usersData Physx 3.3

First of all, I’m new here (I’m just looking for some help)

I have this code (this worked in 3.2 version)

void CamouflageDataManager::UpdateCamouflageData(const GameObject &o)
	const r3dVector &pos = o.GetPosition();
	PxVec3 orig(pos.x, pos.y + 0.5f, pos.z);

	static const PxVec3 dirs[5] = 
		PxVec3( 0, -1,  0),
		PxVec3( 1,  0,  0),
		PxVec3(-1,  0,  0),
		PxVec3( 0,  0, -1),
		PxVec3( 0,  0,  1)

	PxRaycastHit hit;
	float closest = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
	PhysicsCallbackObject* target = 0;
	uint32_t faceId = 0;
	r3dVector impactPos(0, 0, 0);

	for (int i = 0; i < _countof(dirs); ++i)
		PxSceneQueryFilterData filter(PxFilterData(COLLIDABLE_STATIC_MASK,0,0,0), PxSceneQueryFilterFlags(PxSceneQueryFilterFlag::eDYNAMIC | PxSceneQueryFilterFlag::eSTATIC));
		if(g_pPhysicsWorld->raycastSingle(orig, dirs[i], 5.0f, PxHitFlags(PxHitFlag::ePOSITION), hit, filter))
			r3dVector hitPos(hit.position.x, hit.position.y, hit.position.z);
			float dist = (hitPos - pos).LengthSq();
			if (dist < closest)
				target = static_cast<PhysicsCallbackObject*>(hit.shape->getActor().userData);
				faceId = hit.faceIndex;
				closest = dist;
				impactPos = hitPos;
PxHitFlag::ePOSITION changed to PxHitFlag::ePOSITION

PxRaycastHit.impact renamed to PxRaycastHit.position (same for PxSweepHit.impact)

PxQueryFlag::eNO_BLOCK and PxQueryFlag::eANY_HIT flags were added


	r3dTexture * newCamoTex = 0;
	if (target)
		r3dMaterial *material = 0;
		GameObject *gameObj = target->isGameObject();

		if (gameObj)
			if (gameObj->isObjType(OBJTYPE_Mesh))
				material = static_cast<MeshGameObject*>(target)->MeshLOD[0]->GetFaceMaterial(faceId);
			if (gameObj->isObjType(OBJTYPE_Terrain))
				newCamoTex = Terrain->GetDominantTexture( impactPos ) ;
		else if (target->GetMaterial(faceId))
			material = target->GetMaterial(faceId);
		else if (target->hasMesh())
			material = target->hasMesh()->GetFaceMaterial(faceId);

		if (material)
			newCamoTex = material->Texture;

		r3dMaterial::CamoData cd = GetCamouflageData(o);
		float currT = r3dGetTime();
		//	This is for abrupt texture changes
		float camoPhase = currT - cd.transitionStartTime;
			cd.prevTex = cd.curTex;
			cd.curTex = newCamoTex;

			cd.transitionStartTime = currT;
			dataStorage.AddAndReplace(o.GetHashID(), cd);

but after of updating to 3.3 I’m getting this error left of ‘.userData’ must have class/struct/union

Second :

How can fix this error in physx 3.3
: ‘physx::PxScene::overlapAny’ : cannot convert parameter 3 from ‘physx::PxShape *’ to ‘physx::PxOverlapHit &’

bool force_prone = false;
		PxBoxGeometry bbox(0.2f, 0.9f, 0.2f);
		PxTransform pose(PxVec3(pl->GetPosition().x, pl->GetPosition().y+1.1f, pl->GetPosition().z), PxQuat(0,0,0,1));
		PxSceneQueryFilterData filter(PxFilterData(COLLIDABLE_STATIC_MASK, 0, 0, 0), PxSceneQueryFilterFlag::eSTATIC);
		PxShape* shape;
		force_prone = g_pPhysicsWorld->PhysXScene->overlapAny(bbox, pose, shape, filter);


And the last :

PxCookingParams cookingParams;
	Cooking = PxCreateCooking(PX_PHYSICS_VERSION, PhysXSDK->getFoundation(), cookingParams);
		r3dError("Failed to init PhysX Cooking");

CookingParms don’t work anymore ? Error ‘physx::PxCookingParams’ : no appropriate default constructor available

  1. Try “->” instead of “.” before your userData.
  2. I don’t know why you are trying to pass a shape pointer into that function. The function signature is:
    PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE bool PxScene::overlapAny ( const PxGeometry & geometry,
    const PxTransform & pose,
    PxOverlapHit & hit,
    const PxSceneQueryFilterData & filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
    PxSceneQueryFilterCallback * filterCall = NULL,
    PxClientID queryClient = PX_DEFAULT_CLIENT
  3. You need to pass a PxToleranceScale into the PxCookingParams constructor.
    PxCookingParams::PxCookingParams ( const PxTolerancesScale & sc ) [inline]

Please refer to the 3.3.2 release notes and API documentation for issues related to migrating from earlier versions. The User Guide contains a section:

Migrating From PhysX SDK 3.2 to 3.3This guide highlights all significant parts of the API that have changed in the last dot release. An application with a working integration of the older version of PhysX should be able to easily migrate to the newer version by following these pointers.