For all who are reading this post.
I just want to share some points and explain something here.
this tegra186_gpio_irq is a common warning that could be generated when the hotplug interrupt has some abnormal handle. When too many abnormal interrupt comes, it will lead to kernel panic.
Based on (1), actually you cannot take everything that generated “tegra186_gpio_irq” as same issue. My point here is the root cause of “tegra186_gpio_irq” could be various. Fixing one case does not mean you will be fine in another case.
For example, we see some customer’s board indeed has hardware design problem so it will lead to tegra186_gpio_irq when enter suspend mode. The root cause of such issue is the power sequence. And this case won’t happen on devkit.
Another example here is @shinichiro.adachi tried to reproduce this issue by disabling gdm.
Honestly, I don’t think disabling gdm is a useful case here as Orin does not support framebuffer console yet. I don’t think your real usecase will be same steps as what you shared either.
Thus, back to what I want to say here. Please do not wasting your time just trying to create a scenario that can print tegra186_gpio_irq on devkit and use that to persuade me this is NV issue. If your usecase does not make sense, then it does not worth checking. Our internal team will still ignore what you want us to check.
More importantly, it may not be same issue as what you saw on your custom board.
As for how to check this issue
If you can reproduce this issue on devkit with a standard usecase, please help check if this is something that could only be reproduced on specific monitors. If it is, please help probe the signal of HDMI_EN, HPD, DDC DAT and CLK signal as I don’t have the same monitor as your case.
If this issue could not reproduce on devkit, and only happened on your custom board, then please again, help probe HDMI_EN, HPD, DDC DAT and CLK signal as I don’t have your board.
@shinichiro.adachi. Sorry that what you are doing here is not logical. Our internal team will not check what you told here.
If you still don’t understand what I mean, I can explain more.