Techniques for quasi double precision computation using pairs of float
operands are well known and well suited to GPUs. However, the effective precision achieved by this approach is a bit lower than when using true double
computation. More importantly, one remains limited by the narrow dynamic range (exponent range) of float
Ever since NVIDIA introduced consumer GPUs that execute FP64 operations at 1/64 of the rate of FP32 operations, I have been wondering whether it could make sense to simply emulate proper IEEE-754 FP64 arithmetic using integer-based fixed-point computation. Back in the days of 200 MHz FPU-less 32-bit ARM processors, one could emulate an FP64 multiply in less than 60 cycles using manually crafted assembly code. The instruction set of 32-bit ARM processors is particularly well suited to such endeavors, presumably by design, as floating-point coprocessors were expensive add-ons when the architecture was first designed. The integer instructions provided by the GPU are not quite as sophisticated.
For this reason, replicating this feat with compiled CUDA code seemed a bit daunting, so I figured I would start my investigation with FP64 division, which CUDA implements using basic FP64 instructions as a building block. I took some working FP64 division code I wrote for an answer on Stackoverflow some years ago and adapted it to the GPU. On my Turing-based Quadro RTX4000 with a 1/32 ratio of FP64 to FP32 throughput, this results in a speedup of more than 2x in a standalone benchmark. I built on a Windows platform with CUDA 12.3, using this command line:
nvcc -Xcompiler "/W4 /O2 /arch:AVX512 /favor:INTEL64 /fp:precise" -arch=sm_75 -o fp64_div_throughput.exe
Sample output is as follows:
C:\Users\Norbert\My Programs>fp64_div_throughput -d0
CUDA initialization: 0.268 seconds
fp64_div: testing built-in FP64 division
fp64_div: running on device 0 (Quadro RTX 4000, WDDM)
fp64_div: time = 639.177 msec; FP64 div throughput = 15.6451 Gop/sec
fp64_div: test PASSED
C:\Users\Norbert\My Programs>fp64_div_throughput -d0
CUDA initialization: 0.270 seconds
fp64_div: testing emulated FP64 division
fp64_div: running on device 0 (Quadro RTX 4000, WDDM)
fp64_div: time = 255.752 msec; FP64 div throughput = 39.1004 Gop/sec
fp64_div: test PASSED
Please note that this is research-level code; FP64 division is notoriously hard to prove / test for full compliance with IEEE-754 for industrial-strength implementations. One negative aspect of using integer-based emulation is increased register pressure. There is also a considerable expansion in code size. But the result proves the general point that for modern consumer-grade GPUs, using integer-based emulation for all FP64 operations that are not directly supported by the hardware, in particular divisions, square roots, and simple transcendental functions, is an idea worth considering.
I am appending my full code below in case someone wants to try this on an Ampere or Ada based GPU.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#define USE_BUILTIN_DIV (0)
#define FP64_DIV_DEFAULT_LEN (100000000)
#define FP64_DIV_DEFAULT_DEV (0)
#define FP64_DIV_ITER (5)
#define THREADS_PER_BLOCK (128)
#define REPS (100)
// Macro to catch CUDA errors in CUDA runtime calls
#define CUDA_SAFE_CALL(call) \
do { \
cudaError_t err = call; \
if (cudaSuccess != err) { \
fprintf (stderr, "Cuda error in file '%s' in line %i : %s.\n",\
__FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString(err) ); \
} \
} while (0)
// Macro to catch CUDA errors in kernel launches
do { \
/* Check synchronous errors, i.e. pre-launch */ \
cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError(); \
if (cudaSuccess != err) { \
fprintf (stderr, "Cuda error in file '%s' in line %i : %s.\n",\
__FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString(err) ); \
} \
/* Check asynchronous errors, i.e. kernel failed (ULF) */ \
err = cudaDeviceSynchronize(); \
if (cudaSuccess != err) { \
fprintf (stderr, "Cuda error in file '%s' in line %i : %s.\n",\
__FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString( err) ); \
} \
} while (0)
#if defined(_WIN32)
#if !defined(WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN)
