The desktop of tx2 pops up a window which shows "System program problem detected"


The desktop of tx2 pops up a window which shows “System program problem detected”.
Is there any error cause that? And how to resolve it?

Thank you very much!

Reasons could vary.
Has it happened after installation of a particular package or after some particular system event?
You may try:

sudo rm /var/crash/*

you may also disable the notifier setting up “0” value instead “1” in the file


That bug report tool can be more of a pain than it is worth at times when on custom or embedded hardware, but if you want to know what it is which was detected as a crash you might want to start the “report”. You don’t need to actually complete the report. Some information should be shown on what was seen as crashed, and then you can exit without completing this. If you don’t know what it is that crashed it is hard to answer anything about what to do. I personally do mostly what @Andrey1984 does and ignore that tool until something I use starts giving me trouble.