Questions about

Hi I am using deepstream-python_apps and I want to develop an app for counting objects in different video streams.

I have the following doubts to focus correctly my development.

  1. If I want to use two video streams, in “config_nvdsanalytics.txt” should I set the widht and height properties, with the size of 1 video, or with the overall size of the two?

That is, if each video is 1280x720, this property would be double?

  1. To get the values of line_crossing

user_meta = pyds.NvDsUserMeta.cast(
data = user_meta_data.objLCCumCnt

and then I would get each line_crossing count from data, no?

Is there a more correct way?

Thanks for everything.

• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU) AGX Xavier
• DeepStream Version 6.2
• JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only) 5.1
• TensorRT Version
• Issue Type( questions, new requirements, bugs) Questions

after nvstreammux plugin, two video will have the same resolution, this property should be 1280x720.

please use NvDsAnalyticsFrameMeta’s objLCCumCnt, please refer to sample deepstream-nvdsanalytics-test.

I have a problem, I cannot access the line count data of stream 2.

In flow 1, I have the counting lines output_Izq, input_Izq, output_IDI and input_IDI, they work correctly and in flow 2 I have output_Der and input_Der and between them they don’t work.

I mean the count data of stream 1 cannot access the count data of stream 2. And I don’t know how to differentiate when the loop is executed for one stream or for the other.

I attach my output and my code:

Linecrossing Cumulative: {‘salidaIzq’: 0, ‘entradaIzq’: 0, ‘salidaIDI’: 1, ‘entradaIDI’: 0}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 134, in nvanalytics_src_pad_buffer_probe
salida_der = data[‘salidaDer’]
KeyError: ‘salidaDer’
Linecrossing Cumulative: {‘salidaDer’: 1, ‘entradaDer’: 1}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 136, in nvanalytics_src_pad_buffer_probe
salida_izq = data[‘salidaIzq’]
KeyError: ‘salidaIzq’

        l_user = frame_meta.frame_user_meta_list
        while l_user:
                user_meta = pyds.NvDsUserMeta.cast(
                if user_meta.base_meta.meta_type == pyds.nvds_get_user_meta_type("NVIDIA.DSANALYTICSFRAME.USER_META"):
                    user_meta_data = pyds.NvDsAnalyticsFrameMeta.cast(user_meta.user_meta_data)
                    if user_meta_data.objInROIcnt: print("Objs in ROI: {0}".format(user_meta_data.objInROIcnt))                    
                    if user_meta_data.objLCCumCnt: 
                        print("Linecrossing Cumulative: {0}".format(user_meta_data.objLCCumCnt))
                        data = user_meta_data.objLCCumCnt

                        salida_der = data['salidaDer']
                        entrada_der = data['entradaDer']
                        salida_izq = data['salidaIzq']
                        entrada_izq = data['entradaIzq']

                        salida_idi = data['salidaIDI']
                        entrada_idi = data['entradaIDI']
                        aforoTI= salida_idi+ entrada_izq + entrada_der - salida_izq - salida_der - entrada_idi
                        aforoIDI= entrada_idi-salida_idi
                        text = "Aforo en TI: " + str(aforoTI) + " Aforo en IDI: " + str(aforoIDI)
                        #Código de NVOSD Printer
                        display_meta=pyds.nvds_acquire_display_meta_from_pool(batch_meta) #Retrieve NvDsDisplayMeta object from given NvDsBatchMeta object. See NvDsMeta docs for more details.
                        display_meta.num_labels = 1
                        py_nvosd_text_params = display_meta.text_params[0] #Retrieve NvOSD_TextParams object from list in display meta. 
                        # Setting display text to be shown on screen
                        # Note that the pyds module allocates a buffer for the string, and the
                        # memory will not be claimed by the garbage collector.
                        # Reading the display_text field here will return the C address of the
                        # allocated string. Use pyds.get_string() to get the string content.
                        py_nvosd_text_params.display_text = "Aforo   TI {} \nAforo IDI {}".format(aforoTI, aforoIDI)

                        # Now set the offsets where the string should appear
                        py_nvosd_text_params.x_offset = 18
                        py_nvosd_text_params.y_offset = 12

                        # Font , font-color and font-size
                        py_nvosd_text_params.font_params.font_name = "Serif" #Set attributes of our NvOSD_TextParams object's NvOSD_FontParams member 
                        py_nvosd_text_params.font_params.font_size = 16
                        # set(red, green, blue, alpha); set to White
                        py_nvosd_text_params.font_params.font_color.set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) #See NvOSD_ColorParams for more details.

                        # Text background color
                        py_nvosd_text_params.set_bg_clr = 1 #Set boolean indicating that text has bg color to true. 
                        # set(red, green, blue, alpha); set to Black
                        py_nvosd_text_params.text_bg_clr.set(0.1294, 0.447, 0.725, 1.0)
                        # Using pyds.get_string() to get display_text as string
                        pyds.nvds_add_display_meta_to_frame(frame_meta, display_meta) #Add display meta to frame after setting text params attributes.                  
                    #if user_meta_data.objLCCurrCnt: print("Linecrossing Current Frame: {0}".format(user_meta_data.objLCCurrCnt))
                    if user_meta_data.ocStatus: print("Overcrowding status: {0}".format(user_meta_data.ocStatus))
            except StopIteration:
                l_user =
            except StopIteration:

The solution will be to add an if to check if the data has the correct value, and use a global variable for the counter.

if ‘salidaDer’ in data:
salida_der = data[‘salidaDer’]

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