RIVA TTS server doesn't enunciate some words

Hi, I’m deploying a RIVA server based for TTS on this documentation:
I’m also using this model for TTS in Spanish:

The server works fine, but the only problem is that: when asking it to generate some texts, there’re some words that it doesn’t generates (enunciates)
For example:

  1. It doesn’t enunciate “números” (numbers) but it does enunciate “numero” (number)
  2. It doesn’t enunciate “comiendo” (eating) but it does enunciate “comer” (eat)
    In summary, it has problems with some plurals and conjugations.

I checked the model generated for the list of words (file: 14512b4cbbe64855a62dfa72b30c4527_ipa_es_Latin_America_nv22.11.txt)
(this model was generated by following the documentation above)
And this file doesn’t include the words that is not enunciating, so i guess it might be source of this issue.

I used the same nemo model directly without the riva pipeline and it works fine.

So, I want to know if there’s any argument i need to pass to fix this problem? Or any other way to solve it?

Also, I used this argument --preprocessor.g2p_ignore_ambiguous=false, but it doesn’t seem to be the solution for this.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @acovarrubias , which riva version are you using?
I will check on te additional details for you.
