I have a scene with 1000 meshes placed next to each other (each mesh is about 1k triangles and takes up a 1x1x1 unit volume). The ray traversal is very fast for this scene until I add a single mesh far away. When I place this single mesh far away (say 1e11 units), I see a slowdown of about 3-5x (tested on two separate GPUs). The further away the object, the slower the traversal. The scene consists of a single IAS with separate GAS for each mesh. If I merge the 1000 meshes into a single GAS, the traversal time is effectively unchanged when I add the distant mesh.
- With this type of scene, would it be expected that a distant object would degrade the acceleration structure and cause this slowdown?
- If this is a degradation of the IAS, are there any build flags that can improve the traversal of this type of scene?
- If I cannot improve this situation via build flags, is there a recommended way of structuring the scene that would circumvent this issue?
Any help or insights would be much appreciated. Thank you!