Regression with NVHPC 22.7 and OpenACC offload kernels

Dear Support team!

With the latest NVHPC 22.7 release, we are seeing regression with OpenACC offload kernels in our NEURON simulator code. Previous releases (until 22.5) have worked fine and we have checked our tests with cuda-memcheck. So we wonder if there is a regression in 22.7.

As reported in other tickets, kernels are auto-generated from DSL and hence not always easy to provide a small reproducer. So, we will try to our “preliminary” analysis so far. If this seems like a known issue or someone has already reported then please let us know.

We have a DSL-generated code with Eigen and OpenACC offload as follows:

    void nrn_state_hhkin(NrnThread* nt, Memb_list* ml, int type) {
        _Pragma("acc data present(nt, ml) if(nt->compute_gpu)")
            int nodecount = ml->nodecount;
            int pnodecount = ml->_nodecount_padded;
            const int* __restrict__ node_index = ml->nodeindices;
            double* __restrict__ data = ml->data;
            const double* __restrict__ voltage = nt->_actual_v;
            Datum* __restrict__ indexes = ml->pdata;
            ThreadDatum* __restrict__ thread = ml->_thread;
            auto* const __restrict__ inst = static_cast<hhkin_Instance*>(ml->instance);

            int start = 0;
            int end = nodecount;
            _Pragma("acc parallel loop present(inst, node_index, data, voltage, indexes, thread) async(nt->stream_id) if(nt->compute_gpu)")

            for (int id = start; id < end; id++) {
                int node_id = node_index[id];
                double v = voltage[node_id];

                inst->ena[id] = inst->ion_ena[indexes[0*pnodecount + id]];
                inst->ek[id] = inst->ion_ek[indexes[3*pnodecount + id]];

                Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> nmodl_eigen_xm;
                double* t_nmodl_eigen_x =;
                t_nmodl_eigen_x[0] = inst->m[id];
                t_nmodl_eigen_x[1] = inst->h[id];
                t_nmodl_eigen_x[2] = inst->n[id];
                t_nmodl_eigen_x[3] = inst->mc[id];
                t_nmodl_eigen_x[4] = inst->hc[id];
                t_nmodl_eigen_x[5] = inst->nc[id];
                struct functor {
                    NrnThread* nt;
                    hhkin_Instance* inst;
                    int id, pnodecount;
                    double v;
                    Datum* indexes;
                    double* data;
                    ThreadDatum* thread;
                    double old_m, old_h, old_n, old_mc, old_hc, old_nc;

                    void initialize() {
                        rates_hhkin(id, pnodecount, inst, data, indexes, thread, nt, v, v);
                        old_m = inst->m[id];
                        old_h = inst->h[id];
                        old_n = inst->n[id];
                        old_mc = inst->mc[id];
                        old_hc = inst->hc[id];
                        old_nc = inst->nc[id];

                    functor(NrnThread* nt, hhkin_Instance* inst, int id, int pnodecount, double v, Datum* indexes, double* data, ThreadDatum* thread) : nt{nt}, inst{inst}, id{id}, pnodecount{pnodecount}, v{v}, indexes{indexes}, data{data}, thread{thread} {}
                    void operator()(const Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1>& nmodl_eigen_xm, Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1>& nmodl_eigen_fm, Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6>& nmodl_eigen_jm) const {
                        const double* nmodl_eigen_x =;
                        double* nmodl_eigen_j =;
                        double* nmodl_eigen_f =;
                        nmodl_eigen_f[0] =  -nmodl_eigen_x[0] * inst->bm[id] * nt->_dt - nmodl_eigen_x[0] + nmodl_eigen_x[3] * inst->am[id] * nt->_dt + old_m;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[0] =  -inst->bm[id] * nt->_dt - 1.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[6] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[12] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[18] = inst->am[id] * nt->_dt;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[24] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[30] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_f[1] =  -nmodl_eigen_x[1] * inst->bh[id] * nt->_dt - nmodl_eigen_x[1] + nmodl_eigen_x[4] * inst->ah[id] * nt->_dt + old_h;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[1] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[7] =  -inst->bh[id] * nt->_dt - 1.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[13] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[19] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[25] = inst->ah[id] * nt->_dt;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[31] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_f[2] =  -nmodl_eigen_x[2] * inst->bn[id] * nt->_dt - nmodl_eigen_x[2] + nmodl_eigen_x[5] * inst->an[id] * nt->_dt + old_n;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[2] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[8] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[14] =  -inst->bn[id] * nt->_dt - 1.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[20] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[26] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[32] = inst->an[id] * nt->_dt;
                        nmodl_eigen_f[3] = nmodl_eigen_x[0] * inst->bm[id] * nt->_dt - nmodl_eigen_x[3] * inst->am[id] * nt->_dt - nmodl_eigen_x[3] + old_mc;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[3] = inst->bm[id] * nt->_dt;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[9] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[15] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[21] =  -inst->am[id] * nt->_dt - 1.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[27] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[33] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_f[4] = nmodl_eigen_x[1] * inst->bh[id] * nt->_dt - nmodl_eigen_x[4] * inst->ah[id] * nt->_dt - nmodl_eigen_x[4] + old_hc;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[4] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[10] = inst->bh[id] * nt->_dt;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[16] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[22] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[28] =  -inst->ah[id] * nt->_dt - 1.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[34] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_f[5] = nmodl_eigen_x[2] * inst->bn[id] * nt->_dt - nmodl_eigen_x[5] * inst->an[id] * nt->_dt - nmodl_eigen_x[5] + old_nc;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[5] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[11] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[17] = inst->bn[id] * nt->_dt;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[23] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[29] = 0.0;
                        nmodl_eigen_j[35] =  -inst->an[id] * nt->_dt - 1.0;

