Tegra vnet kernel panic

We are using NX as endpoints on one industrial PC using the Tegra Vnet module.

However, sometimes a kernel panic occurs during modprobe.

Does tegra vnet support multiple endpoint jetson devices?

When debugging tegra_vnet, I found that the tvnet_host_open function was suddenly executed in pci_alloc_irq_vectors during the probe process. This seems to cause a kernel panic.

The frequency isn’t that high, but can we find out the cause?

dmesg.txt (10.4 KB)
journalctl.txt (17.9 KB)

Not sure why you are asking same question again?

In this previous issue, two tests were conducted.
Currently, there is only one issue and it occurs during testing.

Could you share the method to reproduce this issue? We would try to reproduce this on AGX Xavier devkit.

Test environment :


BOARD : Carrier board(XAVIER NX )

  2. PC ON
  3. command : sudo modprobe tegra_vnet

Is it easily happened or it needs to try few times?

The symptom occurred during stress_test.( POWER ON/OFF)
The frequency of occurrence is approximately 1 in 100.