Questions regarding the DCT8x8 sample

Hello, I have a questions regarding the Sample provided by Nvidia called DCT8x8 which is applied to an image to execute the algorithm in parallel. more info:

The code executes forward DCT and it’s inverse on a BMP image.

My first question is, is there a way to calculate the only the forward transform to obtain the JPG?

Second, there are several parts of the code that I don’t understand I hope someone that is familiar with DTC and CUDA can help me with those.

First: in the file dtc8x8_gold.cpp the program uses the following matrices:

const float DCTv8matrix[BLOCK_SIZE2] =
    0.3535533905932738f,  0.4903926402016152f,  0.4619397662556434f,  0.4157348061512726f,  0.3535533905932738f,  0.2777851165098011f,  0.1913417161825449f,  0.0975451610080642f,
    0.3535533905932738f,  0.4157348061512726f,  0.1913417161825449f, -0.0975451610080641f, -0.3535533905932737f, -0.4903926402016152f, -0.4619397662556434f, -0.2777851165098011f,
    0.3535533905932738f,  0.2777851165098011f, -0.1913417161825449f, -0.4903926402016152f, -0.3535533905932738f,  0.0975451610080642f,  0.4619397662556433f,  0.4157348061512727f,
    0.3535533905932738f,  0.0975451610080642f, -0.4619397662556434f, -0.2777851165098011f,  0.3535533905932737f,  0.4157348061512727f, -0.1913417161825450f, -0.4903926402016153f,
    0.3535533905932738f, -0.0975451610080641f, -0.4619397662556434f,  0.2777851165098009f,  0.3535533905932738f, -0.4157348061512726f, -0.1913417161825453f,  0.4903926402016152f,
    0.3535533905932738f, -0.2777851165098010f, -0.1913417161825452f,  0.4903926402016153f, -0.3535533905932733f, -0.0975451610080649f,  0.4619397662556437f, -0.4157348061512720f,
    0.3535533905932738f, -0.4157348061512727f,  0.1913417161825450f,  0.0975451610080640f, -0.3535533905932736f,  0.4903926402016152f, -0.4619397662556435f,  0.2777851165098022f,
    0.3535533905932738f, -0.4903926402016152f,  0.4619397662556433f, -0.4157348061512721f,  0.3535533905932733f, -0.2777851165098008f,  0.1913417161825431f, -0.0975451610080625f

const float DCTv8matrixT[BLOCK_SIZE2] =
    0.3535533905932738f,  0.3535533905932738f,  0.3535533905932738f,  0.3535533905932738f,  0.3535533905932738f,  0.3535533905932738f,  0.3535533905932738f,  0.3535533905932738f,
    0.4903926402016152f,  0.4157348061512726f,  0.2777851165098011f,  0.0975451610080642f, -0.0975451610080641f, -0.2777851165098010f, -0.4157348061512727f, -0.4903926402016152f,
    0.4619397662556434f,  0.1913417161825449f, -0.1913417161825449f, -0.4619397662556434f, -0.4619397662556434f, -0.1913417161825452f,  0.1913417161825450f,  0.4619397662556433f,
    0.4157348061512726f, -0.0975451610080641f, -0.4903926402016152f, -0.2777851165098011f,  0.2777851165098009f,  0.4903926402016153f,  0.0975451610080640f, -0.4157348061512721f,
    0.3535533905932738f, -0.3535533905932737f, -0.3535533905932738f,  0.3535533905932737f,  0.3535533905932738f, -0.3535533905932733f, -0.3535533905932736f,  0.3535533905932733f,
    0.2777851165098011f, -0.4903926402016152f,  0.0975451610080642f,  0.4157348061512727f, -0.4157348061512726f, -0.0975451610080649f,  0.4903926402016152f, -0.2777851165098008f,
    0.1913417161825449f, -0.4619397662556434f,  0.4619397662556433f, -0.1913417161825450f, -0.1913417161825453f,  0.4619397662556437f, -0.4619397662556435f,  0.1913417161825431f,
    0.0975451610080642f, -0.2777851165098011f,  0.4157348061512727f, -0.4903926402016153f,  0.4903926402016152f, -0.4157348061512720f,  0.2777851165098022f, -0.0975451610080625f

float Q[BLOCK_SIZE2] =
    32.f,  33.f,  51.f,  81.f,  66.f,  39.f,  34.f,  17.f,
    33.f,  36.f,  48.f,  47.f,  28.f,  23.f,  12.f,  12.f,
    51.f,  48.f,  47.f,  28.f,  23.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,
    81.f,  47.f,  28.f,  23.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,
    66.f,  28.f,  23.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,
    39.f,  23.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,
    34.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,
    17.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f,  12.f

float C_a = 1.387039845322148f; //!< a = (2^0.5) * cos(    pi / 16);  Used in forward and inverse DCT.
float C_b = 1.306562964876377f; //!< b = (2^0.5) * cos(    pi /  8);  Used in forward and inverse DCT.
float C_c = 1.175875602419359f; //!< c = (2^0.5) * cos(3 * pi / 16);  Used in forward and inverse DCT.
float C_d = 0.785694958387102f; //!< d = (2^0.5) * cos(5 * pi / 16);  Used in forward and inverse DCT.
float C_e = 0.541196100146197f; //!< e = (2^0.5) * cos(3 * pi /  8);  Used in forward and inverse DCT.
float C_f = 0.275899379282943f; //!< f = (2^0.5) * cos(7 * pi / 16);  Used in forward and inverse DCT.

can someone please explain me why are those values being used and the reason for their usage?

also in the file there is another Q matrix, that my guess is that is indicating the threshold for quantization, and if so, why those values?

__constant__ short Q[] =
    32,  33,  51,  81,  66,  39,  34,  17,
    33,  36,  48,  47,  28,  23,  12,  12,
    51,  48,  47,  28,  23,  12,  12,  12,
    81,  47,  28,  23,  12,  12,  12,  12,
    66,  28,  23,  12,  12,  12,  12,  12,
    39,  23,  12,  12,  12,  12,  12,  12,
    34,  12,  12,  12,  12,  12,  12,  12,
    17,  12,  12,  12,  12,  12,  12,  12

my last question is,
I have the feeling that those values are specified for the “barbara.bmp” image which if true, will not let me use a different image than the defaul one, and that is what I’m looking for to do, besides understanding the code.

Thank you very much for your help!