                    void finalize() {

                functor newton_functor(nt, inst, id, pnodecount, v, indexes, data, thread);
                int newton_iterations = nmodl::newton::newton_solver(nmodl_eigen_xm, newton_functor);
                inst->m[id] = t_nmodl_eigen_x[0];
                inst->h[id] = t_nmodl_eigen_x[1];
                inst->n[id] = t_nmodl_eigen_x[2];
                inst->mc[id] = t_nmodl_eigen_x[3];
                inst->hc[id] = t_nmodl_eigen_x[4];
                inst->nc[id] = t_nmodl_eigen_x[5];


When we execute our test simulation then we get:

Failing in Thread:1                                            
call to cuStreamSynchronize(after launch) returned error 700: Illegal address during kernel execution

If I try to see through cuda-gdb then I see:

$cuda-gdb ./x86_64/special-core

set cuda memcheck on
r -e 0.05 -d coredat/ --gpu

Illegal access to address (@local)0xdff5c0 detected.

Thread 1 "special-core" received signal CUDA_EXCEPTION_1, Lane Illegal Address.
[Switching focus to CUDA kernel 0, grid 42, block (0,0,0), thread (0,0,0), device 0, sm 0, warp 1, lane 0]
0x00000000017c8400 in partialPivLu6(Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6, 0, 6, 6> const&, Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1, 0, 6, 1> const&) ()

(cuda-gdb) bt

#0  0x00000000017c8400 in partialPivLu6(Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6, 0, 6, 6> const&, Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1, 0, 6, 1> const&) ()
#1  0x00000000017c8400 in partialPivLu6(Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6, 0, 6, 6> const&, Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1, 0, 6, 1> const&) ()
#2  0x0000000001715e30 in nmodl::newton::newton_solver<6, coreneuron::nrn_state_hhkin(coreneuron::NrnThread*, coreneuron::Memb_list*, int)::functor>(Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1, (0)|((((6)==(1))&&((1)!=(1)))?((Eigen::StorageOptions)1) : ((((1)==(1))&&((6)!=(1)))?((Eigen::StorageOptions)0) : ((Eigen::StorageOptions)0))), 6, 1>&, coreneuron::nrn_state_hhkin(coreneuron::NrnThread*, coreneuron::Memb_list*, int)::functor, double, int) ()
    at /gpfs/
#3  0x000000000175b1c0 in coreneuron::nrn_state_hhkin_610_gpu<<<(1,1,1),(128,1,1)>>> (nt=0x7fffe3fff620, pnodecount=755552426) at x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/hhkin.cpp:735

Note the (@local)0xdff5c0 mentioned in the error message. Is this related to local variables / memory in the offloaded kernel? It’s true that Eigen::Matrix variables are local in the kernel, you can see the relevant code here.

I have attached the preprocessed file of relevant kernel (nrn_state_hhkin()) that causes this error. If I compile with NVHPC 22.5 vs 22.7 and diff the output of -Minfo=accel messages then I see one additional message in 22.7 :

613, Generating implicit private(loop_nmodl_eigen_x)

double* loop_nmodl_eigen_x is just a local pointer variable declared in the loop. So not sure if the above message is something relevant here?

The attached pre-processed file is typically compiled as:

$HOME/22.5/compilers/bin/nvc++ -g  -O0 -Minfo=accel  --c++17 -acc -Mautoinline -DCORENEURON_CUDA_PROFILING -DCORENEURON_ENABLE_GPU -DCORENEURON_BUILD -DHAVE_MALLOC_H -DEIGEN_DONT_PARALLELIZE -DEIGEN_DONT_VECTORIZE=1 -DLAYOUT=0  -c hhkin.prep.cpp --diag_suppress=111,550 --diag_suppress=161,177 -c &> 22.5.accel.txt

$HOME/22.7/compilers/bin/nvc++ -g  -O0 -Minfo=accel  --c++17 -acc -Mautoinline -DCORENEURON_CUDA_PROFILING -DCORENEURON_ENABLE_GPU -DCORENEURON_BUILD -DHAVE_MALLOC_H -DEIGEN_DONT_PARALLELIZE -DEIGEN_DONT_VECTORIZE=1 -DLAYOUT=0  -c hhkin.prep.cpp --diag_suppress=111,550 --diag_suppress=161,177 -c &> 22.7.accel.txt

Could you take a look and see if you see something obvious for this erroneous behaviour with 22.7 release? This will be a great help!

