• Jetson AGX Xavier)
• Deepstream 5.0
• JetPack 4.5.1
• TensorRT
• Question or requirment
I’m attempting to streamline our approach to using the Gst-nvdsanalytics plugin. Currently, we are making extensive use of the feature. To my knowledge, there can only be one group of <roi-filtering-stream-n>
per stream, which means that if I would like to apply one ROI to the first class and a different ROI to a different class on the same stream it has to be done in post-processing.
The implementation I have:
[roi-filtering-stream-0] enable=1 roi-Person=0;0;0;1080;1920;1080 roi-Vehicle=0;0;1920;1080;1920;0 inverse-roi=0 class-id=-1
The implementation I would like:
[roi-filtering-stream-0] enable=1 roi-Person=0;0;0;1080;1920;1080 inverse-roi=0 class-id=0 [roi-filtering-stream-0] enable=1 roi-Vehicle=0;0;1920;1080;1920;0 inverse-roi=0 class-id=1
Would it be possible to implement something like this so that I can apply features per class?