VMware ESXi 7.0 Update 3 - NVDAIE

Hello everyone

I’m attempting to install a Nvidia AI Driver on my ESXi host, i could the nvidia grid driver to work, but it didn’t contain the Profiles i required.

As far as the documentation, i’ve followed it point by point, using the following steps.

$ esxcli system maintenanceMode set –-enable true
3. Install the NVIDIA vGPU hypervisor host driver and the NVIDIA GPU Management

a). Run the esxcli command to install

$ esxcli software vib install -d /vmfs/volumes/datastore/host-driver-component.zip

b). Run the esxcli command to install the NVIDIA GPU Management daemon from
its software component file.
$ esxcli software vib install -d /vmfs/volumes/datastore/gpu-management-daemoncomponent.zip

  1. Exit maintenance mode.

  2. Reboot the ESXi host.

But regardless of which driver i attempt to install i can’t get nvidia-smi to work.

/etc/init.d/nvdGpuMgmtDaemon status

daemon_nvdGpuMgmtDaemon is running

But dmesg shows:

2023-10-04T13:48:22.976Z cpu22:2101066)ALERT: NVIDIA: module load failed during VIB install/upgrade.

And the VMKernal.log shows:
2023-10-04T13:48:22.976Z cpu22:2101066)ALERT: NVIDIA: module load failed during VIB install/upgrade.

Anyone got any suggestions?