Rewriting legacy code with Cooperative Groups

I want to rewite a code with Cooperative Groups, but actualy it is not clear for me how to start it.
For example here, should I just launch the kernel with “cudaLaunchCooperativeKernel” and change __syncthreads() with g.sync()?

        sx[ tx ] = rx_max;
        sabs[ tx ] = rx_abs_max;
        smax_id[ tx ] = max_id;

__syncthreads() is not a grid wide barrier. It is a threadblock-wide barrier. Therefore if that is all you want to do (replace __syncthreads()), it is not necessary to use a cooperative launch.

You would simply create a threadblock group and synchronize it (with .sync()) in place of the __syncthreads()). A kernel with such modification only can still be launched with “ordinary” syntax (e.g. <<<...>>> in the CUDA runtime API). This blog gives an example of such usage.

Thanks. The code is here: Debian paste error

Could you please have a look at it? I was thinking that by using Cooperative Groups I can reduce the shared memory usage. Is it true? because now the code avoiding deadlock by requesting half of the shared memory.

There is no reason I know of to paste the code in an external pastebin link. If you want me to look at code, I suggest putting here in the forum.

Sorry, just I wanted to keep here clean.

I should mention that here the code is for LU decomposition, and each pages contain a partiton of columns.

template<int TX, int NPAGES>
__global__ void
sgetf2_native_kernel( int m, int n,
                      magmaFloat_ptr dA, int ldda,
                      volatile magma_int_t *ipiv, int gbstep,
                      volatile int* update_flag,
                      volatile magma_int_t *info)
    const int tx  = threadIdx.x;
    const int bx = blockIdx.x;
    float rA[NPAGES] = {MAGMA_S_ZERO};
    float rx, rx_max;
    magmaFloat_ptr da = dA;
    int rx_id, max_id, flag = 0, linfo;
    float  rx_abs = 0.0, rx_abs_max = 0.0;
    const int m_ = m-(NPAGES-1)*TX;
    if( bx >= n ) return;

    // read the info (if it is set to non-zero a previous panel, then we don't set it again)
    linfo = (int)(*info);

    __shared__ float sx[ TX ];
    __shared__ float sabs[ TX ];
    __shared__ int smax_id[ TX ];
    __shared__ float sreg;

    // read
    dA += bx * ldda + tx;
    #pragma unroll
    for(int i = 0; i < NPAGES-1; i++){
        rA[i] = dA[ i * TX ];
    if( tx <  m_){
        rA[NPAGES-1] = dA[ (NPAGES-1) * TX ];

    // main loop
    #pragma unroll
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
        // isamax and write pivot for the ith thread block
        if(bx == i){
            rx_max     = rx     = (tx < i) ? MAGMA_S_ZERO : rA[0];
            rx_abs_max = rx_abs = fabs(MAGMA_S_REAL(rx)) + fabs(MAGMA_S_IMAG(rx));
            max_id = rx_id = tx;
            #pragma unroll
            for(int j = 1; j < NPAGES; j++){
                rx = rA[j];
                rx_abs = fabs(MAGMA_S_REAL(rx)) + fabs(MAGMA_S_IMAG(rx));
                if ( rx_abs  > rx_abs_max ){
                    rx_max = rx;
                    rx_abs_max = rx_abs;
                    max_id = j * TX + tx;
            sx[ tx ] = rx_max;
            sabs[ tx ] = rx_abs_max;
            smax_id[ tx ] = max_id;

            // let the first warp do the final reduction step
            if(tx < 32){
                #pragma unroll
                for(int j = 0; j < TX; j+= 32){
                    rx     = sx[ j + tx ];
                    rx_abs = sabs[ j + tx ];
                    rx_id  = smax_id[ j + tx ];
                    if ( rx_abs  > rx_abs_max ){
                        rx_max = rx;
                        rx_abs_max = rx_abs;
                        max_id = rx_id;
                sx[ tx ] = rx_max;
                sabs[ tx ] = rx_abs_max;
                smax_id[ tx ] = max_id;
                #pragma unroll
                for(int j = 0; j < 32; j++){
                    rx     = sx[j];
                    rx_abs = sabs[j];
                    rx_id  = smax_id[j];
                    if ( rx_abs  > rx_abs_max ){
                        rx_abs_max = rx_abs;
                        rx_max = rx;
                        max_id = rx_id;

            if(tx == 0){
                sx[ 0 ] = rx_max;
                sabs[ 0 ] = rx_abs_max;
                smax_id[ 0 ] = (rx_abs_max == MAGMA_D_ZERO) ? i : max_id;
            rx_max = sx[ 0 ];
            rx_abs_max = sabs[ 0 ];
            max_id = smax_id[ 0 ];

