Unable to determine the device handle for GPU0000:03:00.0: Unknown Error

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Driver Version: 535.104.12
Kernel: 5.15.0-86-generic
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB

Unable to determine the device handle for GPU0000:03:00.0: Unknown Error

I’ve seen several topics here on the forum and tried some changes as some users suggested, but nothing seems to work. I’ve tested it on different versions of Ubuntu, improved the graphics card cooling, and still, the same error persists. The temperature of the graphics card stays below 60 degrees Celsius. I appreciate anyone who can help.

dmesg.log (256.7 KB)
nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (208.9 KB)

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I have the exact same error message. Does yours occur when your GPU is active / being used by a program or running a script ?

Exactly, it occurs when I’m running a script that runs ffmpeg to encode videos, apparently the problem is related to temperature, I set the gpu fan cooler speed to 60% and ran 3 processes using ffmpeg and it passed 24 hours and the error, an observation is that I do not use a graphical interface.

Well if this error is temperature related it seems strange that it occurs since your gpu and mine both keep a steady temperature of 60°C when busy. Could it perhaps be power related ?

I tried something that seems to have worked. By slowing down the program I was running (by limiting the number of cpu workers) and setting my computer to power saving mode I was able to avoid running into this error since the gpu usage dropped from previously 60% to around 20%. But this is more of a workaround and not a viable solution in the long run.