Hello, there is a bug (but I think this may be fixable) with the remote deployment to my jetson xavier.
I have the following settings active:
OS: ubuntu 18.04
Remote run mode: “Run remote executable”
Whenever I build and run the default application, I get the following output:
Last login: Tue May 26 14:51:53 2020 from
echo $PWD’>’
/bin/sh -c “cd "/tmp/nsight-debug";export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/cuda-10.2/lib64":${LD_LIBRARY_PATH};export NVPROF_TMPDIR="/tmp";"/tmp/nsight-debug/tmpexe"”;exit
nviddev@nviddev-desktop:~$ echo $PWD’>’
nviddev@nviddev-desktop:~$ /bin/sh -c “cd "/tmp/nsight-debug";export LD_LIBRARYY_PATH="/usr/local/cuda-10.2/lib64":${LD_LIBRARY_PATH};export NVPROF_TMPDIR="”/tmp";"/tmp/nsight-debug/tmpexe"";exit
/bin/sh: 1: /tmp/nsight-debug/tmpexe: Exec format error
note in the second set of commands, we have the command: “export LD_LIBRARYY_PATH="/usr/local/cuda-10.2/lib64"” and in the next command, the snippet contains ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}.
Needless to say, I’m getting an exec format error, meaning that It’s compiling for the incorrect architecture. Might this incorrect export be part of this issue?