            // now every thread in the i^th block has the maximum
            linfo = (rx_abs_max == MAGMA_D_ZERO && linfo == 0) ? (max_id+gbstep+1) : linfo;
            if( tx == 0){
                //printf("[%2d]: bx = %d, max_id, = %d, rx_abs_max = %f, linfo = %d\n", i, bx, max_id, rx_abs_max, linfo);
                magmablas_iatomic_exchange((magma_int_t*)info, (magma_int_t)(linfo) );
                magmablas_iatomic_exchange((magma_int_t*)&ipiv[i], (magma_int_t)(max_id+1) ); // fortran indexing
            //if( rx_abs_max == MAGMA_D_ZERO )return;
        else{ // other thread blocks are waiting
            if(tx == 0){
                max_id = 0;
                while( max_id == 0 ){
                    max_id = ipiv[i];
                smax_id[ 0 ] = max_id;
            max_id = smax_id[ 0 ];
            max_id -= 1; // revert fortran indexing
            linfo = (*info);
            //if( (*info) != 0 ) return;

        // swap
        // swap always happens between page 0 and page x
        // to avoid spilling rA to local memory, we use shared memory
        if( max_id != i){
            // all blocks swap in registers
            // for bx < i, the column is already written in memory,
            // but we have a copy in reg., so continue to swap in reg.,
            // and do one final write to memory
            #pragma unroll
            for(int j = 0; j < NPAGES; j++){
                if( j == (max_id/TX) ){
                    sx[ tx ] = rA[j];
                    if( tx == i ){
                        float tmp    = sx[ max_id%TX ];
                        sx[ max_id%TX ] = rA[0];
                        rA[0] = tmp;
                    if( tx == max_id%TX ){
                        rA[j] = sx[ tx ];

        // the ith block does scal
        if(bx == i){
            float reg = (rx_max == MAGMA_S_ZERO) ? MAGMA_S_ONE : MAGMA_S_DIV(MAGMA_S_ONE, rx_max );
            // scal
            if( tx > i ){
                rA[0] *= reg;
            #pragma unroll
            for(int j = 1; j < NPAGES; j++){
                rA[j] *= reg;
            // write column i to global memory
            #pragma unroll
            for(int j = 0; j < NPAGES-1; j++){
                dA[ j * TX ] = rA[j];
            if( tx <  m_){
                dA[ (NPAGES-1) * TX ] = rA[NPAGES-1];
            __threadfence(); __syncthreads(); // after cuda 9.0, both are needed, not sure why
            if(tx == 0) magmablas_iatomic_exchange( (int *)&update_flag[ i ], 1);

        // thread blocks with ID larger than i perform ger
        if(bx > i){
            if( tx == i ){
                sreg = rA[0];
            // wait for scal
            if( tx == 0){
                flag = 0;
                while( flag == 0 ){
                    flag = update_flag[ i ];

            float reg = sreg;
            if( NPAGES == 1){
                if(tx > i && tx < m_){
                    rA[0] -= da[ i * ldda + tx ] * reg;
                if(tx > i){
                    rA[0] -= da[ i * ldda + tx ] * reg;
            #pragma unroll
            for(int j = 1; j < NPAGES-1; j++){
                rA[j] -= da[ i * ldda + j * TX + tx ] * reg;
            if( NPAGES > 1){
                if( tx < m_ ){
                    rA[ NPAGES-1 ] -= da[ i * ldda + (NPAGES-1)*TX + tx ] * reg;

    // all blocks write their columns again except the last one
    if( bx < n-1 ){
        #pragma unroll
        for(int i = 0; i < NPAGES-1; i++){
            dA[ i * TX ] = rA[i];
        if( tx <  m_){
            dA[ (NPAGES-1) * TX ] = rA[NPAGES-1];

#endif    // MAGMA_HAVE_CUDA

// =============================================================================
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_int_t m, magma_int_t n,
    magmaFloat_ptr dA, magma_int_t ldda,
    magma_int_t *ipiv, magma_int_t gbstep,
    magma_int_t *flags,
    magma_int_t *info, magma_queue_t queue )
    magma_int_t arginfo = 0;
    const magma_int_t ntx   = SGETF2_FUSED_NTH;

    if( m < n || m > SGETF2_FUSED_MAX_M ){
        arginfo = -1;
    else if( n > magma_getdevice_multiprocessor_count() ){
        arginfo = -2;
    else if( ldda < max(1, m) ){
        arginfo = -4;

    if (arginfo != 0) {
        magma_xerbla( __func__, -(arginfo) );
        return arginfo;

    magma_int_t arch = magma_getdevice_arch();

