Torch tensorrt installation failed

I am trying to install torch tensorrt in container and have a jetpack version 5.1.0 using the following link : Installation — Torch-TensorRT v2.5.0.dev0+0ef880d documentation and compiling the torch_tensorrt from source.I cloned the torch tensorrt repository and followed all he instructions mentioned in the dockerfile here :jetson-containers/packages/pytorch/torch_tensorrt/Dockerfile at master · dusty-nv/jetson-containers · GitHub
I used the torch_tensorrt 1.4.0 for installation it compiles and I got a wheel file as well but when I do pip3 install --no-cache-dir --verbose /opt/torch_tensorrt*.whl it fetches a new version of torch which is cpu version and I cannot import torch_tensorrt. It gives me error : file missing.Can you guide me what I am doing wrong and recommend other method to install torch_tensorrt on jetson Orin ?

Hi @user163682 , try running pip3 install --index-url --trusted-host /opt/torch_tensorrt*.whl - that should have it pull the CUDA-enabled pytorch wheel instead of the CPU-only one. Or you can reinstall the correct PyTorch wheel again after. Or you can use --no-dependencies with pip and manually install what dependencies you need for torch_tensorrt.

Alternatively, you could try using these torch_tensorrt containers (which include PyTorch and torchvision) -

And just in case you continue having issues, there is also the torch2trt project and container which tends to be easier to install.

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