Failed to run Nsight Systems


We are having some trouble profiling our code using the Nsight Systems GUI and were hoping someone can help us resolved them. We came across two problems, the first was not properly running nsys using the CLI and the second was the GUI application not identifying the usage of NVTX.

At first we ran the Nsight System program as administrator and under the Target application, “Command line and arguments” and “working directory” fields inputted the test script name (.\ and its path respectively. This resulted in an error. The full error log is brought bellow.

I understand this a very basic problem however we also tried running it in the same manner using a windows powershell from the script working directory after adding nsys to window’s environment Path variable using:

nsys profile -t nvtx,cuda --stats=true --force-overwrite=true --output=dp .\

This however resulted in the same error message .

Does using the GUI negates the manual addition of CLI arguments ? for example there’s a check box for collecting NVTX traces. Does the GUI replace the usage of other CLI arguments such as the “profile” command ?
Can you please give an example to the proper syntax that is compatible with the GUI ?

When running the following command using the GUI:
"nsys" profile "-t nvtx,cuda" --stats=true --force-overwrite=true --output=dp ./
the profiler produced a warning stating that “no NVTX events collected. Does the process uses NVTX” ?
The script (see attahced) (468 Bytes) which is based on this blog post has NVTX annotations which are suppose to produce NVTX events.

We kindly appreciate the help and assistance on this.

An error occurred. Unknown executable format. Is the “#!” sequence missing?

If this error persists, please restart the app and/or reboot the target.

Version information: NVIDIA Nsight Systems, 2024.4.1.61-244134315967v0 Windows-x64

Full error information:
RuntimeError (120) {
RuntimeError (120) {
OriginalExceptionClass: struct boost::wrapexcept
OriginalFile: C:\dvs\p4\build\sw\devtools\Agora\Rel\QuadD_Main\QuadD\Host\Analysis\Clients\AnalysisHelper\AnalysisStatus.cpp
OriginalLine: 79
OriginalFunction: class Nvidia::QuadD::Analysis::Data::AnalysisStatusInfo __cdecl QuadDAnalysis::AnalysisHelper::AnalysisStatus::MakeFromErrorString(enum Nvidia::QuadD::Analysis::Data::AnalysisStatus,enum Nvidia::QuadD::Analysis::Data::AnalysisErrorType::Type,const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits,class std::allocator > &,const class boost::intrusive_ptr &)
ErrorText: Unknown executable format. Is the “#!” sequence missing?

Profiling options:
DeviceId: “Local”
EventTypes {
Items: CpuCycles
Items: Cuda
Items: NvtxEvents
RateHz: 1000
HowToStart: Immediate
HowToStop: Manual
DeviceType: Windows
DeviceDisplayName: “AmirTDell”
WindowsPerfOptions {
CollectThreadActivity: true
CollectThreadBacktrace: true
retainEtwFiles: true
SymbolSearchVerboseLog: false
AutomaticallyGenerateReportFileNames: false
Processes {
HowToAttach: LaunchAnother
Command: “.\”
WorkingDirectory: “C:\Users\amirt\test_again\Sim”
UserName: “amirt”
CollectNvtxTrace: true
CollectCudaTrace: true
CudaFlushPeriodically: true
CudaFlushPeriod: 10000000000
CudaSkipSomeApiCalls: true
CollectGPUMemoryUsage: false
CudaGraphTraceOptions {
Mode: Graph
TraceDeviceGraphLaunch: false
CudaFlushOnCudaProfilerStop: true
ShowBacktrace: true
IncludeChildren: true
GpuMetricsOptions {
SamplingFrequency: 10000
Gpus {
Id: 0
MetricSetIndex: 6
SymbolResolutionOptions {
ResolveSymbols: false

If you are launching your analysis from the GUI, you get all of your options from the GUI checkboxes. There is no need to put any of them in the command box. In fact, all the GUI expects from that command box is the application you are running and the application’s arguments

So in your case just

Thank you for your reply.