    dim3 grid(n, 1, 1);
    dim3 threads(ntx, 1, 1);
    const magma_int_t npages = magma_ceildiv(m, ntx);
    // the kernel uses communication among thread blocks
    // as a safeguard, force one thread block per multiprocessor
    // by allocating more than half the shared memory
    magma_int_t shmem = magma_getdevice_shmem_block();
    shmem = (shmem / 2);
    int *update_flag = (int*) flags;    // update_flag is an int, not magma_int_t
    size_t max_n_npages = max(n,npages);
    sgetf2_native_init_kernel<<< 1, max_n_npages, 0, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( n, npages, ipiv, update_flag);
    // The case statement should cover up to ( xGETF2_CHAIN_MAX_M / ntx )
        case  1: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx,  1><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case  2: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx,  2><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case  3: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx,  3><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case  4: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx,  4><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case  5: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx,  5><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case  6: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx,  6><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case  7: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx,  7><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case  8: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx,  8><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case  9: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx,  9><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 10: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 10><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 11: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 11><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 12: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 12><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 13: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 13><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 14: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 14><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 15: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 15><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 16: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 16><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 17: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 17><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 18: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 18><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 19: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 19><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 20: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 20><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        #if defined(PRECISION_s) || defined(PRECISION_d)
        case 21: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 21><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 22: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 22><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 23: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 23><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 24: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 24><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 25: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 25><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 26: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 26><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 27: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 27><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 28: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 28><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 29: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 29><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 30: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 30><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 31: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 31><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 32: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 32><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 33: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 33><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 34: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 34><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 35: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 35><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 36: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 36><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 37: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 37><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 38: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 38><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 39: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 39><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 40: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 40><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 41: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 41><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 42: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 42><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 43: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 43><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 44: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 44><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 45: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 45><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 46: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 46><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        #endif // defined(PRECISION_s) || defined(PRECISION_d)
        #if defined(PRECISION_s)
        case 47: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 47><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 48: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 48><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 49: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 49><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 50: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 50><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 51: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 51><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 52: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 52><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 53: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 53><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 54: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 54><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 55: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 55><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 56: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 56><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 57: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 57><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 58: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 58><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 59: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 59><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 60: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 60><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 61: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 61><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 62: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 62><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 63: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 63><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 64: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 64><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 65: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 65><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 66: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 66><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 67: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 67><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 68: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 68><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 69: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 69><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 70: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 70><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 71: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 71><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 72: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 72><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 73: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 73><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 74: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 74><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 75: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 75><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 76: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 76><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 77: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 77><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 78: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 78><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 79: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 79><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        case 80: sgetf2_native_kernel< ntx, 80><<<grid, threads, shmem, queue->cuda_stream() >>>( m, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, gbstep, update_flag, info); break;
        #endif // defined(PRECISION_s)
        default: printf("size not supported \n");
    return 0;

please use proper code formatting tools to make your code appear correctly.

As a simple approach, edit your post, select all the code, then press the </> button at the top of the edit window.

Thanks. I did.

I haven’t fully parsed your code (and probably won’t) but I have a few comments anyway:

  • replacement of __syncthreads() with CG .sync() should be fairly mechanical, and the blog I already linked covers that.
  • in so far as that goes, there is no reason to think that the use of CG (cooperative groups) somehow reduces the need for shared memory usage.
  • your code appears to be wanting to enable grid-wide communication and is using some possibly questionable techniques to do so. This mindset was not unheard of in advanced CUDA programmers prior to the advent of CG, but newer methods provided by CUDA should now be preferred over these techniques.
  • based on comments in the code, the selection of shared memory size is chosen to cause a residency of one threadblock per SM. Simply replacing __syncthreads() with CG .sync() would not alter that line of reasoning at all (however that line of reasoning might not be resting on well documented CUDA methods, its a bit of a gray area, and I refer you to my previous comment).
  • it may be possible to re-architect the code to use CG methods to guarantee residency and communication possibilities associated with a cooperative grid (and the corresponding grid launch) but that line of refactoring would go beyond just the mechanical substitution of __syncthreads() with CG .sync(). I’m not sure I would have any further comments on how to redesign the code for you. If you did that, it might be possible to increase the number of threadblocks launched, but whether any of that would improve overall performance, I cannot say without trying it.

You are right, the selection of shared memory size is chosen to cause a residency of one threadblock per SM. I was thinking that by using Cooperative Groups it is not necessary to occupy half of the shared memory, so here we keep some part of share memory free. Also we can have more than one threadblock per SM (because here to avoid deadlock we are keeping one threadblock per SM). So we will have some SMs free for other kernels. Isn’t this argument correct?

I don’t know what that means. You can say it if you like. And I acknowledge that the code writer appears to believe that. I don’t know why that is required. So you’re asking me to agree to something I don’t fully understand.

Sorry, I won’t agree with your statements. I don’t know if this code is correctly designed or not. But it looks like an avenue I wouldn’t go down, and I won’t be able to advise others about what that avenue looks like.

If you want to avoid deadlock in grid launch that uses global communication and possibly global synchronization, then CG is the way to do that. I don’t know of another way that rests on sound CUDA programming principles.

Sorry, I don’t think I will be able to respond to further questions here.