Static Members in Constant Memory

I am attempting to create a static class that has some constant members. I have created a class that declares a large constant memory pool, and allocates portions of the pool on request. The problem is that my static constant data members are creating the compile-time error, “error C2065: ‘_ZN8RainLoss9jArrayDevE’ : undeclared identifier”. I am wondering why I am getting this error, and how I can go about fixing it. The relavant portion of my code is copied below. Thanks,


typedef unsigned __int8 __uint8;

__constant__ __uint8 memBlock[0xC000]; // Allocate 75% of the constant memory to the heap

// Class that allocates memory off of the heap

class ConstMemory {


	static size_t bytesAlloced;


	// Allocates memory that is alligned on the specified number of bytes (must be a power of 2)

	template<typename T>

	static T* Alloc(const size_t bytes, const size_t align = 8) {

		ConstMemory::bytesAlloced +=   align - 1;

		ConstMemory::bytesAlloced &= ~(align - 1);

		T* rval = reinterpret_cast<T*>(static_cast<__uint8*>(memBlock) + ConstMemory::bytesAlloced);

		return ((ConstMemory::bytesAlloced += bytes) > CONST_MEM_POOL_SIZE ? 0 : rval);




size_t ConstMemory::bytesAlloced(0);

// Class that performs some computations

class RainLoss {


	static const __uint8 iCnt = 5, jCnt = 4;

	static const float iArrayHost[2][3][RainLoss::iCnt];

	static const float jArrayHost[2][3][RainLoss::jCnt];

	static float	 (*iArrayDev)[2][3][RainLoss::iCnt];

	static float	 (*jArrayDev)[2][3][RainLoss::jCnt];

	static inline __inline__ __device__ void kappa_alpha(

		const float frequency, float &alpha, float &kappa) {

		float log10freq = log10f(frequency);

		float alphaHV[] = { 0.67849f * log10freq - 1.95537f, -0.053739f * log10freq + 0.83433f};

		float kappaHV[] = {-0.18961f * log10freq + 0.71147f, -0.16398f  * log10freq + 0.63297f};

		kappa = 0;

		alpha = 0;

		for (__uint8 k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {

			for (__uint8 i = 0; i < RainLoss::iCnt; ++i) {

				// This line throws the specified error for each instance of RainLoss::iArrayDev

				alphaHV[k] += (*RainLoss::iArrayDev)[k][0][i] * expf(-pow2((log10freq -

							  (*RainLoss::iArrayDev)[k][1][i]) / (*RainLoss::iArrayDev)[k][2][i]));


			for (__uint8 j = 0; j < RainLoss::jCnt; ++j) {

				// This line throws the specified error for each instance of RainLoss::jArrayDev

				kappaHV[k] += (*RainLoss::jArrayDev)[k][0][j] * expf(-pow2((log10freq -

							  (*RainLoss::jArrayDev)[k][1][j]) / (*RainLoss::jArrayDev)[k][2][j]));


			kappaHV[k] = powf(10, kappaHV[k]);

			kappa += kappaHV[k];

			alpha += kappaHV[k] * alphaHV[k];


		alpha /= kappa;

		kappa *= 0.5;




	static inline void InitializeCUDA() {

		// I realize that the number of bytes passed into the Alloc and cudaMemcpy methods may be wrong...

		// I was going to look at it in debug mode to see what size I actually need to pass in

		RainLoss::iArrayDev = ConstMemory::Alloc<float[2][3][RainLoss::iCnt]>(sizeof(RainLoss::iArrayHost));

		RainLoss::jArrayDev = ConstMemory::Alloc<float[2][3][RainLoss::jCnt]>(sizeof(RainLoss::jArrayHost));

		cutilSafeCall(cudaMemcpy(RainLoss::iArrayDev, RainLoss::iArrayHost,

								 sizeof(RainLoss::iArrayHost), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

		cutilSafeCall(cudaMemcpy(RainLoss::jArrayDev, RainLoss::jArrayHost,

								 sizeof(RainLoss::jArrayHost), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));



const float RainLoss::iArrayHost[][3][RainLoss::iCnt] =

	{{{-0.14318f,  0.29591f,  0.32177f,  -5.3761f  , 16.1721f  }  ,

	  { 1.82442f,  0.77564f,  0.63773f,  -0.9623f  , -3.2998f  }  ,

	  {-0.55187f,  0.19822f,  0.13164f,   1.47828f ,  3.4399f  }} ,

	 {{-0.07771f,  0.56727f, -0.20238f, -48.2991f  , 48.5833f  }  ,

	  { 2.3384f ,  0.95545f,  1.1452f ,   0.791669f,  0.791459f}  ,

	  {-0.76284f,  0.54039f,  0.26809f,   0.116226f,  0.116479f}}};

// Similar definition for jArrayHost