Hi again.

A few words to thank again tera & Robert. Following your advice I was able to convert the core of the algorithm to run in CUDA with the expected performance, a gain of about 10 times.
