streammux's enable-padding property, set to 1 does not take effect

One of the two videos is 2448x2048, one is 2592x2048, the streammux output is set to 2448x2048, and when enable-padding is set to 1, no black borders are automatically filled.

I think what you want is Keeping aspect ratio,
2592 x 2048 → 2448 x (1944 + 104) It should have 104 black border
It may be our bug.

Does this affect the inference accuracy?

Don‘t affect, but affect business logic.

Is there any update on this? I am having the same issue, but for us it does affect inference accuracy.

we will release deepstream 4.0 soon. In new streammux. there is no padding. Regarding aspect ratio - streammux just passes original buffers. gst-nvinfer can be set to be Keeping aspect ratio.

streammux just passes original buffers

the original buffers transfer from src plugin to sink plugin? I found the high resolution will affect the inference speed, or the fps of the stream, not sure it is caused by high resolution set in nvstreammux.

In new streammux. there is no padding. Regarding aspect ratio - streammux just passes original buffers. gst-nvinfer can be set to be Keeping aspect ratio

Sorry. I made a mistake. Our new streammux design is ongoing and not included in 4.0 release.
Streammux copy the decoderSurface and resize them to the same resolution.

Before doing inference, there is conversion and resize. Higher resolution needs more time.

Sorry. 4.0 streammux supports padding"

When enable-padding = 1. The padding type is one side padding or two side padding??

Hi tucachmo,

Please help to open a new topic if it’s still an issue to support. Thanks