Hi, all
as the moderator ‘linuxdev’ has ever mentioned, the device name of UART1(J17) is /dev/ttyTHS2,
but we have encountered a strange problem when conducting the loopback test ~
Our test involved two parts:
i. set UART1 to “9600, 8, n, 1, no-hardware-flow-control”:
J17.PIN4(UART1.RXD) & J17.PIN5(UART1.TXD) are connected together,
and start two shell command windows sh-A and sh-B
in sh-A: type [cat /dev/ttyTHS2]
in sh-B: type [echo -e “1234” > /dev/ttyTHS2] for only ONCE
but, a strange problem occured !! we have received lots of:
The line interval between any two adjacent lines of 1234 seems to increase in 2’s exponential,
ii. use the default configuration of UART1, i.e., the default baudrate with hardware flow control,
we connected J17.PIN4(UART1.RXD) & J17.PIN5(UART1.TXD) together
as well as J17.PIN2(UART1.RTS) & J17.PIN6(UART1.CTS) together
and repeat the test method in part i, the same result appeared ~
so, how to fix this problem (a bug ??) ?
BTW, could any one point out the correspondences between the
/dev/ttyTHS* (* = 1, 2, 3) and the hardware ports UART0, UART1, UART2, UART3, and UART7 defined on the interface of
TX2 module
Note: the only difference between our dtb and the default one
is that we have disabled SMMU for PCI-Express, as advised by moderator ‘vidyas’, to
increase the bandwidth of PCIE. The kernel image stays unchanged (R28.1)