Shuffle down Instruction returns value "0" on laneId 30?

Hello All,
I have an issue regrading Shuffle instruction in Kepler. I have used __shfl_down(var,1,32) and i am getting wrong value at laneID=30. It should return a correct value but it always returns value=0. I have also implement same functionality with __shfl(var,(laneid+1)) but i got same results.
(1) Here is my kernel with __shfl() instruction.

__global__ void SHUFFLE(unsigned char* input, unsigned char* output)
        int pos = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
        int x   = pos % WIDTH;
        int y   = pos / HEIGHT;
        int input0 = 255;
        int input1 = 1;

        // laneID is Thread's index within a warp
        int laneID = threadIdx.x % 32;

        input0 = input[pos];
        if(laneID == 31)
                input1 = input[pos+1];
                input1 = __shfl(input0,(laneID+1));
                if (input1 == 1)
                        printf("___GOT NO VALUE__ THREAD EXITED...!!!\n");
                        input1 = input[pos+1];

        if( x < WIDTH && y < HEIGHT)
                if ( (laneID <= 31) && (blockIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.x <= 31) )
                        printf("LANEID = %d     AT pos=%d       input0=%d       input1=%d \n",laneID,pos,input0,input1);
                if (pos < 33)
                        printf("pos=%d, Value=%d \n",pos,input[pos]);

(2) Here is my kernel with __shfl_down() instruction.

__global__ void shffle_kernel(unsigned char* input, unsigned char* output)
        int pos = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
        int x   = pos % WIDTH;
        int y   = pos / HEIGHT;
        int input0 = 255;
        int input1 = 1;

        // laneID is Thread's index within a warp
        int laneID = threadIdx.x % 32;

        input0 = input[pos];
        if(laneID == 31)
                input1 = input[pos+1];
                input1 = __shfl_down(input0,1,32);
                if (input1 == 1)
                        printf("___GOT NO VALUE__ THREAD EXITED...!!!\n");
                        input1 = input[pos+1];

        if( x < WIDTH && y < HEIGHT)
                if ( (laneID <= 31) && (blockIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.x <= 31) )
                        printf("LANEID = %d     AT pos=%d       input0=%d       input1=%d \n",laneID,pos,input0,input1);
                if (pos < 33)
                        printf("pos=%d, Value=%d \n",pos,input[pos]);

Here is output of 2nd kernel which is __shfl_down()

LANEID = 0     AT pos=0       input0=156       input1=155 
LANEID = 1     AT pos=1       input0=155       input1=154 
LANEID = 2     AT pos=2       input0=154       input1=153 
LANEID = 3     AT pos=3       input0=153       input1=156 
LANEID = 4     AT pos=4       input0=156       input1=150 
LANEID = 5     AT pos=5       input0=150       input1=156 
LANEID = 6     AT pos=6       input0=156       input1=155 
LANEID = 7     AT pos=7       input0=155       input1=158 
LANEID = 8     AT pos=8       input0=158       input1=154 
LANEID = 9     AT pos=9       input0=154       input1=156 
LANEID = 10     AT pos=10       input0=156       input1=154 
LANEID = 11     AT pos=11       input0=154       input1=148 
LANEID = 12     AT pos=12       input0=148       input1=158 
LANEID = 13     AT pos=13       input0=158       input1=152 
LANEID = 14     AT pos=14       input0=152       input1=148 
LANEID = 15     AT pos=15       input0=148       input1=152 
LANEID = 16     AT pos=16       input0=152       input1=147 
LANEID = 17     AT pos=17       input0=147       input1=156 
LANEID = 18     AT pos=18       input0=156       input1=154 
LANEID = 19     AT pos=19       input0=154       input1=147 
LANEID = 20     AT pos=20       input0=147       input1=151 
LANEID = 21     AT pos=21       input0=151       input1=151 
LANEID = 22     AT pos=22       input0=151       input1=151 
LANEID = 23     AT pos=23       input0=151       input1=149 
LANEID = 24     AT pos=24       input0=149       input1=151 
LANEID = 25     AT pos=25       input0=151       input1=149 
LANEID = 26     AT pos=26       input0=149       input1=147 
LANEID = 27     AT pos=27       input0=147       input1=149 
LANEID = 28     AT pos=28       input0=149       input1=150 
LANEID = 29     AT pos=29       input0=150       input1=149 
LANEID = 30     AT pos=30       input0=149       input1=0 
LANEID = 31     AT pos=31       input0=148       input1=147

If somebody has answer kindly post it. This is my first post so if somethings not clear then inform me. Thanks in advance.

The problem is in your if-statement:

if(laneID == 31)
                input1 = input[pos+1];
                input1 = __shfl_down(input0,1,32);

Note that based on your if-statement, the thread at laneID == 31 is not participating in the warp shuffle instruction.

Referring to the programming guide:

“Threads may only read data from another thread which is actively participating in the __shfl() command. If the target thread is inactive, the retrieved value is undefined.”

Since the thread with laneID == 31 is not participating in the shuffle instruction, and the thread with laneID == 30 wants to read from that thread (31), the result of the shuffle operation in laneID == 30 is undefined.

You might be able to “fix” this by re-factoring your code a bit:

input1 = __shfl_down(input0,1,32);
if(laneID == 31)
                input1 = input[pos+1];

Hello txbob,
Thanks for help. I have changed my code as you suggested and i have got expected results.
