Unable to install / locate Nvidia Nsight Systems CLI


I have CUDA and all the tools including NVIDIA Nsight Systems installed on my system.

However, I am unable to locate or install the NVIDIA Nsight Systems CLI. Can you please direct me to the resources required to do this?


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The executable you want is nsys

On a CUDA 10.1U2 or CUDA 10.2 install, that executable should be in /usr/local/cuda/bin

which means it should already be on your path.


I have been able to use the CLI of Nsight Systems.

I have run into another issue:

I cannot see all the options that are available on this page

I want the metrics in from of a text file or something of that sort that I can include in a report.

Is there a way that can be done?

Additionally, I am launching the CLI by running the sh file from the directory of installation.

I have CUDA-10.1 version installed on my Linux Machine.

In /usr/local/cuda/bin/, I cannot find any nsys executable. I see the executable for nvprof and nvvp but cannot see the same for nsys.

I want to have the command line interface to produce stats and store them in a report. Right now, while using the sh file for nsys to run it, all I can do is generate the .qdstrm file. I cannot even dump anything on the command line because I cannot see the option for --stats or something that can spit out the metrics on the command line so I can save them to a text or csv file.

Here is the list of options available to me:

$ sh nsys profile
nsys: 2: nsys: Bad substitution

usage: nsys profile [] [application] []
-y, --delay=
Collection start delay in seconds. Default is 0.

-d, --duration=
   Collection duration in seconds. If stop-on-exit=false, duration must be greater than 0. Default is 0 seconds.

-x, --stop-on-exit=
   Stop profiling when the launched application exits. Possible values are 'true' or 'false'.
   If stop-on-exit=false, duration must be greater than 0. Default is 'true'.

-e, --env-var=
   Set environment variable(s) for application process to be launched.
   Environment variable(s) should be defined as 'A=B'. Multiple environment variables can be specified as 'A=B,C=D'

-h, --help=
   This help message.

-n, --inherit-environment=
   Inherit environment variables. Possible values are 'true' or 'false'. Default is 'true'.

-o, --output=
   Output QDSTRM filename.
   Any %q{ENV_VAR} pattern in the filename will be substituted with the value of the environment variable.
   Any %h pattern in the filename will be substituted with the hostname of the system.
   Default is report#.qdstrm.

-s, --sample=
   Select the entity to sample. Possible values are 'cpu' or 'none'. Select 'none' to disable sampling. Default is 'cpu'.

-b, --backtrace=
   Select the backtrace method to use while sampling. Possible values are 'lbr', 'fp', or 'none'.
   Select 'none' to disable backtrace collection. Default is 'lbr'.

-w, --show-output=
   If true, send target process\u2019 stdout and stderr streams to both the console and stdout/stderr files which are added to the QDSTRM file.
   If false, only send target process stdout and stderr streams to the stdout/stderr files which are added to the QDSTRM file.
   Possible values are 'true' or 'false'. Default is 'false'.

-t, --trace=
   Select the API(s) to trace. Possible values are 'cublas', 'cuda', 'cudnn', 'nvtx', 'opengl', 'osrt', 'openacc', 'vulkan' or 'none'.
   Multiple APIs can be selected, separated by commas only (no spaces). If 'none' is selected, no APIs are traced.
   Default is 'cuda,opengl,nvtx,osrt'.

   Set the duration, in nanoseconds, that Operating System Runtime (osrt) APIs must execute before they are traced.
   Default is 1000 (1 microsecond). Values much less than 1000 may cause significant overhead and result in extremely
   large result files. Note that 'osrt-threshold' is a Beta feature.

   If true, trace any child process after fork and before they call one of the exec functions.
   Beware, tracing in this interval relies on undefined behavior and might cause your application to crash or deadlock.
   Possible values are 'true' or 'false'. Default is 'false'.
   Note that 'trace-fork-before-exec' is a Beta feature.

   Open a file that contains nsys profile switches and parse the switches. Note that command line switches will override
   switches found in the command-file.

And the version:

$ sh nsys -v
nsys: 2: nsys: Bad substitution
NVIDIA Nsight Systems version 2019.3.3.3-a37c717

Any help in this matter would really help.

Thank you

If you want a text summary of the data in the file you want to use the --stats option, which was not available in that version. Please download a newer version of Nsight Systems from NVIDIA Nsight Systems | NVIDIA Developer.

In general, the version that is available from the web will always be more feature rich than the version in the CTK, and CTK 10.1 is also fairly old.

Let me know if this doesn’t work.