How does one load the TLT trained and exported models in Tensorflow or Keras to be able to run inference?
How does one load the TLT trained and exported models in Tensorflow or Keras to be able to run inference?
Hi pushkar,
TLT has been designed to integrate with DeepStream video analytics. Please run inference with Deepstream or GitHub - NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_4.x_apps: deepstream 4.x samples to deploy TLT training models.
To deploy a model trained by TLT to DeepStream, you can:
1.Generate a device specific optimized TensorRT engine, using tlt-converter which may then be ingested by DeepStream
2.Integrate the model directly in the DeepStream environment using the exported model file generated by tlt-export.
Thank you. The model runs perfectly on Deepstream.
I was wondering if it is possible to run these models in our own inference code using either
tf.saved_model.loader.load() or the karas model loader?
Sorry, but currently our workflow is only compatible with DeepStream or GitHub - NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_4.x_apps: deepstream 4.x samples to deploy TLT training models.
Got it. Thanks!
Hello there,
Any updates so far? We absolutely need to work with the trained model outside of your pipeline. Thank you
For inference methods, by default, there are two.
More reference, see https://docs.nvidia.com/metropolis/TLT/archive/tlt-20/tlt-user-guide/text/deploying_to_deepstream.html#
it’s so complicated and time-consuming hardware-dependent approach,
it should be a simple script convertor to change this format ,
Hi @hrsk1980
This topic is very old. Please refer to latest TLT3.0 docker along with the TLT user guide.
End user can run inference against tlt model or trt engine
or run inference against etlt model