Running the GUI with just “” like you suggested produces the following error again:

An error occurred. Unknown executable format. Is the “#!” sequence missing?

If this error persists, please restart the app and/or reboot the target.

Version information: NVIDIA Nsight Systems, 2024.4.1.61-244134315967v0 Windows-x64

Can you recommend how to resolve this ?

Full error information:
RuntimeError (120) {
RuntimeError (120) {
OriginalExceptionClass: struct boost::wrapexcept
OriginalFile: C:\dvs\p4\build\sw\devtools\Agora\Rel\QuadD_Main\QuadD\Host\Analysis\Clients\AnalysisHelper\AnalysisStatus.cpp
OriginalLine: 79
OriginalFunction: class Nvidia::QuadD::Analysis::Data::AnalysisStatusInfo __cdecl QuadDAnalysis::AnalysisHelper::AnalysisStatus::MakeFromErrorString(enum Nvidia::QuadD::Analysis::Data::AnalysisStatus,enum Nvidia::QuadD::Analysis::Data::AnalysisErrorType::Type,const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits,class std::allocator > &,const class boost::intrusive_ptr &)
ErrorText: Unknown executable format. Is the “#!” sequence missing?

Profiling options:
DeviceId: “Local”
EventTypes {
Items: CpuCycles
Items: Cuda
Items: NvtxEvents
RateHz: 1000
HowToStart: Immediate
HowToStop: Manual
DeviceType: Windows
DeviceDisplayName: “AmirTDell”
WindowsPerfOptions {
CollectThreadActivity: true
CollectThreadBacktrace: true
retainEtwFiles: true
SymbolSearchVerboseLog: false
AutomaticallyGenerateReportFileNames: false
Processes {
HowToAttach: LaunchAnother
Command: “”
WorkingDirectory: “C:\Users\user\test_again\Sim\”
UserName: “amirt”
CollectNvtxTrace: true
CollectCudaTrace: true
CudaFlushPeriodically: true
CudaFlushPeriod: 10000000000
CudaSkipSomeApiCalls: true
CollectGPUMemoryUsage: false
CudaGraphTraceOptions {
Mode: Graph
TraceDeviceGraphLaunch: false
CudaFlushOnCudaProfilerStop: true
ShowBacktrace: true
IncludeChildren: true
GpuMetricsOptions {
SamplingFrequency: 10000
Gpus {
Id: 0
MetricSetIndex: 6
SymbolResolutionOptions {
ResolveSymbols: false

Hm, you might need the “./”

“./” results in the same error message:

An error occurred. Unknown executable format. Is the “#!” sequence missing?

If this error persists, please restart the app and/or reboot the target.

Version information: NVIDIA Nsight Systems, 2024.4.1.61-244134315967v0 Windows-x64

Rebooting the pc and the GUI didn’t help either.

Where should the sequence “#!” even be? I couldn’t find a reference for it in Nsight systems user guide

You are launching from what OS?

Windows 11 Pro,
Version 23H2,
OS build: 22631.3880

And what is your Nsys version?

@dofek This one is for you.

Version information: NVIDIA Nsight Systems, 2024.4.1.61-244134315967v0 Windows-x64

Hello again, any chance for an update or assistance?

Hi @amirt
Apologies for the very late reply.
Nsight Systems on Windows expects to find an executable in the target application field.
To remedy the behavior you observed, please add the python executable to the Nsight Systems target field.
Command line with arguments:
Command line with arguments: python

@dofek Thank you for your reply and assistance.
I think I understand now why the profiler isn’t working.

The target file is located in a project directory in the path C:\Users\user\PycharmProjects\runs which uses a conda environment located in a different pathC:\Users\user\.conda\envs\dev that has the python executable that Nsight systems expects.

How does the profiler needs to configured for this type of case where the python executable isn’t in the script target application path?

Changing the working directory field to the python executable (conda environment) path also requires stating the different full path of the .py file in “Command line with arguments” field. This however still results in the same error.