I’m trying to understand SPE on Xavier NX, and had a couple of questions.
- Currently we are working with a carrier that needs a gpio to be up even when the Jetson is powered off. After reading the docs, if i understand correctly SPE should work right?
- Also I modified the gpio example to toogle the gpio line that I need:
- spe-freertos-bsp/rt-aux-cpu-demo-fsp/soc/t19x/include/can-aon-force.h
#ifndef _GPIO_AON_T19X_H
#define _GPIO_AON_T19X_H
#include <soc/t194/aon/processor/tegra-gpio-hw.h>
#define TEGRA_AON_GPIO_ID(bank, gpio) \
gpio_global_id(TEGRA_AON_GPIO_CHIP_ID, TEGRA_GPIO(bank, gpio))
#define GPIO_CAN_TX TEGRA_AON_GPIO_ID(AA, 2) /* GPIO_AA 2, pin 145 */
- spe-freertos-bsp/rt-aux-cpu-demo-fsp/app/can-tx-force.h
void can_force_app_init(void);
- spe-freertos-bsp/rt-aux-cpu-demo-fsp/app/can-tx-force.c
#include <err-hook.h>
#include <printf-isr.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <osa/rtos-task.h>
#include <gpio/tegra-gpio.h>
/* can-aon-force.h has GPIO_APP* defines */
#include "can-aon-force.h"
#include "can-tx-force.h"
#define GPIO_OUT_SET_DELAY 5000
static bool toogle_gpio = false;
static void gpio_app_task(void *pvParameters)
int val;
val = tegra_gpio_direction_out(GPIO_CAN_TX, 0);
if (val) {
error_hook("tegra_gpio_direction_out failed\r\n");
while (1) {
tegra_gpio_set_value(GPIO_CAN_TX, toogle_gpio);
toogle_gpio = !toogle_gpio;
void can_force_app_init(void)
rtosTaskParameters gpio_app_task_params = {
.pvTaskCode = &gpio_app_task,
.pcTaskName = (char *)"gpioapp",
.uxPriority = rtosIDLE_PRIORITY,
.pvParameters = NULL,
.uxStackDepthBytes = 512,
int val = rtosTaskCreate(&gpio_app_task_params, NULL);
if (val != rtosPASS)
error_hook("xTaskCreate for gpio_app_task failed\r\n");
Then copied the spe.bin to bootloader/spe_t194.bin. But I’m not seeing any changes on the line with a multimeter. I disabled mmtcan overlay on dtb and any reference to the gpio on it as well. Lastly I applied the pinmux config suggested on the can example of spe. So im not sure if im missing something.
I tried flashing it like
- sudo ./flash.sh -k spe-fw jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc mmcblk0p1
- sudo ./flash.sh jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc mmcblk0p1
So I’m not sure if I misunderstood the documentation, or what could be happening.
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