Hi Pramod,

Sorry but I’m not seeing an attachment for the post-processed file. Do you mind trying again?

613, Generating implicit private(loop_nmodl_eigen_x)

While this compiler feedback message could be something, my initial thought is that it’s begin. It’s stating that it’s hoisted the declaration out of the loop but then implicitly privatizing it. The compiler normally hoists declarations so my assumption is that only the message is new, but the hoist was done in earlier versions.

From the rest of the post, my initial guess would be a stack overflow but typically these types of errors only occur as the thread count increases. Here, you only have a 1x128 launch configuration. so tiny. But maybe if these temp Eigen::Matrix are relatively large and pushed on the stack.

It doesn’t quite explain why it worked in 22.5, but maybe the routines were getting inlined so no call.

Let’s try a few things:

  1. Compile at full optimization, i.e. replace “-g -O0” with “-O2 -Minline=levels:10”, “-Mautoinline” is implied by -O2, but you can keep it if you want. Hopefully this inlines the routines. You can check via the “-Minfo=inline” flags, but warning the volume of messages can be a lot.

  2. Try setting the environment variable “NV_ACC_CUDA_STACKSIZE=32768” or “NV_ACC_CUDA_STACKSIZE=65536”. This will call cudaSetDeviceLimits and increase the device stack.

If neither of those work, try compiling with CUDA Unified Memory (-gpu=managed) to see if a host pointer is getting in there.

Otherwise, I’ll take a look at the post-processed file and see if I can come up with other ideas, but I’ll likely need a way to reproduce the problem in order to investigate further.


Oops! Sorry, it’s my mistake! I have attached it now (hhkin.prep.cpp). The kernel void nrn_state_hhkin() is towards the end of the file.

hhkin.prep.cpp (4.1 MB)

The compiler normally hoists declarations so my assumption is that only the message is new, but the hoist was done in earlier versions.


From the rest of the post, my initial guess would be a stack overflow but typically these types of errors only occur as the thread count increases. Here, you only have a 1x128 launch configuration. so tiny. But maybe if these temp Eigen::Matrix are relatively large and pushed on the stack.

Ok. In this case, the Eigen::Matrix is 6x6. So not large ones.

Compile at full optimization, i.e. replace “-g -O0” with “-O2 -Minline=levels:10”, “-Mautoinline” is implied by -O2, but you can keep it if you want

Actually, our default build is with -O2 -Mautoinline and this is where we saw errors. I switched to -O0 in order to see if there is different behaviour. Adding -Minline=levels:10 also doesn’t change anything.

  1. Try setting the environment variable “NV_ACC_CUDA_STACKSIZE=32768” or “NV_ACC_CUDA_STACKSIZE=65536”. This will call cudaSetDeviceLimits and increase the device stack.

I tried this but the error persists.

If neither of those work, try compiling with CUDA Unified Memory (-gpu=managed) to see if a host pointer is getting in there.

We do have a unified memory version (cudaMallocManaged for all allocations) and I haven’t tried running this version yet. But just want to point out that the partialPivLu just operates on the Eigen::Matrix variables that are locally defined. (And with previous NVHPC versions and cuda-memcheck we haven’t seen any indication of possible host pointer usage).

Ok, let’s not rule out a stack overflow, but move on to other things.

Taking your file, I compared the generate CUDA device code between 22.5 and 227. i.e. compile:

% nvc++ -c -w --no_preincludes -acc -O0 -Mnoautoinline -gpu=keep,nollvm hhkin.prep.cpp --gcc-toolchain=/home/sw/thirdparty/gcc/gcc-11.2.0/Linux_x86_64/

The flag “-gpu=keep” keeps the generated device code in a “n001.gpu” file, with “-gpu=nollvm” saying to use the CUDA code generation rather than LLVM. Note that “-g” will force the use of LLVM. While we don’t support the CUDA code gen back-end any longer, it is useful for debugging.

Note I using “-gcc-toolchain” to match your use of the GNU 11.2 STL. You wont need this flag.

The only difference that I see in the CUDA code is that we’re doing the if conditionals in a slight more efficient way, but I’ve convinced myself they are fine and shouldn’t cause a problem.

When comparing the generated LLVM code (same command as above but remove “nollvm”), there are many more differences but they appear mostly temp symbol name differences likely due to ordering after applying the if condition change. Though there’s one section in nrn_state_hhkin. Granted, I’m not an expert in reading LLVM code so might not be interrupting it correctly.

What I’d like you to try is compile with “-O0 -gpu=nollvm”. Given the code gen is near identical, if it still fails, it’s likely not a code gen issue. If it works, then it’s likely something to do with the LLVM code gen.