Titan V Deep Learning Benchmarks with TensorFlow

For FP32 training of neural networks, the NVIDIA Titan V is…

42% faster than RTX 2080
41% faster than GTX 1080 Ti
26% faster than Titan XP
4% faster than RTX 2080 Ti
90% as fast as Titan RTX
75% as fast as Tesla V100 (32 GB)
as measured by the # images processed per second during training.

For FP16 training of neural networks, the NVIDIA Titan V is…

111% faster than GTX 1080 Ti
94% faster than Titan XP
70% faster than RTX 2080
23% faster than RTX 2080 Ti
87% as fast as Titan RTX
68% as fast as Tesla V100 (32 GB)
as measured by the # images processed per second during training.