#include <windows.h>
double second (void)
static double oofreq;
static int checkedForHighResTimer;
static BOOL hasHighResTimer;
if (!checkedForHighResTimer) {
hasHighResTimer = QueryPerformanceFrequency (&t);
oofreq = 1.0 / (double)t.QuadPart;
checkedForHighResTimer = 1;
if (hasHighResTimer) {
QueryPerformanceCounter (&t);
return (double)t.QuadPart * oofreq;
} else {
return (double)GetTickCount() * 1.0e-3;
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__)
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
double second (void)
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return (double)tv.tv_sec + (double)tv.tv_usec * 1.0e-6;
#error unsupported platform
double uint64_as_double (uint64_t a)
double r;
memcpy (&r, &a, sizeof r);
return r;
uint64_t double_as_uint64 (double a)
uint64_t r;
memcpy (&r, &a, sizeof r);
return r;
#define FP64_MANT_BITS (52)
#define FP64_EXPO_BITS (11)
#define FP64_EXPO_MASK (0x7ff0000000000000ULL)
#define FP64_SIGN_MASK (0x8000000000000000ULL)
#define FP64_MANT_MASK (0x000fffffffffffffULL)
#define FP64_MAX_EXPO (0x7ff)
#define FP64_EXPO_BIAS (1023)
#define FP64_INFTY (0x7ff0000000000000ULL)
#define FP64_QNAN_BIT (0x0008000000000000ULL)
#define FP64_QNAN_INDEFINITE (0xfff8000000000000ULL)
#define FP64_MANT_INT_BIT (0x0010000000000000ULL)
__device__ uint64_t fp64_div_core (uint64_t x, uint64_t y)
uint64_t sign_r, abs_x, abs_y, f, l, p, r, z;
uint32_t expo_x, expo_y, expo_r, s, x_is_zero, y_is_zero, norm_shift;
expo_x = (x & FP64_EXPO_MASK) >> FP64_MANT_BITS;
expo_y = (y & FP64_EXPO_MASK) >> FP64_MANT_BITS;
sign_r = (x ^ y) & FP64_SIGN_MASK;
abs_x = x & ~FP64_SIGN_MASK;
abs_y = y & ~FP64_SIGN_MASK;
x_is_zero = (abs_x == 0);
y_is_zero = (abs_y == 0);
if ((expo_x == FP64_MAX_EXPO) || (expo_y == FP64_MAX_EXPO) ||
x_is_zero || y_is_zero) [[unlikely]] {
int x_is_nan = (abs_x > FP64_INFTY);
int x_is_inf = (abs_x == FP64_INFTY);
int y_is_nan = (abs_y > FP64_INFTY);
int y_is_inf = (abs_y == FP64_INFTY);
if (x_is_nan) {
r = x | FP64_QNAN_BIT;
} else if (y_is_nan) {
r = y | FP64_QNAN_BIT;
} else if ((x_is_zero && y_is_zero) || (x_is_inf && y_is_inf)) {
} else if (x_is_zero || y_is_inf) {
r = sign_r;
} else if (y_is_zero || x_is_inf) {
r = sign_r | FP64_INFTY;
} else [[likely]] {
/* normalize any subnormals */
if (expo_x == 0) [[unlikely]] {
s = __clzll (abs_x) - FP64_EXPO_BITS;
x = x << s;
expo_x = expo_x - (s - 1);
if (expo_y == 0) [[unlikely]] {
s = __clzll (abs_y) - FP64_EXPO_BITS;
y = y << s;
expo_y = expo_y - (s - 1);
expo_r = expo_x - expo_y + FP64_EXPO_BIAS;
/* extract mantissas */
x = x & FP64_MANT_MASK;
y = y & FP64_MANT_MASK;
/* compute initial approximation r ~= 1/y */
double tmp = __longlong_as_double ((0x3fcULL << FP64_MANT_BITS) | y);
asm ("rcp.approx.ftz.f64 %0,%0;" :"+d"(tmp));
r = (((uint64_t)__double_as_longlong(tmp)) << (FP64_EXPO_BITS - 1)) -
(0x400ULL << 32);
/* make implicit integer bit of mantissas explicit */
x = x | FP64_MANT_INT_BIT;
y = y | FP64_MANT_INT_BIT;
/* pre-scale y for more efficient fixed-point computation */
z = y << FP64_EXPO_BITS;
/* first NR iteration: r2 = r1*(2-y*r1) */
p = __umul64hi (z, r << 1);
f = 0u - p;
r = __umul64hi (f, r << 1);
/* second NR iteration: r3 = r2*(2-y*r2) */
p = __umul64hi (z, r << 1);
f = 0u - p;
r = __umul64hi (f, r << 1);
/* single Halley iteration */
f = 0x8000000000000000ULL - __umul64hi (z, r << 1); // f = 1 - r * y
f = __umul64hi (f, f << 1) + f; // f = f * f + f
r = __umul64hi (f, r << 1) + r; // r = r + r * f
/* compute quotient as wide product x*(1/y) = x*r */
l = x * (r << 1);
r = __umul64hi (x, r << 1);
/* normalize mantissa to be in [1,2) */
norm_shift = (r & FP64_MANT_INT_BIT) == 0;
expo_r -= norm_shift;
r = (r << norm_shift) | ((l >> 1) >> (64 - 1 - norm_shift));
if ((expo_r > 0) && (expo_r < FP64_MAX_EXPO)) [[likely]] { /* normal */
int64_t rem_raw, rem_inc;
int inc;
/* align x with product y*quotient */
x = x << (FP64_MANT_BITS + 1 + norm_shift);
/* compute product y*quotient */
y = y << 1;
p = y * r;
/* compute x - y*quotient, for both raw and incremented quotient */
rem_raw = x - p;
rem_inc = rem_raw - y;
/* round to nearest: tie case _cannot_ occur */
inc = llabs (rem_inc) < llabs (rem_raw);
