Stdpar runtime crash related to stack memory

I have a piece of code that theoretically performs an axpy using c++ stdpar. (I recognize that a sane person would not write it this way; I’m reproducing an issue I saw in an existing code I’m porting.)


struct data {
    int n;
    double *x, *y, *z;

void do_stuff(data* arrays) {
    auto groups = std::ranges::views::iota(0, arrays->n);
    std::for_each(std::execution::par_unseq, groups.begin(), groups.end(), [=](int g) {
        arrays->z[g] = arrays->x[g] + arrays->y[g];

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    using std::execution::par_unseq;
    using std::vector;

    data arrays;
    arrays.n = 100'000'000;
    arrays.x = new double[arrays.n];
    arrays.y = new double[arrays.n];
    arrays.z = new double[arrays.n];

    // Initialize x and y
    for(int i=0; i<arrays.n; i++) {
        arrays.x[i] = i;
        arrays.y[i] = arrays.n-i;

    // Compute sum of x and y
    //std::transform(par_unseq, x.cbegin(), x.cend(), y.cbegin(),
    //               z.begin(), std::plus<>{});


    // Assert that the sum is correct
    for(int i=0; i<arrays.n; i++) {
        assert(arrays.z[i] == arrays.n);

    delete[] arrays.x;
    delete[] arrays.y;
    delete[] arrays.z;

    return 0;

I compile with nvc++ -stdpar -Minfo -std=c++20 main.cpp -o axpy, and this code crashes at runtime with a

CUDA Exception: Warp Illegal Address
The exception was triggered at PC 0x155527836140

Thread 1 "axpy" received signal CUDA_EXCEPTION_14, Warp Illegal Address.
[Switching focus to CUDA kernel 0, grid 1, block (0,0,0), thread (128,0,0), device 0, sm 0, warp 4, lane 0]
0x0000155527836180 in void thrust::cuda_cub::core::_kernel_agent<thrust::cuda_cub::__parallel_for::ParallelForAgent<thrust::cuda_cub::for_each_f<std::ranges::iota_view<int, int>::_Iterator, thrust::detail::wrapped_function<do_stuff(data*)::{lambda(int)#1}, void> >, decltype ((std::ranges::__detail::__to_signed_like<int>)((declval<int>)()))>, thrust::cuda_cub::for_each_f<std::ranges::iota_view<int, int>::_Iterator, thrust::detail::wrapped_function<do_stuff(data*)::{lambda(int)#1}, void> >, decltype ((std::ranges::__detail::__to_signed_like<int>)((declval<int>)()))>(thrust::cuda_cub::for_each_f<std::ranges::iota_view<int, int>::_Iterator, thrust::detail::wrapped_function<do_stuff(data*)::{lambda(int)#1}, void> >, decltype ((std::ranges::__detail::__to_signed_like<int>)((declval<int>)())))<<<(195313,1,1),(256,1,1)>>> () at /home/klinalic/gpu-programming-models/axpy/main.cpp:16 in do_stuff(data*)::{lambda(int)#1}::operator() inlined from function.h:125
16	        arrays->z[g] = arrays->x[g] + arrays->y[g];

Interestingly, if I change data arrays; to data* arrays = new data; (and propagate that change through the rest of the code), the code works fine. Is this because the second is allocating memory on the heap? Is this intended behavior?

We use CUDA Managed (-gpu=managed) memory in order to create a unified address space which can be accessed on either the host or device. However managed is only available with allocated (heap) data. Given “arrays” is static, you’re accessing the host address on the device and hence the runtime error. Allocating “arrays” will use a unified address and why it works.

We do have a new feature which supports full unified memory (-gpu=unified) where both static and dynamic data can be accessed on both. However due to additional required hardware and OS support, this feature is currently only available on Grace-Hopper systems.

Thanks for the explanation!