Time sensitive networking [TSN] on NX

It turned out that ntpd is depreciated in ubuntu 18.04;
the default tool that needs to be disabled is timesyncd

sudo timedatectl set-ntp no

enabling ntp autostart

systemctl enable ntp

enabling ptp autostart [server side] where pps gps &ntp server are presented

sudo su
 cat <<EOT >>  /lib/systemd/system/ptp4l.service
Description=linuxptp server side autostart
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ptp4l -i eth0 -m -H
systemctl ptp4l enable

adding phc2sys autostart

cat <<EOT >>  /lib/systemd/system/phc2sys.service
Description= phc2sys synchronization autostart
ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/phc2sys -m -s CLOCK_REALTIME -c eth0 -w
systemctl enable phc2sys

for auto-boot baudrate set

KERNEL=="ttyTHS0", SYMLINK+="gps0" , RUN+="/bin/stty -F /dev/ttyTHS0 38400"
KERNEL=="pps0", MODE="0660", SYMLINK+="gpspps0",TAG="systemd"

the udev method did not work for setting the baudrate on system boot; another way is to get it done through
sudo su
 echo "stty -F /dev/ttyTHS0 38400" >> /etc/rc.local
the abovi neither worked though .
sudo su
 cat <<EOT >>  /lib/systemd/system/stty.service
Description=stty baudrate autostart
ExecStart=/bin/stty -F -f /dev/ttyTHS0 38400
 systemctl enable stty

by some reason the method above also fails autostaring; it works with manually startig the service

systemctl start stty
cat /etc/rc.local 
( /bin/stty -F /dev/ttyTHS0 38400 )&

exit 0

the above neither seem to work also; therefore I had to install

sudo apt install setserial
sudo setserial /dev/ttyTHS0 baud_base 38400
^^this baudrate also doesn't seem to work 

which of the services above do the routine of synchronizing system_clocks to /dev/rtc? is it something done by ntp? by linuxptp? both? neither of the two? does it require a separate process ?
is the default stock kernel compilled " compiled with the ‘11 minute mode’ option ? Ubuntu Manpage: hwclock - read or set the hardware clock (RTC)