/* build final result from sign, exponent, mantissa */
r = sign_r | ((((uint64_t)expo_r - 1) << FP64_MANT_BITS) + r + inc);
} else if ((int)expo_r >= FP64_MAX_EXPO) [[unlikely]] { /* overflow */
r = sign_r | FP64_INFTY;
} else [[unlikely]] { /* underflow */
int denorm_shift = 1 - expo_r;
if (denorm_shift > (FP64_MANT_BITS + 1)) [[unlikely]] { /* massive underflow */
r = sign_r;
} else [[likely]] {
int64_t rem_raw, rem_inc;
int inc;
/* denormalize quotient */
r = r >> denorm_shift;
/* align x with product y*quotient */
x = x << (FP64_MANT_BITS + 1 + norm_shift - denorm_shift);
/* compute product y*quotient */
y = y << 1;
p = y * r;
/* compute x - y*quotient, for both raw & incremented quotient*/
rem_raw = x - p;
rem_inc = rem_raw - y;
/* round to nearest or even: tie case _can_ occur */
inc = ((llabs (rem_inc) < llabs (rem_raw)) ||
(llabs (rem_inc) == llabs (rem_raw) && (r & 1)));
/* build final result from sign and mantissa */
r = sign_r | (r + inc);
return r;
__device__ double fp64_div (double a, double b)
long long int x, y, r;
x = __double_as_longlong (a);
y = __double_as_longlong (b);
r = fp64_div_core (x, y);
return __longlong_as_double (r);
__global__ void fp64_div_test (double dividend, double divisor,
double *dst, int len)
int stride = gridDim.x * blockDim.x;
int tid = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
for (int i = tid; i < len; i += stride) {
divisor = __longlong_as_double (__double_as_longlong (divisor) + tid);
#pragma unroll 1
for (int j = 0; j < REPS; j++) {
dividend /= divisor;
dividend = fp64_div (dividend, divisor);
dst[i] = dividend;
struct fp64_div_opts {
int len;
int dev;
static int processArgs (int argc, char *argv[], struct fp64_div_opts *opts)
int error = 0;
memset (opts, 0, sizeof(*opts));
while (argc) {
if (*argv[0] == '-') {
switch (*(argv[0]+1)) {
case 'n':
opts->len = atol(argv[0]+2);
case 'd':
opts->dev = atol(argv[0]+2);
fprintf (stderr, "Unknown switch '%c%s'\n", '-', argv[0]+1);
return error;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
double init_start, init_stop, start, stop, mintime, elapsed;
double *quot = 0, *res = 0;
double dividend = 3.14159265358979, divisor = 0.999999999999999;
struct fp64_div_opts opts;
int errors;
errors = processArgs (argc, argv, &opts);
if (errors) {
opts.len = (opts.len) ? opts.len : FP64_DIV_DEFAULT_LEN; = ( ? : FP64_DIV_DEFAULT_DEV;
/* Trigger CUDA context creation */
init_start = second();
CUDA_SAFE_CALL (cudaFree (0));
init_stop = second();
printf ("CUDA initialization: %.3f seconds\n", init_stop - init_start);
printf ("fp64_div: testing %s FP64 division\n",
USE_BUILTIN_DIV ? "built-in" : "emulated");
/* Select GPU to run on */
struct cudaDeviceProp props;
CUDA_SAFE_CALL (cudaSetDevice (;
CUDA_SAFE_CALL (cudaGetDeviceProperties (&props,;
printf ("fp64_div: running on device %d (%s",,;
#if defined (_WIN32)
printf (", %s)\n", props.tccDriver ? "TCC" : "WDDM");
printf (")\n");
/* Allocate memory on host and device */
res = (double *) malloc (sizeof(res[0]) * opts.len);
CUDA_SAFE_CALL (cudaMalloc((void**)", sizeof(quot[0]) * opts.len));
/* Compute execution configuration */
dim3 dimBlock(THREADS_PER_BLOCK);
int threadBlocks = (opts.len + (dimBlock.x - 1)) / dimBlock.x;
dim3 dimGrid(threadBlocks);
mintime = fabs(log(0.0));
for (int k = 0; k < FP64_DIV_ITER; k++) {
start = second();
fp64_div_test<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(dividend, divisor, quot, opts.len);
stop = second();
elapsed = stop - start;
if (elapsed < mintime) mintime = elapsed;
printf ("fp64_div: time = %.3f msec; FP64 div throughput = %.4f Gop/sec\n",
1.0e3 * mintime, (opts.len / mintime) * REPS * 1e-9);
/* check correctness */
printf ("fp64_div: checking results ...");
CUDA_SAFE_CALL (cudaMemcpy (res, quot, opts.len*sizeof(res[0]), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
for (int k = 0; k < opts.len; k++) {
double quotient = dividend;
double dvsr = uint64_as_double (double_as_uint64 (divisor) + k);
for (int j = 0; j < REPS; j++) {
quotient /= dvsr;
if (quotient != res[k]) {
printf ("!!!@k=%d: res=%23.13a ref=%23.13a\n", k, res[k], quotient);
printf ("\rfp64_div: test PASSED \n");
CUDA_SAFE_CALL (cudaFree(quot));
free (res);