Why is MallocManagedMemory slower


My program (modified matrixMul from cuda samples) is as follows:

  1. Allocate some memory
  2. Initialize memory and transfer data to GPU
  3. Run CUDA kernel is a loop (10K times) to do performance measurements and see tail latency of CUDA kernel execution time
  4. Transfer output to CPU from GPU and validate

I have two configuration of the test: 1) Use cudaMalloc() 2) Use cudaMallocManaged()
With cudaMalloc(), I use cudaMemcpy() to transfer data and with cudaMallocManaged() I use cudaMemPrefetchAsync() and cudaDeviceSynchronze() to transfer data.

I see that cudaMalloc() case is faster (about 10%) than cudaMallocManaged(). Can someone explain why?
Also, in case of cudaMallocManaged() I see an extra process running in background: UVM Tools Event Queue. Does this has something to do with the results I see?

(P.S. I am using GTX 1070 on linux)
Note: Since I am using cudaMemPrefetchAsync() and cudaDeviceSynchronize(), I don’t expect page faults in case of using cudaMallocManaged(), so page faults shouldn’t be the reason.

A profiler (e.g. nvvp) may be able to explain why.

Can you shed some light on what is UVM Tools Event Queue?

So as an experiment, in the code that was only using cudaMalloc() and not cudaMallocManaged(), I just added two lines:
void *test;
cudaMallocManaged((void **)&test, N * sizeof(uint));

I am not using “test” anywhere in the code. But just by adding this line, my code starts getting 10% slower.

So I think as soon as a program makes a call to cudaMallocManaged(), some characteristic changes (probably in the CUDA library). This might be because cudaMallocManaged() used UVM feature (not used by cudaMalloc()). Any ideas what is changing?

You can try this on your end: Use cuda_samples/6_Advance/sortingNetworks and add the above two lines (at start of main and run the function bitonicSort 10K time, printing time taken by each kernel). It is getting slower atleast on my GTX 1070.

I observe ~10% variation run-to-run in the reported time of that sortingNetworks example code without any UM addition:

$ ./sortingNetworks
./sortingNetworks Starting...

Starting up CUDA context...
GPU Device 0: "Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB" with compute capability 7.0

Allocating and initializing host arrays...

Allocating and initializing CUDA arrays...

Running GPU bitonic sort (10000 identical iterations)...

Testing array length 64 (16384 arrays per batch)...
Average time: 0.067686 ms


Testing array length 1048576 (1 arrays per batch)...
Average time: 1.658396 ms

sortingNetworks-bitonic, Throughput = 632.2834 MElements/s, Time = 0.00166 s, Size = 1048576 elements, NumDevsUsed = 1, Workgroup = 512

Validating the results...
...reading back GPU results
...inspecting keys array: OK
...inspecting keys and values array: OK
...stability property: NOT stable

Shutting down...
$ ./sortingNetworks
./sortingNetworks Starting...

Starting up CUDA context...
GPU Device 0: "Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB" with compute capability 7.0

Allocating and initializing host arrays...

Allocating and initializing CUDA arrays...

Running GPU bitonic sort (10000 identical iterations)...

Testing array length 64 (16384 arrays per batch)...
Average time: 0.066287 ms


Testing array length 1048576 (1 arrays per batch)...
Average time: 1.802872 ms

sortingNetworks-bitonic, Throughput = 581.6143 MElements/s, Time = 0.00180 s, Size = 1048576 elements, NumDevsUsed = 1, Workgroup = 512

Validating the results...
...reading back GPU results
...inspecting keys array: OK
...inspecting keys and values array: OK
...stability property: NOT stable

Shutting down...

At the low end of the above range we see 1.65ms average kernel runtime for the 1048576 test case, and 1.80ms average run time for the same test in the second run. 10000 iterations.

I’m not sure what a 10% difference tells you in that test.

Then, when I recompiled and ran with the UM mod you suggested at the beginning of main.cpp, I got a result that was at the low end of the above range:

$ nvcc -I/usr/local/cuda/samples/common/inc -arch=sm_70 -o sortingNetworks *.cu *.cpp -DUSE_TEST
$ ./sortingNetworks
./sortingNetworks Starting...

Starting up CUDA context...
GPU Device 0: "Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB" with compute capability 7.0

Allocating and initializing host arrays...

Allocating and initializing CUDA arrays...

Running GPU bitonic sort (10000 identical iterations)...

Testing array length 64 (16384 arrays per batch)...
Average time: 0.067579 ms


Testing array length 1048576 (1 arrays per batch)...
Average time: 1.656511 ms

sortingNetworks-bitonic, Throughput = 633.0026 MElements/s, Time = 0.00166 s, Size = 1048576 elements, NumDevsUsed = 1, Workgroup = 512

Validating the results...
...reading back GPU results
...inspecting keys array: OK
...inspecting keys and values array: OK
...stability property: NOT stable

Shutting down...

