I’ve recently upgraded to 13.10 to fix an earlier problem, but now I get the following error message:
Accelerator restriction: unsupported call to ‘pgf90_alloc04_i8’
It comes in the following context:
185, Accelerator region ignored
227, Accelerator restriction: function/procedure calls are not supported
239, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: k
240, Accelerator restriction: induction variable live-out from loop: k
249, Accelerator restriction: unsupported call to ‘pgf90_alloc04_i8’
I understand the live-out business, and I’ll fix that up on my own, but I find that last line quite strange. Line 249 is simply
line 227 do j = 1, nx
if ( j /= k) then
temp_row = W(k,1:nx)
line 247 W(k,1:nx) = W(j,1:nx)
W(j,1:nx) = temp_row
reciproc(k) = reciproc(j)
W is declared as:
real(SELECTED_REAL_KIND(P=12, R = 60)) :: W(nx, nx)
where nx is a dummy variable which isn’t very large. I’m compiling with -Mlarge_arrays and -mcmodel=medium. Again, I’ll do some more investigating, but it strikes me that this is the wrong error message.
The “pgf90_alloc04_i8” message typically means that compiler added a temp array and is trying to allocate it. This can happen when using array syntax since the right-hand side expression needs to be fully evaluated before assigned to the left-hand side. Though, very often the compiler can optimize out the need for a temp array and why this isn’t usually a problem.
Why it’s happening here, I can’t tell from what you’ve posted. The “i8” indicates that it’s trying to allocate an array of INTEGER(8), but “W” is a REAL. Also, expressions with array syntax is just one case where a temp array could be created. So we’re missing enough information to give you a good explanation.
Can you please either post or send to PGI Customer Service (trs@pgroup.com) a reproducing example?
program acc_error_test
implicit none
integer :: nx
integer :: j
integer :: k
real(SELECTED_REAL_KIND( P=12,R=60)) :: W(825,825)
nx = 825
k = 1
W = 0.0
!$acc kernels
do j = 1, nx
if ( j /= k) then
W(k,1:nx) = W(j,1:nx)
!$acc end kernels
end program acc_error_test
~/codes/sandbox> pgf90 -acc -Minfo=accel -lcublas -Mcuda -Mlarge_arrays -mcmodel=medium -fast -o acc_error_test acc_error_test.f90
PGF90-W-0155-Accelerator region ignored; see -Minfo messages (acc_error_test.f90: 18)
18, Accelerator region ignored
19, Accelerator restriction: function/procedure calls are not supported
22, Accelerator restriction: unsupported call to ‘pgf90_alloc04_i8’
0 inform, 1 warnings, 0 severes, 0 fatal for acc_error_test
The quick work around is to compile with “-i8” or declare “j” as “integer(kind=8)”.
I’ll need to ask why were generating the integer(8) temp array when j is an integer(4), but it looks to me to be due to address offsets for large array support. Though, let me get the definitive answer.
I’ll put together a problem report to see if our compiler engineers can get the code generation cleaned up so this will accelerate easier. The work-around is to set the value of pivot to a temp variable.
program acc_error_test
implicit none
integer(kind = 8) :: nx
integer(kind = 8) :: j
integer(kind = 8) :: k, pv
integer(kind = 8) :: pivot(825)
real(SELECTED_REAL_KIND( P=12,R=60)) :: W(825,825)
nx = 825
k = 1
W = 0.0
pivot = 1
!$acc kernels
!$acc loop independent
do j = 1, nx
if ( j /= k) then
pv = pivot(j)
W(pv,1:nx) = W(j,1:nx)
! W(pivot(j),1:nx) = W(j,1:nx)
!$acc end kernels
end program acc_error_test