Relevant Information:
I need to implement Fortran 90 functions on the GPU. I’ve set up a basic C runtime that defines /launches a very simple kernel and handles memory allocation / movement to and from the device.
I am using Visual Studio 2010 / Intel Fortran Compiler 2013 / CUDA Toolkit v7.5 all on Windows 7 64bit SP1
My VS solution is organized as follows: 1 solution with 2 projects. First project is an Intel Visual Fortran Dynamic-Link Library with the functions I wish to call in CUDA C. Second, an NVIDIA CUDA 7.5 Runtime project.
I have, according to various other resources, configured Visual Studio for use in making Fortran functions callable in a C runtime (i.e. I can use the Fortran functions I make in my C runtime just fine)
The GPU is an NVIDIA K600
When I try to compile my C program I receive the following error
error MSB3721: The command ““C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v7.5\bin\nvcc.exe” -gencode=arch=compute_20,code="sm_20,compute_20" --use-local-env --cl-version 2010 -ccbin “c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin” -I"C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v7.5\include” -I"C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v7.5\include" -G --keep-dir Debug -maxrregcount=0 --machine 32 --compile -cudart static -g -DWIN32 -D_DEBUG -D_CONSOLE -D_MBCS -Xcompiler “/EHsc /W3 /nologo /Od /Zi /RTC1 /MDd " -o Debug\ “C:\LAGO\HF\CUDA\Alpha2\Runtime\”” exited with code 255.
Current Code:
This is the complete C code ( that produces the above error
Note: (This is simply the example ‘’ program given if a new CUDA 7.5 Runtime project is made… only modified to use a Fortran function to do the addition)
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
extern "C" __device__ void FOO ( int *c, int *a, int *b );
cudaError_t addWithCuda(int *c, int *a, int *b, unsigned int size);
__global__ void addKernel(int *c, int *a, int *b)
int i = threadIdx.x;
FOO( &c[i], &a[i], &b[i] );
int main()
const int arraySize = 5;
int a[arraySize] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int b[arraySize] = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
int c[arraySize] = { 0 };
cudaError_t cudaStatus = addWithCuda( c, a, b, arraySize );
if ( cudaStatus != cudaSuccess ) {
fprintf( stderr, "addWithCuda failed!" );
return 1;
// Reset Device
cudaStatus = cudaDeviceReset();
if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "cudaDeviceReset failed!");
return 1;
// Quick check
printf( "%d + %d = %d\n", a[0], b[0], c[0] );
return 0;
cudaError_t addWithCuda(int *c, int *a, int *b, unsigned int size)
int *dev_a = 0;
int *dev_b = 0;
int *dev_c = 0;
cudaError_t cudaStatus;
// Choose GPU
cudaStatus = cudaSetDevice(0);
if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "cudaSetDevice failed!");
goto Error;
// Allocate
cudaStatus = cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_c, size * sizeof(int));
if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "cudaMalloc failed!");
goto Error;
cudaStatus = cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_a, size * sizeof(int));
if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "cudaMalloc failed!");
goto Error;
cudaStatus = cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_b, size * sizeof(int));
if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "cudaMalloc failed!");
goto Error;
// Copy from host to GPU
cudaStatus = cudaMemcpy(dev_a, a, size * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "cudaMemcpy failed!");
goto Error;
cudaStatus = cudaMemcpy(dev_b, b, size * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "cudaMemcpy failed!");
goto Error;
// Launch kernel with one thread for each element.
addKernel<<<1, size>>>(dev_c, dev_a, dev_b);
// Check errors
cudaStatus = cudaGetLastError();
if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "addKernel launch failed: %s\n",
goto Error;
// Wait for the kernel to finish
cudaStatus = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "cudaDeviceSynchronize returned error code %d\n", cudaStatus);
goto Error;
// Copy from GPU to host
cudaStatus = cudaMemcpy(c, dev_c, size * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "cudaMemcpy failed!");
goto Error;
return cudaStatus;
And the Fortran 90 code for the function “FOO( c, a, b)” is:
SUBROUTINE FOO ( c, a, b ) BIND ( C )
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer ( kind = C_INT ), intent ( IN ) :: a, b
integer ( kind = C_INT ) :: c
c = a + b
This code works if I call the function FOO from my CUDA runtime program main, or if I pass the kernel any other C function. The issue is as soon as I attempt to define a kernel using it the program fails to compile.
I would like to know if I have any glaring issues with this program (in either the code itself or in my description of the CUDA/Fortran/VS configuration). Any suggestions as to how to get this code to compile and run?
Note: I cannot use PGI CUDA Fortran, it is not relevant here