So I can’t see any difference based on the test you suggested.

Here’s my modified main.cpp, the only mods were for numIterations and the use of USE_TEST

$ cat main.cpp
 * Copyright 1993-2015 NVIDIA Corporation.  All rights reserved.
 * Please refer to the NVIDIA end user license agreement (EULA) associated
 * with this source code for terms and conditions that govern your use of
 * this software. Any use, reproduction, disclosure, or distribution of
 * this software and related documentation outside the terms of the EULA
 * is strictly prohibited.

 * This sample implements bitonic sort and odd-even merge sort, algorithms
 * belonging to the class of sorting networks.
 * While generally subefficient on large sequences
 * compared to algorithms with better asymptotic algorithmic complexity
 * (i.e. merge sort or radix sort), may be the algorithms of choice for sorting
 * batches of short- or mid-sized arrays.
 * Refer to the excellent tutorial by H. W. Lang:
 * http://www.iti.fh-flensburg.de/lang/algorithmen/sortieren/networks/indexen.htm
 * Victor Podlozhnyuk, 07/09/2009

// CUDA Runtime
#include <cuda_runtime.h>

// Utilities and system includes
#include <helper_cuda.h>
#include <helper_timer.h>

#include "sortingNetworks_common.h"

// Test driver
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    cudaError_t error;
    printf("%s Starting...\n\n", argv[0]);

    printf("Starting up CUDA context...\n");
    int dev = findCudaDevice(argc, (const char **)argv);

    uint *h_InputKey, *h_InputVal, *h_OutputKeyGPU, *h_OutputValGPU;
    uint *d_InputKey, *d_InputVal,    *d_OutputKey,    *d_OutputVal;
    StopWatchInterface *hTimer = NULL;

    const uint             N = 1048576;
    const uint           DIR = 0;
    const uint     numValues = 65536;
    const uint numIterations = 10000;

    printf("Allocating and initializing host arrays...\n\n");
    h_InputKey     = (uint *)malloc(N * sizeof(uint));
    h_InputVal     = (uint *)malloc(N * sizeof(uint));
    h_OutputKeyGPU = (uint *)malloc(N * sizeof(uint));
    h_OutputValGPU = (uint *)malloc(N * sizeof(uint));
#ifdef USE_TEST
    uint *test;
    error = cudaMallocManaged(&test, N*sizeof(uint));
    for (uint i = 0; i < N; i++)
        h_InputKey[i] = rand() % numValues;
        h_InputVal[i] = i;

    printf("Allocating and initializing CUDA arrays...\n\n");
    error = cudaMalloc((void **)&d_InputKey,  N * sizeof(uint));
    error = cudaMalloc((void **)&d_InputVal,  N * sizeof(uint));
    error = cudaMalloc((void **)&d_OutputKey, N * sizeof(uint));
    error = cudaMalloc((void **)&d_OutputVal, N * sizeof(uint));
    error = cudaMemcpy(d_InputKey, h_InputKey, N * sizeof(uint), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    error = cudaMemcpy(d_InputVal, h_InputVal, N * sizeof(uint), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

    int flag = 1;
    printf("Running GPU bitonic sort (%u identical iterations)...\n\n", numIterations);

    for (uint arrayLength = 64; arrayLength <= N; arrayLength *= 2)
        printf("Testing array length %u (%u arrays per batch)...\n", arrayLength, N / arrayLength);
        error = cudaDeviceSynchronize();

        uint threadCount = 0;

        for (uint i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
            threadCount = bitonicSort(
                              N / arrayLength,

        error = cudaDeviceSynchronize();

        printf("Average time: %f ms\n\n", sdkGetTimerValue(&hTimer) / numIterations);

        if (arrayLength == N)
            double dTimeSecs = 1.0e-3 * sdkGetTimerValue(&hTimer) / numIterations;
            printf("sortingNetworks-bitonic, Throughput = %.4f MElements/s, Time = %.5f s, Size = %u elements, NumDevsUsed = %u, Workgroup = %u\n",
                   (1.0e-6 * (double)arrayLength/dTimeSecs), dTimeSecs, arrayLength, 1, threadCount);

        printf("\nValidating the results...\n");
        printf("...reading back GPU results\n");
        error = cudaMemcpy(h_OutputKeyGPU, d_OutputKey, N * sizeof(uint), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
        error = cudaMemcpy(h_OutputValGPU, d_OutputVal, N * sizeof(uint), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

        int keysFlag = validateSortedKeys(h_OutputKeyGPU, h_InputKey, N / arrayLength, arrayLength, numValues, DIR);
        int valuesFlag = validateValues(h_OutputKeyGPU, h_OutputValGPU, h_InputKey, N / arrayLength, arrayLength);
        flag = flag && keysFlag && valuesFlag;


    printf("Shutting down...\n");

    exit(flag ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);