Should I list kernels in CUDA unit header files?

As I develop my code base, I’ve tried to maintain high standards for documentation, and documentation on the purpose of each function (as well as its formal arguments) goes in a header file. For CUDA units (, there is an associated CUDA header file (foo.cuh). But, I’m conflicted as to whether to document the __global__ functions in those CUDA units in the respective header files, the reason being that, without relocatable device code, I’m not sure I can call the __global__ kernels from another CUDA unit. Is this correct?

My inclination is to stop listing the __global__ functions in the header and stick to the C++ accessible functions that will launch them, e.g. extern launch_foo. Can anyone suggest a standard practice and a reason to adopt it?

You can call a kernel from a different compilation unit without specifying relocatable device code during the compile/link.

$ cat
#include <cstdio>
__global__ void k();

int main(){

$ cat
#include <cstdio>

__global__ void k(){

$ nvcc -o test
$ compute-sanitizer ./test
========= ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors

CUDA 11.4

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This is important and looks like a solution. If the __global__ functions can be traded between compilation units I’ll make separate headers for them all, and put the usage documentation there.

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