Regarding the bup upgrade issue of Jetson Xavier NX

I found that the eks partition will be updated during the bup upgrade process of Jetson Xavier NX. Is there any way to not upgrade the eks partition during the bup upgrade process?

hello easyzoom,

may I have the real use-case?
for example, what’s the actual partition you would like to prepare the OTA payload to update remotely?

hi JerryChang,
Currently, I only want the eks partition not to be updated. Other partitions can use the default update logic.
The bup of jetson tx2 does not update the eks partition. I hope it remains the same.

hello easyzoom,

what’s the based and target BSP you’re running BUP update? is it based-on the same L4T release version?

please refer to Preparing the OTA Payload Package section to create the OTA payload package.
BTW, I’ve tried used the OTA payload to update bootloader remotely on the same L4T version, which doesn’t upgrade the EKS partition during BUP upgrade process.

hi JerryChang,
The bsp version I am using is l4t-32.7.3, and I am performing a bup upgrade of the same version.
I found that tboot.bin should verify the eks partition

I think your statement is not correct, because the eks partition has A/B slots, so the upgrade of bup should update the eks partition.

hello easyzoom,

since you’re using the same release version, it should only updating diff partitions ideally.
did you based-on the same host machine for image flashing, and also creating OTA payload package?

hi JerryChang,
My system package is a system package generated for batch machines. At the same time, I need to ensure that the eks content of each machine is different, so I do not want the eks partition to be updated during the Bootloader Update Payload (BUP) process. This part of the effect has been used normally in tx2. I also wanted to achieve the same effect on the Xavier NX module, but I found that Xavier NX could not achieve it, probably because the two boot methods are different.
Therefore I want to know is there any way to make Xavier NX not upgrade the eks partition during the bup upgrade process?

hello easyzoom,

EKS partition it exists EKS image, which is able to perform python script to create the image locally.
you may refer to below, please assign your key into script file for creating EKS image.

hi JerryChang,
I know how to make eks.img, but what I want to know is how to modify it so that the eks partition is not updated when bup is updated?

no, I meant you should not worry about eks partition update as long as you’ve given correct keys to re-generate the EKS image locally.

hi JerryChang,
Each machine’s eks.img is different. Doesn’t my bup package need to be regenerated for each machine?

hello easyzoom,

does it means you’ve disk encryption enabled? and you’re having unique ECID to enable disk encryption.

hi JerryChang,
Yes, I enabled disk encryption and used the keys in eks.img to develop other functions. The keys for each machine are different.

hello easyzoom,

I see…
there’s version_upgrade/ to parse control file, such as upgradetasklist.txt to update partitions.
so, you may give it a try by removing both eks and eks_b from task list for verification.

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