Summing array elements using kernel Access frome the whole block grid


I’m trying to summ all elements of array a_h with dimension arr_size using CUDA.

As a sample, all array elements are 1.0, so an answer must be exactly arr_size. But it shows just small inadequate values which depends of number of blocks per grid.

Why it could be so? I’ve tried everything including device variables etc, but it doesn’t work! Can anyone help me?

Every thread in block is executed and also block have a proper size. May be result_d pointer is different for ech block or something about it?..

Thanks very much/ External Image

The code is following:

#include <stdio.h>

//summing kernel

global void test_kernel(float *a_d, float *result_d, int array_size){

int index=blockDim.x*blockIdx.x+threadIdx.x;



int main(void){

int arr_size=1000;

float *a_h,*result_h,*a_d,*result_d;

//allocation of arrays and result variables in both memories


a_h=new float[arr_size];
result_h=new float;


for(int i=0;i<arr_size;i++){

//coping array and zero result variable to device memory



int threads_p_block=256;

int blocks_count=arr_size/threads_p_block+1;





return 1;


The problem is that the threads execute concurrently (at least part of them), so most of them reach the line:


at the same time, so they all read the same value (1.0) before any other thread had changed it, and as a result all the concurrent threads do the same operation:

result_d = 1 + 0

The solution is to use atomic operations, blocking the variable so only one thread can operate with it at a time (fatal to performance) or to use a reduction to the sum method. There are plenty of examples of this method in the net. Anyway, this problem is not one of those GPUs feel more comfortable with.

Thanks for your answer! External Image Yeah…it’s really bad thing for perfomance. Looks like this program will become about to serial in this case…(1 thread per time operations)

If it’s not difficult for you, can you show some VERY SIMPLE example of a “reduction of the sum method”. Haven’t understood how one can do it…(anything is clear about blocking)

P.S. Good, that this is just initialization for the main algorithm, so CUDA is still very actual for me ^_^

Found that into a FAQ…

[i]How do I compute the sum of an array of numbers on the GPU?

This is known as a parallel reduction operation. See the “reduction” sample in the CUDA SDK for more details.[/i]

Sorry for the stupid question… External Image