Where is TensorRT?

Where is TensorRT on the flashed Jetson TX2?

I was trying to get Tensorflow on the Jetson TX2.

I flashed the Jetson TX2 with Jetpack 3.0 L4T following this tutorial (http://www.jetsonhacks.com/2017/03/21/jetpack-3-0-nvidia-jetson-tx2-development-kit/) and even got a message in the terminal saying that system was successfully flashed.

I thought in order to get Tensorflow on the Jetson, I would have to install it, so I have been switching between these two tutorials (when i run into an error in one of them, I switch to the other one, but I’ve been unsuccessful in both of them…)

Then I found out that TensorRT should have come with the Jetpack 3.0 L4T when I flashed the Jetson TX2, but I cannot find it anywhere. Where am I supposed to find TensorRT?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Script_Kitty, unless you explicitly told JetPack not to install TensorRT, the package is flashed to Jetson by default. However the library is called libnvinfer and the header is NvInfer.h. Here’s a link to a code example using it.